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Re: [Gnash] Testcases for Gnash

From: Nicolas Cannasse
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Testcases for Gnash
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2006 11:49:21 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

strk wrote:
Hi all,
during the last two weeks we've been workin on a testsuite
for Gnash.

We made some testcases using Ming and it's actionscript compiler.
That works fine, but unfortunately Ming doesn't compile new
ActionScript syntax (the ObjectOriented one), nor does it
produce SWF7 tags (except a few).

So, is there any MTASC hacker willing to contribute some simple
test cases for SWF7 tags ? The tests should basically make some
checks and print PASSED or FAILED.

AS2 opcodes are almost the same than AS1 one (actually AS2 compiler is generating to AS1 opcodes). There is only a few differences related to object inheritance and interface implementation. That means that most of the tests can be written in pure AS1 without any problem.


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