On Sun, 18 May 2014 15:42:23 +0200
Matic Kukovec <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi guys.
I'm trying to build the "gcc-4.7.3+gm2-20140421.tar.gz
snapshot in Cygwin.
I ran make and it was compiling for at least 5 hours and still wasn't
finished so i canceled it!
There were no errors, it was still using one core on my CPU to the maximum.
My machine is an Intel CoreDuo 3.17GHz, 4GB RAM running Windows Vista
64-bit. Cygwin is 32-bit.
I followed the instructions on the official website for Cygwin.
Anything I am missing?
Hello Matic,
I am building gm2 on a Intel Core i3 with 2,4 GHz, 4 MB RAM under Windows7
64bit / Cygwin32 every time a new tarball is available. Cygwin takes very long
compared to building it under Debian testing, but no longer than 2 hours.
I have binaries available if you want to play with the latest version: