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Re: Toward a MacPorts port that tracks 0.7.9

From: Bernd Paysan
Subject: Re: Toward a MacPorts port that tracks 0.7.9
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 10:31:10 +0100

Am Montag, 3. Februar 2025, 03:10:53 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit schrieb 
Craig Treleaven:
> If someone would like to take over from me as port maintainer, that would be
> good.  The MacPorts infrastructure is not complicated and Portfile syntax
> is well documented.  The gforth port is about as simple as it gets.  I’d be
> happy to provide some coaching for a new maintainer.

I'm maintaining the Debian and rpm based builds, the container builds; the 
problem I have is that I have only non-root remote access to one ARM64-based 
MacOS machine on  I would prefer if someone who likes to use MacOS 
keeps checking if everything works, but can offer help.

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"
net2o id: kQusJzA;7*?t=uy@X}1GWr!+0qqp_Cn176t4(dQ*

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