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[Gm2] [4.1.2]: latest cvs changes

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: [Gm2] [4.1.2]: latest cvs changes
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 12:08:03 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.4 (gnu/linux)


I've made some changes to the 4.1.2 branch of gm2.

  (*)   it now uses the same directory structure as the trunc.
  (*)   updated the documentation to show how to build this branch
        on Wheezy and Squeeze.
  (*)   fixed the bug reported by Johannes von Rotz regarding SYSTEM.def
        in pim-coroutines not having sized types.
  (*)   all regression tests from trunc were back ported to this branch
        and come with the tarball or checkout.

In addition the gm2 download page

contains links to git tarballs for current gm2 grafted into 4.7.3 and

The regression tests on the 4.1.2 branch stand at:

# of expected passes            9344
# of unexpected failures        24
# of unresolved testcases       6
runtest completed at Thu Dec  5 11:52:47 2013

12 of the failures are know about (integer arithmetic overflow is not
yet implemented).  I suspect the other 12 are 2x6 new tests from which
were written since the 4.7.3 started.

Hope this is useful.  I plan to release a new wheezy package soon based
on this branch.


The raw ChangeLog:

   * gcc-versionno/gcc/gm2/  build a
     pim-coroutine version of SYSTEM.def and install it.
   * gcc-versionno/gcc/gm2/gm2-libs-coroutines/SYSTEM.def:
     add (* @SYSTEM_DATATYPES@ *) to the export list and
     @SYSTEM_TYPES@ to the commented out type list.
   * gcc-versionno/gcc/gm2/gm2.texi:  updated building
     section on how to build a 4.1.2 based gm2 under
     multiarch (Wheezy).
   * gcc-versionno/gcc/gm2/gm2-libs-coroutines/SYSTEM.def:
     removed duplicate exports of BYTE, ADDRESS and WORD.
   * gcc-versionno/gcc/gm2/gm2-libs-coroutines/SYSTEM.def:
     fixed previous change.

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