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Re: [Gnash-dev] Extensions load but don't export as symbols

From: Dave Watson
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] Extensions load but don't export as symbols
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:36:32 -0700

On 9/19/07, strk <address@hidden> wrote:
> get_variable_raw("mysql") failed, returning UNDEFINED

Try changing line 423 of extensions/mysql/mysql_db.cpp to use init_member
instead of set_member.

init_member will take care of converting the label to lowercase if needed
(needed in your case, it seems).

To confirm that's the problem you may also try targetting your movie
to SWF7 or higher, in which case "MySQL" should be found.


OK, I just changed line 423 to use a lowercase mysql instead of MySQL, and I get a bit further, but now it seems no methods are recognized:


get var: db=[object(gnash::mysql_as_object):0x81a6900]
 After execution, PC is 74.
Stack: "[string:gnash]" | "[string:gnash]" | "[string:gnash]" | "[string:localhost]" | "[number:4]" | "[object(gnash::mysql_as_object):0x81a6900]"

PC:75 - EX: ActionPushData


        0) type=dict8 (4), value=[string:connect]
 After execution, PC is 75.
Stack: "[string:gnash]" | "[string:gnash]" | "[string:gnash]" | "[string:localhost]" | "[number:4]" | "[object(gnash::mysql_as_object):0x81a6900]" | "[string:connect]"

PC:80 - EX: ActionCallMethod

 method name: [string:connect]
 method object/func: [object(gnash::mysql_as_object):0x81a6900]
 method nargs: 4
18278] 10:33:43: ACTIONSCRIPT ERROR: Attempt to call a value which is neither a C nor an ActionScript function
 After execution, PC is 80.
Stack: "[undefined]"

PC:81 - EX: ActionPop

 After execution, PC is 81.

PC:82 - EX: <End>


Any more ideas?   connect is already lowercase, so this isn't a case sensitivity issue anymore ...

Additionally, somewhere in the docs I saw that this method of extensions might only work before flash 9 ... does this mean if gnash ever supports flash 9, the extensions would have to be extensively reworked?


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