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[Gm2] Fwd: video of emacs and gm2-mode

From: Benjamin Kowarsch
Subject: [Gm2] Fwd: video of emacs and gm2-mode
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2018 03:33:14 +0900

On 15 June 2018 at 00:35, john o goyo wrote:
if anyone is uses emacs to edit Modula-2, this might be of interest.
Here is a short screencast video (6.5M) giving a small overview of
some of the functionality in gm2-mode.

Gaius, how does this differ from the Schmidt-Perrine modula2.el mode (in recent emacs)?

It supports different dialects through dialect tags which are embedded in comments

(*!m2pim*) for pim, (*!m2iso*) for ISO, (*!m2r10*) for R10.

It has an Algol-60 rendering mode in which reserved words are shown lowercase bold (and optionally underlined) and predefined identifiers in bold italic.

As for the dialect tags, we had agreed on them a while back and I have since added support in Pygments and VIM, while Gaius has now done so for Emacs. The Pygments framework is used by Bitbucket and a number of CMS. Github used it at one time but unfortunately they have moved away after they changed to Ruby, and since we had moved our repo from Bitbucket to Github I am still working on adding support for the dialect tags to Github. Given the recent acquisition of Github it may also be worthwhile looking into adding support to Gitlab, but one thing at a time ;-)


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