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Re: [Gm2] gm2 Cygwin port and cvs commit

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Gm2] gm2 Cygwin port and cvs commit
Date: 02 Jul 2004 20:24:38 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2


I'm just uploaded some new cvs changes which include:

2004-07-02      Gaius Mulley <address@hidden>

        * fixed many IMPORT bugs in inner modules
2004-06-30      Gerrit Haase <address@hidden>

        * cygwin patch for gm2/
2004-06-29      Gaius Mulley <address@hidden>

        * fixed EXPORT of an object from an inner module into an
          implementation module which EXPORTs the same object.
        * fixed EXPORT of a procedure from an inner module into an
          outer module which is not exported but is assigned to a

2004-06-28      Gaius Mulley <address@hidden>

        * made flex lexical analysers ignore carriage return
        * fixed bug in M2Quads.mod checking parameter of
          a const var before value was known.
        * fixed local MODULEs so that they can FROM mod IMPORT
        * tidied up some ulm implementation modules in ulm-lib-gm2/std

2004-06-22      Gaius Mulley <address@hidden>

        * allowed LONGCARD compatibility with INTEGER
        * allowed LONGINT compatibility with CARDINAL
        * allowed LONGCARD compatibility with CARDINAL
        * allowed LONGINT compatibility with INTEGER

I've also added may more tests to the regression suite. gm2 passes
more and also fails a few, 8 at present.. it is nearly able to compile
all the ulm libraries (6 to go). Also included is the patch for which Gerrit submitted (thanks!) w.r.t cygwin.  Please
test and report,


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