Hello John,
sure, mc doesn't create a main function - it only translates modules
into C/C++ modules.
The main (scaffold) needs to be created and it will need to call each
modulename_init and
modulename_finish function in order. This is accomplished by using
another small program
mklink which takes input a list of modules and creates a main with an
ordered sequence of
calls to the modulename_init / finish. Here are the rules from
gcc/m2/Make-lang.in which
creates the main for mc itself.
m2/boot-bin/mklink$(exeext): $(srcdir)/m2/tools-src/mklink.c
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -I$(srcdir)/m2 -Im2/gm2-libs-boot
-Im2/gm2-compiler-boot -I$(srcdir)/m2/mc-boot-ch $(INCLUDES) $< -o $@
m2/mc-boot/main.o: $(M2LINK) $(srcdir)/m2/init/mcinit
unset CC ; $(M2LINK) -s --langc++ --exit --name mainmcinit.c
mv mainmcinit.c m2/mc-boot/main.c
$(CXX) -g -c -I. -I$(srcdir)/../include -I$(srcdir)
$(INCLUDES) m2/mc-boot/main.c -o $@
hope this helps,
On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 4:53 PM john o goyo <jog37@riddermarkfarm.ca> wrote:
I now have a makefile that builds mc directly from the git repository as
pulled down. Several header and source files are local as they were
generated during the build. Now, I need to know how the main() function
is created -- nothing in the help message seems to indicate how.
Gaius, please assist.