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[Gm2] FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE i386, succesful build (gm2.paranoid)

From: Michel Derosa
Subject: [Gm2] FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE i386, succesful build (gm2.paranoid)
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:44:19 -0400 (EDT)

Hello everyone!

I thought i'd report this successful build of the current (0.45? actually the
last ChangeLog entry in the cvs says it's 0.44.. hmm) on an intel Pentium III,
running FreeBSD-5.3-RELEASE-p2.

Some massaging was required however.

  1) during the build process, on invoking the tools-src/createUlmSys
     script, make (well gmake on a bsd system), failed with a syntax
     error on line 5.. since FreeBSD's /bin/sh, is neither csh nor
     bash, i suspect it didn't like the   \  at the end of
     the first line defining PROTOTYPE_LIST.. (Silly me i didn't
     try simply removing the offending \, and instead changed the
     hash-bang to be  #!/bin/csh, which did the trick)

  2) gm2.verifyparanoid.. for some obscure reason, it would create
     3 assembly files (for the first test-source file), and then
     would promply fail with an invalid 'fd' error, removing the
     space between >& and the ouput file, in the '! diff' tests
     did the trick (again i suspect a /bin/sh issue here).

I still need to try out the examples, and try for the testsuite,
but so far so good :) I'll keep you posted on the results.

Thanks for making GM2 available!!!

Michel De Rosa

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