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[Getfem-users] Problem for running getfem++ and Matlab 2012b

From: Riccardo Scorretti
Subject: [Getfem-users] Problem for running getfem++ and Matlab 2012b
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:35:20 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130107 Thunderbird/17.0.2

Good morning,

I'm experimenting problems for running getfem++ with Matlab 2012b, and indeed also with 2011.

First, I tried to compile getfem++ on a PC running Ubuntu-64 v12.04: compilation and following tests seems to perform fine, but I got a sudden crash of Matlab when running programs using getfem++, even with the provided 2d laplacian demo. Unfortunately I had to format my PC, so at present time I cannot (yet) reproduce this error.

Now I'm trying to execute getfem++ with this configuration: Windows 7, Matlab 2012b, getfem++ binaries downloaded from:

And I got this error:

>> gf_workspace('clear all')
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\scorrett\Documents\MATLAB\getfem_matlab_toolbox\gf_matlab.mexw64': Le module spécifié est introuvable.

Error in gf_workspace (line 56)
    gf_matlab('workspace', varargin{:});
>> dir

.                           gf_fem.m                    gf_mesh_im_get.m           
..                          gf_fem_get.m                gf_mesh_im_set.m           
@gfCvStruct                 gf_geotrans.m               gf_mesh_levelset.m         
@gfEltm                     gf_geotrans_get.m           gf_mesh_levelset_get.m     
@gfFem                      gf_global_function.m        gf_mesh_levelset_set.m     
@gfGeoTrans                 gf_global_function_get.m    gf_mesh_set.m              
@gfGlobalFunction           gf_integ.m                  gf_model.m                 
@gfInteg                    gf_integ_get.m              gf_model_get.m             
@gfLevelSet                 gf_interpolate_on_grid.m    gf_model_set.m             
@gfMdBrick                  gf_levelset.m               gf_plot.m                  
@gfMdState                  gf_levelset_get.m           gf_plot_1D.m               
@gfMesh                     gf_levelset_set.m           gf_plot_mesh.m             
@gfMeshFem                  gf_linsolve.m               gf_plot_slice.m            
@gfMeshIm                   gf_matlab.mexw32            gf_poly.m                  
@gfMeshLevelSet             gf_matlab.mexw64            gf_precond.m               
@gfModel                    gf_mdbrick.m                gf_precond_get.m           
@gfPrecond                  gf_mdbrick_get.m            gf_slice.m                 
@gfSlice                    gf_mdbrick_set.m            gf_slice_get.m             
@gfSpmat                    gf_mdstate.m                gf_slice_set.m             
gfObject.m                  gf_mdstate_get.m            gf_solve.m                 
gf_asm.m                    gf_mdstate_set.m            gf_spmat.m                 
gf_asm_pdetoolbc.m          gf_mesh.m                   gf_spmat_get.m             
gf_colormap.m               gf_mesh_fem.m               gf_spmat_set.m             
gf_compute.m                gf_mesh_fem_get.m           gf_undelete.m              
gf_compute_Q1grid_interp.m  gf_mesh_fem_get_eval.m      gf_util.m                  
gf_cvstruct_get.m           gf_mesh_fem_set.m           gf_workspace.m             
gf_delete.m                 gf_mesh_get.m               private                    
gf_eltm.m                   gf_mesh_im.m               


Any idea? Could it be related with the version of Matlab I'm using? By the way, I didn't had the same problem when using a 32-bit version of the binaries for Windows (with another 32-bit PC running Windows 7 + Matlab 2012b). Best of all
Riccardo Scorretti, PhD
CR CNRS - Responsible of the department of Bioengineering.
University of Lyon,  Lab. Ampère - UMR 5005 CNRS,
phone: +33-620-666-778   -   fax: +33-472-431-193

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