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Re: [Gnash] Gnash output to an OpenGL texture

From: mendez
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Gnash output to an OpenGL texture
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:12:37 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.3.5-cvs)

Hey, thanks for the replys. I had indeed already found that it was gnashSleep() that should be used (and also the include file). I also found one more error which is that in the the libcore is built after libsound. But the latter is dependent on the former.

At the moment the latest compile error is:

URLAccessManager.cpp:220: error: `gethostname' was not declared in this scope

I am checking whether I can get around it.

This list is pretty efficient :)


Quoting Rob Savoye <address@hidden>:

address@hidden wrote:

Well, indeed as Andrea pointed it out, my problem was that I didnt have
the cross-compiler for g++. Now, I seem to have passed that particular
barrier but, oh alas, another one has risen. During compile I get the
following error. It seems to have something to do with rtmp, which as
far as my understanding goes, belongs to network communication. Since
this is something I dont need, I have unsuccessfully tried to disable it
(debugger, cygnal, menus, npapi, lirc, media, and all plugins have been
disabled). But I still get the same message. Any clues?

  rtmp.cpp is using sleep(), which it shouldn't. It should be using
GnashSleep() instead, which is more portable. By default, cygnal and the
extension are all disabled. I'll fire up a cross build now and see how
it goes. I don't build for win32 all that often...

The configure seems to be fine. Although I did notice something funny.
It checks whether this is a cross compilation and if so it sets the
pthread_flags to "none". However, immediately afterwards it checks
the host_os and if it is indeed mingw then it sets it to "-mthreads".
The actual error message is at the end of this email (during make).

  You should be able to ignore the warning about -mthreads. I removed it
once from pthreads.m4, but somebody added it back in... The error was a
link time one looking for sleep().

        - rob -

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