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[glob2-devel] Woes with Mercurial

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] Woes with Mercurial
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 21:26:00 -0400

Ok, i just did a branch on my local copy:
hg branch core_rewrite_2007

Then I commit
hg commit -m"Branched core rewrite"

Then I pushed:
hg push -r core_rewrite_2007

Is this correct? My changes still make the global tip of the
respitory, is the idea that tip of the master branch hasn't changed?
Does this mean people who cloned without -r will get my changes? Thats
how I see it atleast.

Forgive me If i still don't understand the development model. What I
should do, I think, is to clone the entire respitory, and pull from server frequently. Then clone individual branches,
with -r.

With the master branch, i would simply pull from my incoming and
update. I wouldn't do any updating with my incoming respitory, just
pulling changesets.

Then I would work on my branch, occassionally pulling from the master
branch and merging back in. I would frequently pull from my incoming
with -r to get anyone elses changes on my branch, and occassionally
push to the respitory with -r.

When I want to merge back in, I take my master and pull from my
branch, then push to the server with that.

Is the incoming really nesseccarry? Seems like just extra work to do
the same thing.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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