On 2022-02-19 09:58, john o goyo wrote:
Nearly home, folks.
Build has completed and check-m2 reports the following.
=== gm2 Summary ===
# of expected passes 7617
# of unexpected failures 2053
# of unresolved testcases 2035
(I have not looked at the failures, yet.)
Here were the bumps with building gm2:
(1) "realname" is GNUish (part of binutils) -- I installed "grealname"
and modified the script accordingly;
(2) "python3" was invoked -- I have "python3.8" so a symlink was needed;
(3) the directory containing gmp.h was not propogated to m2 (no
problem in gcc) -- explicit inclusions were added to m2/Make-lang.in;
(Brian Callahan commented that this problem was previously reported
and fixed.) and
(4) failure in comparing stages -- built stage 4 only (this also
solved the previous problem with linking against previously built
Here are some machine details:
uname: NetBSD <machine-name> 9.1 NetBSD 9.1 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Oct 18
19:24:30 UTC 2020
My next step is to pull the latest and try building again (keeping a
copy of Make-lang.in, just in case).