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Re: [Ghm-discuss] Let's make it official: choose the date

From: Luca Saiu
Subject: Re: [Ghm-discuss] Let's make it official: choose the date
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 12:59:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus (Ma Gnus v0.8), GNU Emacs, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

On 2013-05-15 at 11:28, Jose E. Marchesi wrote:

>     I've spoken with Sylvestre Ledru, who has reserved the same large room
>     we used in 2011, plus another which might be useful for informal
>     meeting, from Thursday August 22th to Sunday August 25th.
> Great!  Thanks for the effort you are dedicating to this :)

I'm not doing much, really.  By the way, the event will be advertised
locally (thanks to Sylvestre, again), so it will be an occasion for
outreach, like in 2011.

>     Four days seem a little long to me, but we could maybe say that the
>     venue is available for informal hacking sessions on Thursday and Sunday,
>     while the "official" talks happen on Friday and Saturday.  Or shall we
>     make it Saturday and Sunday morning?  People who have to work on Monday
>     will want to travel on Sunday, so at least Sunday afternoon should be
>     free from talks in my opinion.
>     What do you think?  Let's make this official as soon as possible.
> 4 days sounds good to me.  For Thrusday I would just do a social event
> in the afternoon/evening, and for Sunday I would plan just for half of
> the day.  So the real "program" of the meeting would be from Friday
> morning to Sunday midday.
>     a) informal meeting/hacking on Thursday 22 and Sunday 25, talks on
>        Friday 23 and Saturday 24
> I would choose a) but having also an "GNU assembly" Sunday morning (only
> for GNU maintainers and GNU developers) much like we had in the last GHM
> at Paris.

Good idea.  Thanks for thinking of this.  We can use the smaller room
for the closed meeting, or maybe even the "Algorithme" room.  There
won't be many people needing in on a Sunday morning.

So, that would make two days for the main talks, plus possibly the first
part of Sunday morning.  Sounds good to me, but at this point we really
have to start defining a program.  I already received some proposals
from interested speakers, but I won't publish them without their
consent.  So, please speak up.  You don't want me talking about epsilon
again :-).

If you have talk proposals, please write to the list.  We're interested
in new GNU programs, new developments in existing packages, plus any
technical, social or organizational issue related to GNU and/or free
software.  In my experience the audience tends to technically competent,
so you can propose very technical topics as well, if you want -- I'd
propose packing all such talks together in the same morning or afternoon
session, for the public's sake.

Does anybody else have preferences about the meeting dates?

> I can coordinate the agenda for the assembly if you want.

Thanks.  Please do.

>     We would also like to know how many people are likely to attend.  So, if
>     you're seriously considering this, please answer.  We'll set up official
>     "Registration" information later, even if I'd like to keep this side of
>     the organization as lightweight as possible.
> Add me to the list :)


So, let's say that the official registration procedure is writing a
message to this list.


Luca Saiu
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