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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 12:09:59 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 08e00aa775ed6e25c6412202d34971b1ee270a65
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Fri Mar 13 17:09:33 2020 +0100

    minor fix
 interface/src/ | 4038 ---------------------------------------
 interface/src/ |    1 -
 interface/src/   |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 4040 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/src/ b/interface/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 535f635..0000000
--- a/interface/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4038 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Yves Renard.
- This file is a part of GetFEM++
- GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
- under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
- by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
- (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
- Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
- This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
- License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
- You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-   \brief getfemint_model setter.
-#include <getfem/getfem_im_data.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_contact_and_friction_nodal.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_contact_and_friction_integral.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_contact_and_friction_large_sliding.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_nonlinear_elasticity.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_plasticity.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_HHO.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_fourth_order.h>
-#include <getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h>
-#include <getfemint_misc.h>
-#include <getfemint_workspace.h>
-#include <getfemint_gsparse.h>
-using namespace getfemint;
-  Modifies a model object.
-// Object for the declaration of a new sub-command.
-struct sub_gf_md_set : virtual public dal::static_stored_object {
-  int arg_in_min, arg_in_max, arg_out_min, arg_out_max;
-  virtual void run(getfemint::mexargs_in& in,
-                   getfemint::mexargs_out& out,
-                   getfem::model *md) = 0;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<sub_gf_md_set> psub_command;
-typedef std::map<size_type, size_type> elt_corr_cont;
-// Function to avoid warning in macro with unused arguments.
-template <typename T> static inline void dummy_func(T &) {}
-#define sub_command(name, arginmin, arginmax, argoutmin, argoutmax, code) { \
-    struct subc : public sub_gf_md_set {                                \
-      virtual void run(getfemint::mexargs_in& in,                       \
-                       getfemint::mexargs_out& out,                     \
-                       getfem::model *md)                               \
-      { dummy_func(in); dummy_func(out); code }                         \
-    };                                                                  \
-    psub_command psubc = std::make_shared<subc>();                      \
-    psubc->arg_in_min = arginmin; psubc->arg_in_max = arginmax;         \
-    psubc->arg_out_min = argoutmin; psubc->arg_out_max = argoutmax;     \
-    subc_tab[cmd_normalize(name)] = psubc;                              \
-  }
-static void filter_lawname(std::string &lawname) {
-  for (auto &c : lawname)
-    { if (c == ' ') c = '_'; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c = char(c+'a'-'A'); }
-void gf_model_set(getfemint::mexargs_in& m_in,
-                  getfemint::mexargs_out& m_out) {
-  typedef std::map<std::string, psub_command > SUBC_TAB;
-  static SUBC_TAB subc_tab;
-  if (subc_tab.size() == 0) {
-    /*@SET ('clear')
-      Clear the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("clear", 0, 0, 0, 1,
-       md->clear();
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add fem variable', @str name, @tmf mf)
-      Add a variable to the model linked to a @tmf. `name` is the variable
-      name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add fem variable", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       md->add_fem_variable(name, *mf);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add filtered fem variable', @str name, @tmf mf, @int region)
-      Add a variable to the model linked to a @tmf. The variable is filtered
-      in the sense that only the dof on the region are considered.
-      `name` is the variable name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add filtered fem variable", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       md->add_filtered_fem_variable(name, *mf, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add variable', @str name, sizes)
-      Add a variable to the model of constant sizes. `sizes` is either a
-      integer (for a scalar or vector variable) or a vector of dimensions
-      for a tensor variable. `name` is the variable name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add variable", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-       } else {
-         iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-         mi.resize(v.size());
-         for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-       }
-       md->add_fixed_size_variable(name, mi);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('delete variable', @str name)
-      Delete a variable or a data from the model. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("delete variable", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       md->delete_variable(name);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('resize variable', @str name, sizes)
-      Resize a  constant size variable of the model.  `sizes` is either a
-      integer (for a scalar or vector variable) or a vector of dimensions
-      for a tensor variable. `name` is the variable name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("resize variable", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-       } else {
-         iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-         mi.resize(v.size());
-         for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-       }
-       md->resize_fixed_size_variable(name, mi);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add multiplier', @str name, @tmf mf, @str primalname[, @tmim mim, 
@int region])
-    Add a particular variable linked to a fem being a multiplier with
-    respect to a primal variable. The dof will be filtered with the
-    ``gmm::range_basis`` function applied on the terms of the model
-    which link the multiplier and the primal variable. This in order to
-    retain only linearly independent constraints on the primal variable.
-    Optimized for boundary multipliers. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add multiplier", 3, 5, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       std::string primalname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = 0;
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         mim = to_meshim_object(argin);
-         region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       }
-       if (mim)
-         md->add_multiplier(name, *mf, primalname, *mim, region);
-       else
-         md->add_multiplier(name, *mf, primalname);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add im data', @str name, @tmimd mimd)
-      Add a data set to the model linked to a @tmimd. `name` is the data
-      name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add im data", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::im_data *mimd = to_meshimdata_object(in.pop());
-       md->add_im_data(name, *mimd);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mimd);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add fem data', @str name, @tmf mf[, sizes])
-      Add a data to the model linked to a @tmf. `name` is the data name,
-      `sizes` an optional parameter which is either an 
-      integer  or a vector of suplementary dimensions with respect to `mf`. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add fem data", 2, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       bgeot::multi_index mi(1); mi[0] = 1;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_integer()) {
-           mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-         } else {
-           iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-           mi.resize(v.size());
-           for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-         }
-       }
-       md->add_fem_data(name, *mf, mi);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add initialized fem data', @str name, @tmf mf, @vec V[, sizes])
-      Add a data to the model linked to a @tmf. `name` is the data name.
-      The data is initiakized with `V`. The data can be a scalar or vector
-      field. `sizes` an optional parameter which is either an 
-      integer or a vector of suplementary dimensions with respect to `mf`.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add initialized fem data", 3, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-         mi[0] = gmm::vect_size(V) / mf->nb_dof();
-         if (in.remaining()) {
-           mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-           if (argin.is_integer()) {
-             mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-           } else {
-             iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-             mi.resize(v.size());
-             for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-           }
-         }
-         md->add_initialized_fem_data(name, *mf, V, mi);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-         mi[0] = gmm::vect_size(V) / mf->nb_dof();
-         if (in.remaining()) {
-           mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-           if (argin.is_integer()) {
-             mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-           } else {
-             iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-             mi.resize(v.size());
-             for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-           }
-         }
-         md->add_initialized_fem_data(name, *mf, V, mi);
-       }
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add data', @str name, @int size)
-      Add a fixed size data to the model.  `sizes` is either a
-      integer (for a scalar or vector data) or a vector of dimensions
-      for a tensor data. `name` is the data name. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add data", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-       } else {
-         iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-         mi.resize(v.size());
-         for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-       }
-       md->add_fixed_size_data(name, mi);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add macro', @str name, @str expr)
-      Define a new macro for the high generic assembly language.
-      The name include the parameters. For instance name='sp(a,b)', expr='a.b'
-      is a valid definition. Macro without parameter can also be defined.
-      For instance name='x1', expr='X[1]' is valid. The form name='grad(u)',
-      expr='Grad_u' is also allowed but in that case, the parameter 'u' will
-      only be allowed to be a variable name when using the macro. Note that
-      macros can be directly defined inside the assembly strings with the
-      keyword 'Def'.
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add macro", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       md->add_macro(name, expr);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('del macro', @str name)
-      Delete a previously defined macro for the high generic assembly language.
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("del macro", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       md->del_macro(name);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add initialized data', @str name, @vec V[, sizes])
-      Add an initialized fixed size data to the model. `sizes` an
-      optional parameter which is either an 
-      integer  or a vector dimensions that describes the format of the
-      data. By default, the data is considered to b a vector field.
-      `name` is the data name and `V` is the value of the data.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add initialized data", 2, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-         mi[0] = gmm::vect_size(V);
-         if (in.remaining()) {
-           mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-           if (argin.is_integer()) {
-             mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-           } else {
-             iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-             mi.resize(v.size());
-             for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-           }
-         }
-         md->add_initialized_fixed_size_data(name, V, mi);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         bgeot::multi_index mi(1);
-         mi[0] = gmm::vect_size(V);
-         if (in.remaining()) {
-           mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-           if (argin.is_integer()) {
-             mi[0] = argin.to_integer();
-           } else {
-             iarray v = argin.to_iarray();
-             mi.resize(v.size());
-             for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) mi[i] = v[i];
-           }
-         }
-         md->add_initialized_fixed_size_data(name, V, mi);
-       }
-       );
-    /*@SET ('variable', @str name, @vec V)
-      Set the value of a variable or data. `name` is the data name.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("variable", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         GMM_ASSERT1(st.size()==md->real_variable(name).size(),
-                     "Bad size in assignment");
-         md->set_real_variable(name).assign(st.begin(),st.end());
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         GMM_ASSERT1(st.size() == md->complex_variable(name).size(),
-                     "Bad size in assignment");
-         md->set_complex_variable(name).assign(st.begin(),
-                                                              st.end());
-       }
-       );
-    /*@SET ('to variables', @vec V)
-      Set the value of the variables of the model with the vector `V`.
-      Typically, the vector `V` results of the solve of the tangent
-      linear system (useful to solve your problem with you own solver).@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("to variables", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray(-1);
-         std::vector<double> V;
-         V.assign(st.begin(), st.end());
-         md->to_variables(V);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray(-1);
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V;
-         V.assign(st.begin(), st.end());
-         md->to_variables(V);
-       }
-       );
-    /*@SET ('delete brick', @int ind_brick)
-      Delete a variable or a data from the model. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("delete brick", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       size_type ib = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       md->delete_brick(ib);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('define variable group', @str name[, @str varname, ...])
-      Defines a group of variables for the interpolation (mainly for the
-      raytracing interpolation transformation.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("define variable group", 1, 1000, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::vector<std::string> nl;
-       while (in.remaining()) nl.push_back(in.pop().to_string());
-       md->define_variable_group(name, nl);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add elementary rotated RT0 projection', @str transname)
-      Add the elementary transformation corresponding to the projection
-      on rotated RT0 element for two-dimensional elements to the model.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add elementary rotated RT0 projection", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add elementary P0 projection', @str transname)
-      Add the elementary transformation corresponding to the projection
-      P0 element.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add P0 projection", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_P0_projection(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO reconstructed gradient', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      reconstruction of a gradient for HHO methods.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO reconstructed gradient", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_reconstructed_gradient(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO reconstructed symmetrized gradient', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      reconstruction of a symmetrized gradient for HHO methods.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO reconstructed symmetrized gradient", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_reconstructed_symmetrized_gradient(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO reconstructed value', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      reconstruction of the variable for HHO methods.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO reconstructed value", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_reconstructed_value(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO reconstructed symmetrized value', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      reconstruction of the variable for HHO methods using a symmetrized
-      gradient.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO reconstructed symmetrized value", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_reconstructed_symmetrized_value(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO stabilization', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      HHO stabilization operator.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO stabilization", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_stabilization(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add HHO symmetrized stabilization', @str transname)
-      Add to the model the elementary transformation corresponding to the
-      HHO stabilization operator using a symmetrized gradient.
-      The name is the name given to the elementary transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add HHO symmetrized stabilization", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_HHO_symmetrized_stabilization(*md, transname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add interpolate transformation from expression', @str transname, 
@tmesh source_mesh, @tmesh target_mesh, @str expr)
-      Add a transformation to the model from mesh `source_mesh` to mesh
-      `target_mesh` given by the expression `expr` which corresponds to a
-      high-level generic assembly expression which may contains some
-      variable of the model. CAUTION: the derivative of the
-      transformation with used variable is taken into account in the
-      computation of the tangen system. However, order two derivative is not
-      implemented, so such tranformation is not allowed in the definition
-      of a potential. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add interpolate transformation from expression", 4, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       getfem::mesh *tm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_interpolate_transformation_from_expression(*md, transname, *sm,
-                                                      *tm, expr);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add element extrapolation transformation', @str transname, @tmesh 
source_mesh, @mat elt_corr)
-      Add a special interpolation transformation which represents the identity
-      transformation but allows to evaluate the expression on another element
-      than the current element by polynomial extrapolation. It is used for
-      stabilization term in fictitious domain applications. the array elt_cor
-      should be a two entry array whose first line contains the elements
-      concerned by the transformation and the second line the respective
-      elements on which the extrapolation has to be made. If an element
-      is not listed in elt_cor the evaluation is just made on the current
-      element. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add element extrapolation transformation", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       iarray v = in.pop().to_iarray();
-       if (v.getm() != 2 || v.getp() != 1 || v.getq() != 1)
-                THROW_BADARG("Invalid format for the convex correspondence 
-       elt_corr_cont elt_corr;
-       for (size_type j=0; j < v.getn(); j++)
-        elt_corr[v(0,j)-config::base_index()] = v(1,j)-config::base_index();
-       getfem::add_element_extrapolation_transformation(*md, transname, *sm,
-                                                       elt_corr);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add standard secondary domain', @str name, @tmim mim, @int region 
= -1)
-      Add a secondary domain to the model which can be used in a weak-form 
language expression for integration on the product of two domains. `name` is 
the name
-      of the secondary domain, `mim` is an integration method on this domain
-      and `region` the region on which the integration is to be performed. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add standard secondary domain", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string name = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_standard_secondary_domain(*md, name, *mim, region);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('set element extrapolation correspondence', @str transname, @mat 
-      Change the correspondence map of an element extrapolation interpolate
-     transformation. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("set element extrapolation correspondence", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       iarray v = in.pop().to_iarray();
-       if (v.getm() != 2 || v.getp() != 1 || v.getq() != 1)
-                THROW_BADARG("Invalid format for the convex correspondence 
-       elt_corr_cont elt_corr;
-       for (size_type j=0; j < v.getn(); j++)
-        elt_corr[v(0,j)-config::base_index()] = v(1,j)-config::base_index();
-       getfem::set_element_extrapolation_correspondence(*md, transname,
-                                                       elt_corr);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add raytracing transformation', @str transname, @scalar 
-      Add a raytracing interpolate transformation called `transname` to a model
-      to be used by the generic assembly bricks.
-      CAUTION: For the moment, the derivative of the
-      transformation is not taken into account in the model solve. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add raytracing transformation", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       scalar_type d = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       add_raytracing_transformation(*md, transname, d);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add master contact boundary to raytracing transformation', @str 
transname, @tmesh m, @str dispname, @int region)
-      Add a master contact boundary with corresponding displacement variable
-      `dispname` on a specific boundary `region` to an existing raytracing
-      interpolate transformation called `transname`. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add master contact boundary to raytracing transformation", 4, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_master_contact_boundary_to_raytracing_transformation
-       (*md, transname, *sm, dispname, region);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add slave contact boundary to raytracing transformation', @str 
transname, @tmesh m, @str dispname, @int region)
-      Add a slave contact boundary with corresponding displacement variable
-      `dispname` on a specific boundary `region` to an existing raytracing
-      interpolate transformation called `transname`. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add slave contact boundary to raytracing transformation", 4, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_slave_contact_boundary_to_raytracing_transformation
-       (*md, transname, *sm, dispname, region);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add rigid obstacle to raytracing transformation', @str transname, 
@str expr, @int N)
-      Add a rigid obstacle whose geometry corresponds to the zero level-set
-      of the high-level generic assembly expression `expr`
-      to an existing raytracing interpolate transformation called `transname`.
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add rigid obstacle to raytracing transformation", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type N = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_rigid_obstacle_to_raytracing_transformation
-       (*md, transname, expr, N);
-       );
-/*@SET ('add projection transformation', @str transname, @scalar 
-      Add a projection interpolate transformation called `transname` to a model
-      to be used by the generic assembly bricks.
-      CAUTION: For the moment, the derivative of the
-      transformation is not taken into account in the model solve. @*/  
-      sub_command
-      ("add projection transformation", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       scalar_type d = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       add_projection_transformation(*md, transname, d);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add master contact boundary to projection transformation', @str 
transname, @tmesh m, @str dispname, @int region)
-      Add a master contact boundary with corresponding displacement variable
-      `dispname` on a specific boundary `region` to an existing projection
-      interpolate transformation called `transname`. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add master contact boundary to projection transformation", 4, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_master_contact_boundary_to_projection_transformation
-       (*md, transname, *sm, dispname, region);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add slave contact boundary to projection transformation', @str 
transname, @tmesh m, @str dispname, @int region)
-      Add a slave contact boundary with corresponding displacement variable
-      `dispname` on a specific boundary `region` to an existing projection
-      interpolate transformation called `transname`. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add slave contact boundary to projection transformation", 4, 4, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::mesh *sm = extract_mesh_object(in.pop());
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_slave_contact_boundary_to_projection_transformation
-       (*md, transname, *sm, dispname, region);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add rigid obstacle to projection transformation', @str transname, 
@str expr, @int N)
-      Add a rigid obstacle whose geometry corresponds to the zero level-set
-      of the high-level generic assembly expression `expr`
-      to an existing projection interpolate transformation called `transname`.
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add rigid obstacle to projection transformation", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string transname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type N = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_rigid_obstacle_to_projection_transformation
-       (*md, transname, expr, N);
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add linear term', @tmim mim, @str expression[, @int 
region[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]]])
-      Adds a matrix term given by the assembly string `expr` which will
-      be assembled in region `region` and with the integration method `mim`.
-      Only the matrix term will be taken into account, assuming that it is
-      linear.
-      The advantage of declaring a term linear instead of nonlinear is that
-      it will be assembled only once and no assembly is necessary for the
-      residual.
-      Take care that if the expression contains some variables and if the
-      expression is a potential or of first order (i.e. describe the weak
-      form, not the derivative of the weak form), the expression will be
-      derivated with respect to all variables.
-      You can specify if the term is symmetric, coercive or not.
-      If you are not sure, the better is to declare the term not symmetric
-      and not coercive. But some solvers (conjugate gradient for instance)
-      are not allowed for non-coercive problems.
-      `brickname` is an optional name for the brick.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add linear term", 2, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = getfem::add_linear_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, is_symmetric,
-        is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add linear twodomain term', @tmim mim, @str expression, 
@int region, @str secondary_domain[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]])
-      Adds a linear term given by a weak form language expression like
-      MODEL:SET('add linear term') but for an integration on a direct
-      product of two domains, a first specfied by ``mim`` and ``region``
-      and a second one by ``secondary_domain`` which has to be declared
-      first into the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add linear twodomain term", 4, 6, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string secdom = in.pop().to_string();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = getfem::add_linear_twodomain_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, secdom, is_symmetric,
-        is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add linear generic assembly brick', @tmim mim, @str 
expression[, @int region[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]]])
-      Deprecated. Use MODEL:SET('add linear term') instead. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add linear generic assembly brick", 2, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_linear_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, is_symmetric,
-       is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonlinear term', @tmim mim, @str expression[, @int 
region[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]]])
-      Adds a nonlinear term given by the assembly string `expr` which will
-      be assembled in region `region` and with the integration method `mim`.
-      The expression can describe a potential or a weak form. Second order
-      terms (i.e. containing second order test functions, Test2) are not
-      allowed.
-      You can specify if the term is symmetric, coercive or not.
-      If you are not sure, the better is to declare the term not symmetric
-      and not coercive. But some solvers (conjugate gradient for instance)
-      are not allowed for non-coercive problems.
-      `brickname` is an optional name for the brick.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add nonlinear term", 2, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_nonlinear_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, is_symmetric,
-        is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonlinear twodomain term', @tmim mim, @str expression, 
@int region, @str secondary_domain[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]])
-      Adds a nonlinear term given by a weak form language expression like
-      MODEL:SET('add nonlinear term') but for an integration on a direct
-      product of two domains, a first specfied by ``mim`` and ``region``
-      and a second one by ``secondary_domain`` which has to be declared
-      first into the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add nonlinear twodomain term", 4, 6, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string secdom = in.pop().to_string();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_nonlinear_twodomain_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, secdom, is_symmetric,
-        is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonlinear generic assembly brick', @tmim mim, @str 
expression[, @int region[, @int is_symmetric[, @int is_coercive]]])
-      Deprecated. Use MODEL:SET('add nonlinear term') instead.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add nonlinear generic assembly brick", 2, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_symmetric = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_symmetric = in.pop().to_integer();
-       int is_coercive = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) is_coercive = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_nonlinear_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, is_symmetric,
-        is_coercive) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add source term', @tmim mim, @str expression[, @int region])
-      Adds a source term given by the assembly string `expr` which will
-      be assembled in region `region` and with the integration method `mim`.
-      Only the residual term will be taken into account.
-      Take care that if the expression contains some variables and if the
-      expression is a potential, the expression will be
-      derivated with respect to all variables.
-      `brickname` is an optional name for the brick.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add source term", 2, 3, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_source_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add twodomain source term', @tmim mim, @str expression, 
@int region, @str secondary_domain)
-      Adds a source term given by a weak form language expression like
-      MODEL:SET('add source term') but for an integration on a direct
-      product of two domains, a first specfied by ``mim`` and ``region``
-      and a second one by ``secondary_domain`` which has to be declared
-      first into the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add twodomain source term", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string secdom = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_twodomain_source_term
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region, secdom) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add source term generic assembly brick', @tmim mim, @str 
expression[, @int region])
-      Deprecated. Use MODEL:SET('add source term') instead. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add source term generic assembly brick", 2, 3, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_source_term_generic_assembly_brick
-       (*md, *mim, expr, region) + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add assembly assignment', @str dataname, @str expression[, @int 
region[, @int order[, @int before]]])      
-      Adds expression `expr` to be evaluated at assembly time and being        
-      assigned to the data `dataname` which has to be of im_data type.
-      This allows for instance to store a sub-expression of an assembly
-      computation to be used on an other assembly. It can be used for instance
-      to store the plastic strain in plasticity models.
-      `order` represents the order of assembly where this assignement has to be
-      done (potential(0), weak form(1) or tangent system(2) or at each
-      order(-1)). The default value is 1.
-      If before = 1, the the assignement is perfromed before the computation
-      of the other assembly terms, such that the data can be used in the
-      remaining of the assembly as an intermediary result (be careful that it 
-      still considered as a data, no derivation of the expression is performed
-      for the tangent system).          
-      If before = 0 (default), the assignement is done after the assembly 
-      @*/       
-    sub_command         
-      ("add assembly assignment", 2, 5, 0, 0,   
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();     
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();         
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);        
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();      
-       size_type order = 1;     
-       if (in.remaining()) order = in.pop().to_integer();       
-       bool before = false;     
-       if (in.remaining()) before = (in.pop().to_integer() != 0);       
-       md->add_assembly_assignments(dataname, expr, region, order, before);
-       );       
-    /*@SET ('clear assembly assignment')        
-      Delete all added assembly assignments     
-      @*/       
-    sub_command         
-      ("clear assembly assignment", 0, 0, 0, 0,         
-       md->clear_assembly_assignments();        
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Laplacian brick', @tmim mim, @str varname[, @int 
-    Add a Laplacian term to the model relatively to the variable `varname`
-    (in fact with a minus : :math:`-\text{div}(\nabla u)`).
-    If this is a vector valued variable, the Laplacian term is added
-    componentwise. `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term
-    is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh. Return
-    the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Laplacian brick", 2, 3, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_Laplacian_brick(*md, *mim, varname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add generic elliptic brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, @str 
dataname[, @int region])
-    Add a generic elliptic term to the model relatively to the variable 
-    The shape of the elliptic term depends both on the variable and the data.
-    This corresponds to a term
-    :math:`-\text{div}(a\nabla u)`
-    where :math:`a` is the data and :math:`u` the variable. The data can be
-    a scalar,
-    a matrix or an order four tensor. The variable can be vector valued or
-    not. If the data is a scalar or a matrix and the variable is vector
-    valued then the term is added componentwise. An order four tensor data
-    is allowed for vector valued variable only. The data can be constant or
-    describbed on a fem. Of course, when the data is a tensor describe on a
-    finite element method (a tensor field) the data can be a huge vector.
-    The components of the matrix/tensor have to be stored with the fortran
-    order (columnwise) in the data vector (compatibility with blas). The
-    symmetry of the given matrix/tensor is not verified (but assumed). If
-    this is a vector valued variable, the elliptic term is added
-    componentwise. `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term is
-    added. If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh. Note that
-    for the real
-    version which uses the high-level generic assembly language, `dataname`
-    can be any regular expression of the high-level generic assembly
-    language (like "1", "sin(X(1))" or "Norm(u)" for instance) even
-    depending on model variables. Return the
-    brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add generic elliptic brick", 3, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_generic_elliptic_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                            varname, dataname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add source term brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, @str 
dataexpr[, @int region[, @str directdataname]])
-    Add a source term to the model relatively to the variable `varname`.
-    The source term is
-    represented by `dataexpr` which could be any regular expression of the
-    high-level generic assembly language (except for the complex version
-    where it has to be a declared data of the model).
-    `region` is an optional mesh region
-    on which the term is added. An additional optional data `directdataname`
-    can be provided. The corresponding data vector will be directly added
-    to the right hand side without assembly. Note that when region is a
-    boundary, this brick allows to prescribe a nonzero Neumann boundary
-    condition. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add source term brick", 3, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string directdataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) directdataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_source_term_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                 varname, dataname, region, directdataname)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal source term brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, 
@str dataname, @int region)
-      Add a source term on the variable `varname` on a boundary `region`.
-      This region should be a boundary. The source term is
-      represented by the data `dataepxpr` which could be any regular
-      expression of the high-level generic assembly language (except
-      for the complex version where it has to be a declared data of
-      the model). A scalar
-      product with the outward normal unit vector to the boundary is performed.
-      The main aim of this brick is to represent a Neumann condition with a
-      vector data without performing the scalar product with the normal as a
-      pre-processing. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal source term brick", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_normal_source_term_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                              varname, dataname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Dirichlet condition with simplification', @str varname, 
@int region[, @str dataname])
-      Adds a (simple) Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and
-      the mesh region `region`. The Dirichlet condition is prescribed by
-      a simple post-treatment of the final linear system (tangent system
-      for nonlinear problems) consisting of modifying the lines corresponding
-      to the degree of freedom of the variable on `region` (0 outside the
-      diagonal, 1 on the diagonal of the matrix and the expected value on
-      the right hand side).
-      The symmetry of the linear system is kept if all other bricks are
-      symmetric.
-      This brick is to be reserved for simple Dirichlet conditions (only dof
-      declared on the corresponding boundary are prescribed). The application
-      of this brick on reduced dof may be problematic. Intrinsic vectorial
-      finite element method are not supported. 
-      `dataname` is the optional right hand side of  the Dirichlet condition.
-      It could be constant (but in that case, it can only be applied to
-      Lagrange f.e.m.) or (important) described on the same finite
-      element method as `varname`.
-      Returns the brick index in the model. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Dirichlet condition with simplification", 2, 3, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification
-           (*md, varname, region, dataname);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Dirichlet condition with multipliers', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, mult_description, @int region[, @str dataname])
-      Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-      region `region`. This region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with a multiplier variable described by
-      `mult_description`. If `mult_description` is a string this is assumed
-      to be the variable name corresponding to the multiplier (which should be
-      first declared as a multiplier variable on the mesh region in the model).
-      If it is a finite element method (mesh_fem object) then a multiplier
-      variable will be added to the model and build on this finite element
-      method (it will be restricted to the mesh region `region` and eventually
-      some conflicting dofs with some other multiplier variables will be
-      suppressed). If it is an integer, then a  multiplier variable will be
-      added to the model and build on a classical finite element of degree
-      that integer. `dataname` is the optional right hand side of  the
-      Dirichlet condition. It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar
-      or vector valued, depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Dirichlet condition with multipliers", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       int version = 0;
-       size_type degree = 0;
-       std::string multname;
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = 0;
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         degree = argin.to_integer();
-         version = 1;
-       } else if (argin.is_string()) {
-         multname = argin.to_string();
-         version = 2;
-       } else {
-         mf = to_meshfem_object(argin);
-         version = 3;
-       }
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       switch(version) {
-       case 1:  ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, dim_type(degree), region, dataname);
-         break;
-       case 2:  ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region, dataname);
-         break;
-       case 3:  ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, *mf, region, dataname);
-         workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-         break;
-       }
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method', @tmim mim, 
@str varname, @str Neumannterm, @str datagamma0, @int region[, @scalar theta][, 
@str dataname])
-      Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-      region `region`. This region should be a boundary. `Neumannterm`
-      is the expression of the Neumann term (obtained by the Green formula)
-      described as an expression of the high-level
-      generic assembly language. This term can be obtained by 
-      MODEL:GET('Neumann term', varname, region) once all volumic bricks have
-      been added to the model. The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with Nitsche's method. `datag` is the optional
-      right hand side of the Dirichlet condition. `datagamma0` is the
-      Nitsche's method parameter. `theta` is a scalar value which can be
-      positive or negative. `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric
-      method which is conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-      `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is
-      inconditionally coercive. `theta = 0` (default) is the simplest method
-      for which the second derivative of the Neumann term is not necessary
-      even for nonlinear problems. Return the brick index in the model.
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method", 5, 7, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(0);
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string())
-           dataname = argin.to_string();
-         else
-           theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       }
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_Nitsche_method
-       (*md, *mim, varname, Neumannterm,
-        gamma0name, region, theta, dataname);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Dirichlet condition with penalization', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @scalar coeff, @int region[, @str dataname, @tmf mf_mult])
-    Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-    region `region`. This region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-    condition is prescribed with penalization. The penalization coefficient
-    is initially `coeff` and will be added to the data of the model.
-    `dataname` is the optional right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
-    It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar or vector valued,
-    depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet condition is prescribed.
-    `mf_mult` is an optional parameter which allows to weaken the
-    Dirichlet condition specifying a multiplier space.
-    Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Dirichlet condition with penalization", 4, 6, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_mult = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) mf_mult = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization
-       (*md, *mim, varname, coeff, region,
-        dataname, mf_mult);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal Dirichlet condition with multipliers', @tmim 
mim, @str varname, mult_description, @int region[, @str dataname])
-      Add a Dirichlet condition to the normal component of the vector
-     (or tensor) valued variable `varname` and the mesh
-      region `region`. This region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with a multiplier variable described by
-      `mult_description`. If `mult_description` is a string this is assumed
-      to be the variable name corresponding to the multiplier (which should be
-      first declared as a multiplier variable on the mesh region in the model).
-      If it is a finite element method (mesh_fem object) then a multiplier
-      variable will be added to the model and build on this finite element
-      method (it will be restricted to the mesh region `region` and eventually
-      some conflicting dofs with some other multiplier variables will be
-      suppressed). If it is an integer, then a  multiplier variable will be
-      added to the model and build on a classical finite element of degree
-      that integer. `dataname` is the optional right hand side of  the
-      Dirichlet condition. It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar
-      or vector valued, depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed (scalar if the variable
-      is vector valued, vector if the variable is tensor valued).
-      Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal Dirichlet condition with multipliers", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       int version = 0;
-       size_type degree = 0;
-       std::string multname;
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = 0;
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         degree = argin.to_integer();
-         version = 1;
-       } else if (argin.is_string()) {
-         multname = argin.to_string();
-         version = 2;
-       } else {
-         mf = to_meshfem_object(argin);
-         version = 3;
-       }
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       switch(version) {
-       case 1:  ind += getfem::add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, dim_type(degree), region, dataname);
-         break;
-       case 2:  ind += getfem::add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region, dataname);
-         break;
-       case 3:  ind += getfem::add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, *mf, region, dataname);
-         workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-         break;
-       }
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal Dirichlet condition with penalization', @tmim 
mim, @str varname, @scalar coeff, @int region[, @str dataname, @tmf mf_mult])
-    Add a Dirichlet condition to the normal component of the vector
-    (or tensor) valued variable `varname` and the mesh
-    region `region`. This region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-    condition is prescribed with penalization. The penalization coefficient
-    is initially `coeff` and will be added to the data of the model.
-    `dataname` is the optional right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
-    It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar or vector valued,
-    depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet condition is prescribed
-    (scalar if the variable
-    is vector valued, vector if the variable is tensor valued).
-    `mf_mult` is an optional parameter which allows to weaken the
-    Dirichlet condition specifying a multiplier space.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal Dirichlet condition with penalization", 4, 6, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_mult = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) mf_mult = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization
-       (*md, *mim, varname, coeff, region,
-        dataname, mf_mult);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method', @tmim 
mim, @str varname, @str Neumannterm, @str gamma0name, @int region[, @scalar 
theta][, @str dataname])
-      Add a Dirichlet condition to the normal component of the vector
-      (or tensor) valued variable `varname` and the mesh region `region`.
-      This region should be a boundary. `Neumannterm`
-      is the expression of the Neumann term (obtained by the Green formula)
-      described as an expression of the high-level
-      generic assembly language. This term can be obtained by 
-      MODEL:GET('Neumann term', varname, region) once all volumic bricks have
-      been added to the model. The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with Nitsche's method. `dataname` is the optional
-      right hand side of the Dirichlet condition. It could be constant or
-      described on a fem. `gamma0name` is the
-      Nitsche's method parameter. `theta` is a scalar value which can be
-      positive or negative. `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric
-      method which is conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-      `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is
-      inconditionally coercive. `theta = 0` is the simplest method
-      for which the second derivative of the Neumann term is not necessary
-      even for nonlinear problems. 
-      Returns the brick index in the model.
-      (This brick is not fully tested)
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method", 5, 7, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(1);
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string())
-           dataname = argin.to_string();
-         else
-           theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       }
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_Nitsche_method
-       (*md, *mim, varname, Neumannterm,
-        gamma0name, region, theta, dataname);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add generalized Dirichlet condition with multipliers', 
@tmim mim, @str varname, mult_description, @int region, @str dataname, @str 
-    Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-    region `region`.  This version is for vector field.
-    It prescribes a condition :math:`Hu = r`
-    where `H` is a matrix field. The region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-    condition is prescribed with a multiplier variable described by
-    `mult_description`. If `mult_description` is a string this is assumed
-    to be the variable name corresponding to the multiplier (which should be
-    first declared as a multiplier variable on the mesh region in the model).
-    If it is a finite element method (mesh_fem object) then a multiplier
-    variable will be added to the model and build on this finite element
-    method (it will be restricted to the mesh region `region` and eventually
-    some conflicting dofs with some other multiplier variables will be
-    suppressed). If it is an integer, then a  multiplier variable will be
-    added to the model and build on a classical finite element of degree
-    that integer. `dataname` is the right hand side of  the
-    Dirichlet condition. It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar
-    or vector valued, depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet
-    condition is prescribed. `Hname` is the data
-    corresponding to the matrix field `H`.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add generalized Dirichlet condition with multipliers", 6, 6, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       int version = 0;
-       size_type degree = 0;
-       std::string multname;
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = 0;
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         degree = argin.to_integer();
-         version = 1;
-       } else if (argin.is_string()) {
-         multname = argin.to_string();
-         version = 2;
-       } else {
-         mf = to_meshfem_object(argin);
-         version = 3;
-       }
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Hname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       switch(version) {
-       case 1:  ind += 
-           (*md, *mim, varname, dim_type(degree), region, dataname, Hname);
-         break;
-       case 2:  ind += 
-           (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region, dataname, Hname);
-         break;
-       case 3:  ind += 
-           (*md, *mim, varname, *mf, region, dataname, Hname);
-         workspace().set_dependence(md, mf);
-         break;
-       }
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add generalized Dirichlet condition with penalization', 
@tmim mim, @str varname, @scalar coeff, @int region, @str dataname, @str 
Hname[, @tmf mf_mult])
-      Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-      region `region`. This version is for vector field.
-      It prescribes a condition :math:`Hu = r`
-      where `H` is a matrix field.
-      The region should be a boundary. The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with penalization. The penalization coefficient
-      is intially `coeff` and will be added to the data of the model.
-      `dataname` is the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
-      It could be constant or described on a fem; scalar or vector valued,
-      depending on the variable on which the Dirichlet condition is prescribed.
-      `Hname` is the data
-      corresponding to the matrix field `H`. It has to be a constant matrix
-      or described on a scalar fem.
-      `mf_mult` is an optional parameter which allows to weaken the
-      Dirichlet condition specifying a multiplier space.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add generalized Dirichlet condition with penalization", 6, 7, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname= in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Hname= in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_mult = 0;
-       if (in.remaining()) mf_mult = to_meshfem_object(in.pop());
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_generalized_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization
-       (*md, *mim, varname, coeff, region,
-        dataname, Hname, mf_mult);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add generalized Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method', 
@tmim mim, @str varname, @str Neumannterm, @str gamma0name, @int region[, 
@scalar theta], @str dataname, @str Hname)
-      Add a Dirichlet condition on the variable `varname` and the mesh
-      region `region`.
-      This version is for vector field. It prescribes a condition
-      @f$ Hu = r @f$ where `H` is a matrix field.
-      CAUTION : the matrix H should have all eigenvalues equal to 1 or 0.
-      The region should be a boundary.   `Neumannterm`
-      is the expression of the Neumann term (obtained by the Green formula)
-      described as an expression of the high-level
-      generic assembly language. This term can be obtained by 
-      MODEL:GET('Neumann term', varname, region) once all volumic bricks have
-      been added to the model.  The Dirichlet
-      condition is prescribed with Nitsche's method. `dataname` is the optional
-      right hand side of the Dirichlet condition. It could be constant or
-      described on a fem. `gamma0name` is the
-      Nitsche's method parameter. `theta` is a scalar value which can be
-      positive or negative. `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric
-      method which is conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-      `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is
-      inconditionally coercive. `theta = 0` is the simplest method
-      for which the second derivative of the Neumann term is not necessary
-      even for nonlinear problems. `Hname` is the data
-      corresponding to the matrix field `H`. It has to be a constant matrix
-      or described on a scalar fem. Returns the brick index in the model.
-      (This brick is not fully tested)
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add generalized Dirichlet condition with Nitsche method", 7, 8, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(1);
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string())
-           dataname = argin.to_string();
-         else
-           theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       }
-       dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Hname= in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_generalized_Dirichlet_condition_with_Nitsche_method
-       (*md, *mim, varname, Neumannterm,
-        gamma0name, region, theta, dataname, Hname);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add pointwise constraints with multipliers', @str varname, 
@str dataname_pt[, @str dataname_unitv] [, @str dataname_val])
-    Add some pointwise constraints on the variable `varname` using
-    multiplier. The multiplier variable is automatically added to the model.
-    The conditions are prescribed on a set of points given in the data
-    `dataname_pt` whose dimension is the number of points times the dimension
-    of the mesh.
-    If the variable represents a vector field, one has to give the data
-    `dataname_unitv` which represents a vector of dimension the number of
-    points times the dimension of the vector field which should store some
-    unit vectors. In that case the prescribed constraint is the scalar
-    product of the variable at the corresponding point with the corresponding
-    unit vector.
-    The optional data `dataname_val` is the vector of values to be prescribed
-    at the different points.
-    This brick is specifically designed to kill rigid displacement
-    in a Neumann problem.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add pointwise constraints with multipliers", 2, 4, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_pt = in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_u
-         = &(md->mesh_fem_of_variable(varname));
-       GMM_ASSERT1(mf_u, "The variable should depend on a mesh_fem");
-       std::string dataname_unitv;
-       if (mf_u->get_qdim() > 1)
-         dataname_unitv = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_val;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_val = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_pointwise_constraints_with_multipliers
-       (*md, varname, dataname_pt, dataname_unitv, dataname_val);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add pointwise constraints with given multipliers', @str 
varname, @str multname, @str dataname_pt[, @str dataname_unitv] [, @str 
-    Add some pointwise constraints on the variable `varname` using a given
-    multiplier `multname`.
-    The conditions are prescribed on a set of points given in the data
-    `dataname_pt` whose dimension is the number of points times the dimension
-    of the mesh.
-    The multiplier variable should be a fixed size variable of size the
-    number of points.
-    If the variable represents a vector field, one has to give the data
-    `dataname_unitv` which represents a vector of dimension the number of
-    points times the dimension of the vector field which should store some
-    unit vectors. In that case the prescribed constraint is the scalar
-    product of the variable at the corresponding point with the corresponding
-    unit vector.
-    The optional data `dataname_val` is the vector of values to be prescribed
-    at the different points.
-    This brick is specifically designed to kill rigid displacement
-    in a Neumann problem.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add pointwise constraints with given multipliers", 3, 5, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_pt = in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_u
-         = &(md->mesh_fem_of_variable(varname));
-       GMM_ASSERT1(mf_u, "The variable should depend on a mesh_fem");
-       std::string dataname_unitv;
-       if (mf_u->get_qdim() > 1)
-         dataname_unitv = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_val;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_val = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_pointwise_constraints_with_given_multipliers
-       (*md, varname, multname, dataname_pt, dataname_unitv,
-        dataname_val);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add pointwise constraints with penalization', @str varname, 
@scalar coeff, @str dataname_pt[, @str dataname_unitv] [, @str dataname_val])
-    Add some pointwise constraints on the variable `varname` thanks to
-    a penalization. The penalization coefficient is initially
-    `penalization_coeff` and will be added to the data of the model.
-    The conditions are prescribed on a set of points given in the data
-    `dataname_pt` whose dimension is the number of points times the dimension
-    of the mesh.
-    If the variable represents a vector field, one has to give the data
-    `dataname_unitv` which represents a vector of dimension the number of
-    points times the dimension of the vector field which should store some
-    unit vectors. In that case the prescribed constraint is the scalar
-    product of the variable at the corresponding point with the corresponding
-    unit vector.
-    The optional data `dataname_val` is the vector of values to be prescribed
-    at the different points.
-    This brick is specifically designed to kill rigid displacement
-    in a Neumann problem.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add pointwise constraints with penalization", 3, 5, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       std::string dataname_pt = in.pop().to_string();
-       const getfem::mesh_fem *mf_u
-         = &(md->mesh_fem_of_variable(varname));
-       GMM_ASSERT1(mf_u, "The variable should depend on a mesh_fem");
-       std::string dataname_unitv;
-       if (mf_u->get_qdim() > 1)
-         dataname_unitv = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_val;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_val = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_pointwise_constraints_with_penalization
-       (*md, varname, coeff, dataname_pt, dataname_unitv,
-        dataname_val);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ('change penalization coeff', @int ind_brick, @scalar coeff)
-    Change the penalization coefficient of a Dirichlet condition with
-    penalization brick. If the brick is not of this kind, this
-    function has an undefined behavior.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("change penalization coeff", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind_brick = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       getfem::change_penalization_coeff(*md, ind_brick, coeff);
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Helmholtz brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, @str 
dataexpr[, @int region])
-      Add a Helmholtz term to the model relatively to the variable `varname`.
-      `dataexpr` is the wave number. `region` is an optional mesh
-      region on which the term is added. If it is not specified, it is added
-      on the whole mesh. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Helmholtz brick", 3, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_Helmholtz_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                     varname, dataname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Fourier Robin brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, @str 
dataexpr, @int region)
-    Add a Fourier-Robin term to the model relatively to the variable
-    `varname`. This corresponds to a weak term of the form
-    :math:`\int (qu).v`. `dataexpr` is the parameter :math:`q` of
-    the Fourier-Robin condition.  It can be an arbitrary valid expression
-    of the high-level generic assembly language (except for the complex version
-    for which it should be a data of the model). `region` is the mesh region
-    on which the term is added. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Fourier Robin brick", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_Fourier_Robin_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                         varname,dataname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add constraint with multipliers', @str varname, @str 
multname, @tspmat B, {@vec L | @str dataname})
-    Add an additional explicit constraint on the variable `varname` thank to
-    a multiplier `multname` peviously added to the model (should be a fixed
-    size variable). The constraint is :math:`BU=L`
-    with `B` being a rectangular sparse matrix. It is possible to change
-    the constraint at any time with the methods MODEL:SET('set private matrix')
-    and MODEL:SET('set private rhs'). If `dataname` is specified instead of 
-    the vector `L` is defined in the model as data with the given name.
-    Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add constraint with multipliers", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-       if (B->is_complex() && !md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Complex constraint for a real model");
-       if (!B->is_complex() && md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Real constraint for a complex model");
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_constraint_with_multipliers(*md,varname,multname);
-       if (md->is_complex()) {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       } else {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       }
-       if (in.front().is_string()) {
-         std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, dataname);
-       } else if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       }
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add constraint with penalization', @str varname, @scalar 
coeff, @tspmat B, {@vec L | @str dataname})
-    Add an additional explicit penalized constraint on the variable `varname`.
-    The constraint is :math`BU=L` with `B` being a rectangular sparse matrix.
-    Be aware that `B` should not contain a plain row, otherwise the whole
-    tangent matrix will be plain. It is possible to change the constraint
-    at any time with the methods MODEL:SET('set private matrix')
-    and MODEL:SET('set private rhs'). The method
-    MODEL:SET('change penalization coeff') can be used.
-    If `dataname` is specified instead of `L`, the vector `L` is defined
-    in the model as data with the given name.
-    Return the brick
-    index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add constraint with penalization", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-       if (B->is_complex() && !md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Complex constraint for a real model");
-       if (!B->is_complex() && md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Real constraint for a complex model");
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_constraint_with_penalization(*md, varname, coeff);
-       if (md->is_complex()) {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       } else {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       }
-       if (in.front().is_string()) {
-         std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, dataname);
-       } else if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       }
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add explicit matrix', @str varname1, @str varname2, @tspmat 
B[, @int issymmetric[, @int iscoercive]])
-    Add a brick representing an explicit matrix to be added to the tangent
-    linear system relatively to the variables `varname1` and `varname2`.
-    The given matrix should have has many rows as the dimension of
-    `varname1` and as many columns as the dimension of `varname2`.
-    If the two variables are different and if `issymmetric` is set to 1
-    then the transpose of the matrix is also added to the tangent system
-    (default is 0). Set `iscoercive` to 1 if the term does not affect the
-    coercivity of the tangent system (default is 0). The matrix can be
-    changed by the command MODEL:SET('set private matrix'). Return the
-    brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add explicit matrix", 3, 5, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname1 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string varname2 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-       bool issymmetric = false;
-       bool iscoercive = false;
-       if (in.remaining()) issymmetric = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1) != 0);
-       if (!issymmetric && in.remaining())
-         iscoercive = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1) != 0);
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_explicit_matrix(*md, varname1, varname2,
-                                     issymmetric, iscoercive);
-       if (B->is_complex() && !md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Complex constraint for a real model");
-       if (!B->is_complex() && md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Real constraint for a complex model");
-       if (md->is_complex()) {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       } else {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       }
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add explicit rhs', @str varname, @vec L)
-      Add a brick representing an explicit right hand side to be added to
-      the right hand side of the tangent linear system relatively to the
-      variable `varname`. The given rhs should have the same size than the
-      dimension of `varname`. The rhs can be changed by the command
-      MODEL:SET('set private rhs'). If `dataname` is specified instead of
-      `L`, the vector `L` is defined in the model as data with the given name.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add explicit rhs", 2, 2, 0, 1,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_explicit_rhs(*md, varname);
-       if (in.front().is_string()) {
-         std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, dataname);
-       } else if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       }
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-       );
-    /*@SET ('set private matrix', @int indbrick, @tspmat B)
-      For some specific bricks having an internal sparse matrix
-      (explicit bricks: 'constraint brick' and 'explicit matrix brick'),
-      set this matrix. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("set private matrix", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-       if (B->is_complex() && !md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Complex constraint for a real model");
-       if (!B->is_complex() && md->is_complex())
-         THROW_BADARG("Real constraint for a complex model");
-       if (md->is_complex()) {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->cplx_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       } else {
-         if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_csc());
-         else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-           getfem::set_private_data_matrix(*md, ind, B->real_wsc());
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Constraint matrix should be a sparse matrix");
-       }
-       );
-    /*@SET ('set private rhs', @int indbrick, @vec B)
-      For some specific bricks having an internal right hand side vector
-      (explicit bricks: 'constraint brick' and 'explicit rhs brick'),
-      set this rhs. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("set private rhs", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       if (!md->is_complex()) {
-         darray st = in.pop().to_darray();
-         std::vector<double> V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       } else {
-         carray st = in.pop().to_carray();
-         std::vector<std::complex<double> > V(st.begin(), st.end());
-         getfem::set_private_data_rhs(*md, ind, V);
-       }
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add isotropic linearized elasticity brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str dataname_lambda, @str dataname_mu[, @int region])
-      Add an isotropic linearized elasticity term to the model relatively to
-      the variable `varname`. `dataname_lambda` and `dataname_mu` should
-      contain the Lame coefficients. `region` is an optional mesh region
-      on which the term is added. If it is not specified, it is added
-      on the whole mesh. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add isotropic linearized elasticity brick", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_lambda = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_mu = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_isotropic_linearized_elasticity_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname, dataname_lambda, dataname_mu, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add isotropic linearized elasticity brick pstrain', @tmim 
mim, @str varname, @str data_E, @str data_nu[, @int region])
-      Add an isotropic linearized elasticity term to the model relatively to
-      the variable `varname`. `data_E` and `data_nu` should
-      contain the Young modulus and Poisson ratio, respectively.
-      `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term is added.
-      If it is not specified, it is added
-      on the whole mesh.
-      On two-dimensional meshes, the term will correpsond to a plain strain
-      approximation. On three-dimensional meshes, it will correspond to the
-      standard model. 
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add isotropic linearized elasticity brick pstrain", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string data_E = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string data_nu = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_isotropic_linearized_elasticity_brick_pstrain
-       (*md, *mim, varname, data_E, data_nu, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add isotropic linearized elasticity brick pstress', @tmim 
mim, @str varname, @str data_E, @str data_nu[, @int region])
-      Add an isotropic linearized elasticity term to the model relatively to
-      the variable `varname`. `data_E` and `data_nu` should
-      contain the Young modulus and Poisson ratio, respectively.
-      `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term is added.
-      If it is not specified, it is added
-      on the whole mesh.
-      On two-dimensional meshes, the term will correpsond to a plain stress
-      approximation. On three-dimensional meshes, it will correspond to the
-      standard model. 
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add isotropic linearized elasticity brick pstress", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string data_E = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string data_nu = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_isotropic_linearized_elasticity_brick_pstress
-       (*md, *mim, varname, data_E, data_nu, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add linear incompressibility brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str multname_pressure[, @int region[, @str dataexpr_coeff]])
-    Add a linear incompressibility condition on `variable`. `multname_pressure`
-    is a variable which represent the pressure. Be aware that an inf-sup
-    condition between the finite element method describing the pressure and the
-    primal variable has to be satisfied. `region` is an optional mesh region on
-    which the term is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the whole
-    mesh. `dataexpr_coeff` is an optional penalization coefficient for nearly
-    incompressible elasticity for instance. In this case, it is the inverse
-    of the Lame coefficient :math:`\lambda`. Return the brick index in the
-    model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add linear incompressibility brick", 3, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_linear_incompressibility
-       (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region, dataname)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonlinear elasticity brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, 
@str constitutive_law, @str dataname[, @int region])
-    Add a nonlinear elasticity term to the model relatively to the
-    variable `varname` (deprecated brick, use add_finite_strain_elaticity
-    instead). `lawname` is the constitutive law which
-    could be 'SaintVenant Kirchhoff', 'Mooney Rivlin', 'neo Hookean',
-    'Ciarlet Geymonat' or 'generalized Blatz Ko'.
-    'Mooney Rivlin' and 'neo Hookean' law names can be preceded with the word
-    'compressible' or 'incompressible' to force using the corresponding 
-    The compressible version of these laws requires one additional material
-    coefficient. By default, the incompressible version of 'Mooney Rivlin' law
-    and the compressible one of the 'neo Hookean' law are considered. In
-    general, 'neo Hookean' is a special case of the 'Mooney Rivlin' law that
-    requires one coefficient less.
-    IMPORTANT : if the variable is defined on a 2D mesh, the plane strain
-    approximation is automatically used.
-    `dataname` is a vector of parameters for the constitutive law. Its length
-    depends on the law. It could be a short vector of constant values or a
-    vector field described on a finite element method for variable
-    coefficients. `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term
-    is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh.
-    This brick use the low-level generic assembly.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add nonlinear elasticity brick", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type N = mim->linked_mesh().dim();
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string lawname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_nonlinear_elasticity_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname,
-        abstract_hyperelastic_law_from_name(lawname, N), dataname, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add finite strain elasticity brick', @tmim mim, @str 
constitutive_law, @str varname, @str params[, @int region])
-    Add a nonlinear elasticity term to the model relatively to the
-    variable `varname`. `lawname` is the constitutive law which
-    could be 'SaintVenant Kirchhoff', 'Mooney Rivlin', 'Neo Hookean',
-    'Ciarlet Geymonat' or 'Generalized Blatz Ko'.
-    'Mooney Rivlin' and 'Neo Hookean' law names have to be preceeded with
-    the word 'Compressible' or 'Incompressible' to force using the
-    corresponding version.
-    The compressible version of these laws requires one additional material
-    coefficient.
-    IMPORTANT : if the variable is defined on a 2D mesh, the plane strain
-    approximation is automatically used.
-    `params` is a vector of parameters for the constitutive law. Its length
-    depends on the law. It could be a short vector of constant values or a
-    vector field described on a finite element method for variable
-    coefficients. `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term
-    is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh.
-    This brick use the high-level generic assembly.
-    Returns the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add finite strain elasticity brick", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       // size_type N = *mim.linked_mesh().dim();
-       std::string lawname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string params = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string ln = varname; // tolerance for the compatibility with 5.0
-       filter_lawname(ln);
-       if ("saintvenant_kirchhoff") == 0 ||
- "saint_venant_kirchhoff") == 0 ||
- "generalized_blatz_ko") == 0 ||
- "ciarlet_geymonat") == 0 ||
- "incompressible_mooney_rivlin") == 0 ||
- "compressible_mooney_rivlin") == 0 ||
- "incompressible_neo_hookean") == 0 ||
- "compressible_neo_hookean") == 0 ||
- "compressible_neo_hookean_bonet") == 0 ||
- "compressible_neo_hookean_ciarlet") == 0) {
-         std::swap(lawname, varname);
-       }
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_finite_strain_elasticity_brick
-       (*md, *mim, lawname, varname, params, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add small strain elastoplasticity brick', @tmim mim,  @str 
lawname, @str unknowns_type [, @str varnames, ...] [, @str params, ...] [, @str 
theta = '1' [, @str dt = 'timestep']] [, @int region = -1])
-      Adds a small strain plasticity term to the model `M`. This is the
-      main GetFEM++ brick for small strain plasticity. `lawname` is the name
-      of an implemented plastic law, `unknowns_type` indicates the choice
-      between a discretization where the plastic multiplier is an unknown of
-      the problem or (return mapping approach) just a data of the model
-      stored for the next iteration. Remember that in both cases, a multiplier
-      is stored anyway. `varnames` is a set of variable and data names with
-      length which may depend on the plastic law (at least the displacement,
-      the plastic multiplier and the plastic strain). `params` is a list of
-      expressions for the parameters (at least elastic coefficients and the
-      yield stress). These expressions can be some data names (or even
-      variable names) of the model but can also be any scalar valid expression
-      of the high level assembly language (such as '1/2', '2+sin(X[0])',
-      '1+Norm(v)' ...). The last two parameters optionally provided in
-      `params` are the `theta` parameter of the `theta`-scheme (generalized
-      trapezoidal rule) used for the plastic strain integration and the
-      time-step`dt`. The default value for `theta` if omitted is 1, which
-      corresponds to the classical Backward Euler scheme which is first order
-      consistent. `theta=1/2` corresponds to the Crank-Nicolson scheme
-      (trapezoidal rule) which is second order consistent. Any value
-      between 1/2 and 1 should be a valid value. The default value of `dt` is
-      'timestep' which simply indicates the time step defined in the model
-      (by md.set_time_step(dt)). Alternatively it can be any expression
-      (data name, constant value ...). The time step can be altered from one
-      iteration to the next one. `region` is a mesh region.
-      The available plasticity laws are:
-      - 'Prandtl Reuss' (or 'isotropic perfect plasticity').
-        Isotropic elasto-plasticity with no hardening. The variables are the
-        displacement, the plastic multiplier and the plastic strain.
-        The displacement should be a variable and have a corresponding data
-        having the same name preceded by 'Previous\_' corresponding to the
-        displacement at the previous time step (typically 'u' and 
-        The plastic multiplier should also have two versions (typically 'xi'
-        and 'Previous_xi') the first one being defined as data if
-        `unknowns_type ` is 'DISPLACEMENT_ONLY' or the integer value 0, or as
-        a variable if `unknowns_type` is DISPLACEMENT_AND_PLASTIC_MULTIPLIER
-        or the integer value 1.
-        The plastic strain should represent a n x n data tensor field stored
-        on mesh_fem or (preferably) on an im_data (corresponding to `mim`).
-        The data are the first Lame coefficient, the second one (shear modulus)
-        and the uniaxial yield stress. A typical call is
-        MODEL:GET('add small strain elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'Prandtl 
Reuss', 0, 'u', 'xi', 'Previous_Ep', 'lambda', 'mu', 'sigma_y', '1', 
-        IMPORTANT: Note that this law implements
-        the 3D expressions. If it is used in 2D, the expressions are just
-        transposed to the 2D. For the plane strain approximation, see below.
-      - "plane strain Prandtl Reuss"
-        (or "plane strain isotropic perfect plasticity")
-        The same law as the previous one but adapted to the plane strain
-        approximation. Can only be used in 2D.
-      - "Prandtl Reuss linear hardening"
-        (or "isotropic plasticity linear hardening").
-        Isotropic elasto-plasticity with linear isotropic and kinematic
-        hardening. An additional variable compared to "Prandtl Reuss" law:
-        the accumulated plastic strain. Similarly to the plastic strain, it
-        is only stored at the end of the time step, so a simple data is
-        required (preferably on an im_data).
-        Two additional parameters: the kinematic hardening modulus and the
-        isotropic one. 3D expressions only. A typical call is
-        MODEL:GET('add small strain elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'Prandtl 
Reuss linear hardening', 0, 'u', 'xi', 'Previous_Ep', 'Previous_alpha', 
'lambda', 'mu', 'sigma_y', 'H_k', H_i', '1', 'timestep');
-      - "plane strain Prandtl Reuss linear hardening"
-        (or "plane strain isotropic plasticity linear hardening").
-        The same law as the previous one but adapted to the plane strain
-        approximation. Can only be used in 2D.
-      See GetFEM++ user documentation for further explanations on the
-      discretization of the plastic flow and on the implemented plastic laws.
-      See also GetFEM++ user documentation on time integration strategy
-      (integration of transient problems).
-      IMPORTANT : remember that `small_strain_elastoplasticity_next_iter` has
-      to be called at the end of each time step, before the next one
-      (and before any post-treatment : this sets the value of the plastic
-      strain and plastic multiplier).
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add small strain elastoplasticity brick", 3, 15, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string lawname = in.pop().to_string();
-       filter_lawname(lawname);
-       size_type nb_var = 0; size_type nb_params = 0;
-       if ("isotropic_perfect_plasticity") == 0 ||
- "prandtl_reuss") == 0 ||
- "plane_strain_isotropic_perfect_plasticity") == 0 ||
- "plane_strain_prandtl_reuss") == 0) {
-         nb_var = nb_params = 3;
-       } else if
-         ("isotropic_plasticity_linear_hardening") == 0 ||
-"prandtl_reuss_linear_hardening") == 0 ||
- "plane_strain_isotropic_plasticity_linear_hardening") == 0 ||
-"plane_strain_prandtl_reuss_linear_hardening") == 0) 
-         nb_var = 4; nb_params = 5;
-       } else
-         THROW_BADARG(lawname << " is not an implemented elastoplastic law");
-       getfem::plasticity_unknowns_type 
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_string()) {
-         std::string opt = argin.to_string();
-         filter_lawname(opt);
-         if ("displacement_only") == 0)
-           unknowns_type = getfem::DISPLACEMENT_ONLY;
-         else if ("displacement_and_plastic_multiplier") == 0)
-           unknowns_type = getfem::DISPLACEMENT_AND_PLASTIC_MULTIPLIER;
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Wrong input");
-       } else if (argin.is_integer())
-         unknowns_type = static_cast<getfem::plasticity_unknowns_type>
-                         (argin.to_integer(0,1));
-       std::vector<std::string> varnames;
-       for (size_type i = 0; i < nb_var; ++i)
-         varnames.push_back(in.pop().to_string());
-       std::vector<std::string> params;
-       for (size_type i = 0; i < nb_params; ++i)
-         params.push_back(in.pop().to_string());
-       std::string theta = "1";
-       std::string dt = "timestep";
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       for (size_type i=0; i < 3 && in.remaining(); ++i) {
-         argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string()) {
-           if (i==0)      theta = argin.to_string();
-           else if (i==1) dt = argin.to_string();
-           else           THROW_BADARG("Wrong input");
-         } else if (argin.is_integer()) {
-           region = argin.to_integer();
-           GMM_ASSERT1(!in.remaining(), "Wrong input");
-         }
-       }
-       params.push_back(theta);
-       params.push_back(dt);
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-         getfem::add_small_strain_elastoplasticity_brick
-         (*md, *mim, lawname, unknowns_type, varnames, params, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add elastoplasticity brick', @tmim mim ,@str projname, @str 
varname, @str previous_dep_name, @str datalambda, @str datamu, @str 
datathreshold, @str datasigma[, @int region])
-      Old (obsolete) brick which do not use the high level generic
-      assembly. Add a nonlinear elastoplastic term to the model relatively
-      to the variable `varname`, in small deformations, for an isotropic
-      material and for a quasistatic model. `projname` is the type of
-      projection that used: only the Von Mises projection is
-      available with 'VM' or 'Von Mises'.
-      `datasigma` is the variable representing the constraints on the material.
-      `previous_dep_name` represents the displacement at the previous time 
-      Moreover, the finite element method on which `varname` is described
-      is an K ordered mesh_fem, the `datasigma` one have to be at least
-      an K-1 ordered mesh_fem.
-      `datalambda` and `datamu` are the Lame coefficients of the studied
-      material.
-      `datathreshold` is the plasticity threshold of the material.
-      The three last variables could be constants or described on the
-      same finite element method.
-      `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term is added.
-      If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add elastoplasticity brick", 8, 9, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string projname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string previous_dep = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string datalambda = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string datamu = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string datathreshold = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string datasigma = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       // getfem::VM_projection proj(0);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_elastoplasticity_brick
-       (*md, *mim,
-        abstract_constraints_projection_from_name(projname),
-        varname, previous_dep, datalambda, datamu,
-        datathreshold, datasigma,
-        region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add finite strain elastoplasticity brick', @tmim mim , @str 
lawname, @str unknowns_type [, @str varnames, ...] [, @str params, ...] [, @int 
region = -1])
-      Add a finite strain elastoplasticity brick to the model.
-      For the moment there is only one supported law defined through 
-      `lawname` as "Simo_Miehe".
-      This law supports to possibilities of unknown variables to solve for
-      defined by means of `unknowns_type` set to either
-      'DISPLACEMENT_AND_PLASTIC_MULTIPLIER' (integer value 1) or
-      The  "Simo_Miehe" law expects as `varnames` a set of the
-      following names that have to be defined as variables in the model:
-      - the displacement variable which has to be defined as an unknown,
-      - the plastic multiplier which has also defined as an unknown,
-      - optionally the pressure variable for a mixed displacement-pressure
-        as `unknowns_type`,
-      - the name of a (scalar) fem_data or im_data field that holds the
-        plastic strain at the previous time step, and
-      - the name of a fem_data or im_data field that holds all
-        non-repeated components of the inverse of the plastic right
-        Cauchy-Green tensor at the previous time step
-        (it has to be a 4 element vector for plane strain 2D problems
-        and a 6 element vector for 3D problems).
-      The  "Simo_Miehe" law also expects as `params` a set of the
-      following three parameters:
-      - an expression for the initial bulk modulus K,
-      - an expression for the initial shear modulus G,
-      - the name of a user predefined function that decribes
-        the yield limit as a function of the hardening variable
-        (both the yield limit and the hardening variable values are
-        assumed to be Frobenius norms of appropriate stress and strain
-        tensors, respectively).
-      As usual, `region` is an optional mesh region on which the term is added.
-      If it is not specified, it is added on the whole mesh.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add finite strain elastoplasticity brick", 10, 11, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string lawname = in.pop().to_string();
-       filter_lawname(lawname);
-       size_type nb_var = 0; size_type nb_params = 0;
-       if ("simo_miehe") == 0 ||
- "eterovic_bathe") == 0) {
-         nb_var = 4;
-         nb_params = 3;
-       } else
-         THROW_BADARG(lawname << " is not an implemented finite strain"
-                              << " elastoplastic law");
-       getfem::plasticity_unknowns_type 
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_string()) {
-         std::string opt = argin.to_string();
-         filter_lawname(opt);
-         if ("displacement_and_plastic_multiplier") == 0)
-           unknowns_type = getfem::DISPLACEMENT_AND_PLASTIC_MULTIPLIER;
-         else if ("displacement_and_plastic_multiplier"
-                              "_and_pressure") == 0)
-           unknowns_type = 
-         else
-           THROW_BADARG("Wrong input");
-       } else if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         unknowns_type = static_cast<getfem::plasticity_unknowns_type>
-                         (argin.to_integer());
-         GMM_ASSERT1
-           (unknowns_type == getfem::DISPLACEMENT_AND_PLASTIC_MULTIPLIER ||
-            unknowns_type == 
-            "Not valid input for unknowns_type");
-       }
-       if (unknowns_type == 
-         nb_var += 1;
-       std::vector<std::string> varnames;
-       for (size_type i = 0; i < nb_var; ++i)
-         varnames.push_back(in.pop().to_string());
-       std::vector<std::string> params;
-       for (size_type i = 0; i < nb_params; ++i)
-         params.push_back(in.pop().to_string());
-       size_type region(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         argin = in.pop();
-         if (!argin.is_integer())
-           THROW_BADARG("Last optional argument must be an integer");
-         region = argin.to_integer();
-       }
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-         add_finite_strain_elastoplasticity_brick
-         (*md, *mim, lawname, unknowns_type, varnames, params, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonlinear incompressibility brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str multname_pressure[, @int region])
-    Add a nonlinear incompressibility condition on `variable` (for large
-    strain elasticity). `multname_pressure`
-    is a variable which represent the pressure. Be aware that an inf-sup
-    condition between the finite element method describing the pressure and the
-    primal variable has to be satisfied. `region` is an optional mesh region on
-    which the term is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the
-    whole mesh. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add nonlinear incompressibility brick", 3, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_nonlinear_incompressibility_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add finite strain incompressibility brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str multname_pressure[, @int region])
-    Add a finite strain incompressibility condition on `variable` (for large
-    strain elasticity). `multname_pressure`
-    is a variable which represent the pressure. Be aware that an inf-sup
-    condition between the finite element method describing the pressure and the
-    primal variable has to be satisfied. `region` is an optional mesh region on
-    which the term is added. If it is not specified, it is added on the
-    whole mesh. Return the brick index in the model.
-    This brick is equivalent to the ``nonlinear incompressibility brick`` but
-    uses the high-level generic assembly adding the term
-    ``p*(1-Det(Id(meshdim)+Grad_u))`` if ``p`` is the multiplier and
-    ``u`` the variable which represent the displacement.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add finite strain incompressibility brick", 3, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_finite_strain_incompressibility_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add bilaplacian brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, @str 
dataname [, @int region])
-      Add a bilaplacian brick on the variable
-      `varname` and on the mesh region `region`.
-      This represent a term :math:`\Delta(D \Delta u)`.
-      where :math:`D(x)` is a coefficient determined by `dataname` which
-      could be constant or described on a f.e.m. The corresponding weak form
-      is :math:`\int D(x)\Delta u(x) \Delta v(x) dx`.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add bilaplacian brick", 3, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_bilaplacian_brick(*md, *mim,
-                             varname, dataname, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Kirchhoff-Love plate brick', @tmim mim, @str varname, 
@str dataname_D, @str dataname_nu [, @int region])
-      Add a bilaplacian brick on the variable
-      `varname` and on the mesh region `region`.
-      This represent a term :math:`\Delta(D \Delta u)` where :math:`D(x)`
-      is a the flexion modulus determined by `dataname_D`. The term is
-      integrated by part following a Kirchhoff-Love plate model
-      with `dataname_nu` the poisson ratio.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Kirchhoff-Love plate brick", 4, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_D = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_nu = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_bilaplacian_brick_KL(*md, *mim,
-                                varname, dataname_D, dataname_nu, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal derivative source term brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str dataname, @int region)
-      Add a normal derivative source term brick
-      :math:`F = \int b.\partial_n v` on the variable `varname` and the
-      mesh region `region`.
-      Update the right hand side of the linear system.
-      `dataname` represents `b` and `varname` represents `v`.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal derivative source term brick", 4, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_normal_derivative_source_term_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                varname, dataname, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Kirchhoff-Love Neumann term brick', @tmim mim, @str 
varname, @str dataname_M, @str dataname_divM, @int region)
-       Add a Neumann term brick for Kirchhoff-Love model
-      on the variable `varname` and the mesh region `region`.
-      `dataname_M` represents the bending moment tensor and  `dataname_divM`
-      its divergence.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Kirchhoff-Love Neumann term brick", 5, 5, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_M = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_divM = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_Kirchhoff_Love_Neumann_term_brick(*md, *mim,
-                                varname, dataname_M, dataname_divM, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal derivative Dirichlet condition with 
multipliers', @tmim mim, @str varname, mult_description, @int region [, @str 
dataname, @int R_must_be_derivated])
-       Add a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
-      `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
-      The general form is
-      :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
-      where :math:`r(x)` is
-      the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
-      homogeneous conditions) and :math:`v` is in a space of multipliers
-      defined by `mult_description`.
-      If `mult_description` is a string this is assumed
-      to be the variable name corresponding to the multiplier (which should be
-      first declared as a multiplier variable on the mesh region in the model).
-      If it is a finite element method (mesh_fem object) then a multiplier
-      variable will be added to the model and build on this finite element
-      method (it will be restricted to the mesh region `region` and eventually
-      some conflicting dofs with some other multiplier variables will be
-      suppressed). If it is an integer, then a  multiplier variable will be
-      added to the model and build on a classical finite element of degree
-      that integer. `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
-      the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
-      If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
-      derivative of `dataname` is considered.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal derivative Dirichlet condition with multipliers", 4, 6, 0, 
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string multname;
-       getfem::mesh_fem *mf = 0;
-       size_type degree = 0;
-       size_type version = 0;
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_integer()) {
-         degree = argin.to_integer();
-         version = 1;
-       } else if (argin.is_string()) {
-         multname = argin.to_string();
-         version = 2;
-       } else {
-         mf = to_meshfem_object(argin);
-         version = 3;
-       }
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       bool R_must_be_derivated = false;
-       if (in.remaining())
-         R_must_be_derivated = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1)) != 0;
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       switch(version) {
-       case 1:  ind +=
-           add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, dim_type(degree), region,
-            dataname, R_must_be_derivated ); break;
-       case 2:  ind +=
-           add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname, multname, region,
-            dataname, R_must_be_derivated ); break;
-       case 3:  ind +=
-           add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers
-           (*md, *mim, varname,  *mf,
-            region, dataname, R_must_be_derivated ); break;
-       }
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add normal derivative Dirichlet condition with 
penalization', @tmim mim, @str varname, @scalar coeff, @int region [, @str 
dataname, @int R_must_be_derivated])
-       Add a Dirichlet condition on the normal derivative of the variable
-      `varname` and on the mesh region `region` (which should be a boundary).
-      The general form is
-      :math:`\int \partial_n u(x)v(x) = \int r(x)v(x) \forall v`
-      where :math:`r(x)` is
-      the right hand side for the Dirichlet condition (0 for
-      homogeneous conditions).
-      The penalization coefficient
-      is initially `coeff` and will be added to the data of the model.
-      It can be changed with the command MODEL:SET('change penalization 
-      `dataname` is an optional parameter which represents
-      the right hand side of the Dirichlet condition.
-      If `R_must_be_derivated` is set to `true` then the normal
-      derivative of `dataname` is considered.
-      Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add normal derivative Dirichlet condition with penalization", 4, 6, 0, 
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double coeff = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dataname;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname = in.pop().to_string();
-       bool R_must_be_derivated = false;
-       if (in.remaining())
-         R_must_be_derivated = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1)) != 0;
-       size_type ind = config::base_index() +
-       add_normal_derivative_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization
-           (*md, *mim, varname, coeff, region,
-            dataname, R_must_be_derivated );
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Mindlin Reissner plate brick', @tmim mim, @tmim 
mim_reduced, @str varname_u3, @str varname_theta , @str param_E, @str param_nu, 
@str param_epsilon, @str param_kappa [,@int variant [, @int region]])
-      Add a term corresponding to the classical Reissner-Mindlin plate
-      model for which `varname_u3` is the transverse displacement,
-      `varname_theta` the rotation of
-      fibers normal to the midplane, 'param_E' the Young Modulus,
-      `param_nu` the poisson ratio,
-      `param_epsilon` the plate thickness,
-      `param_kappa` the shear correction factor. Note that since this brick
-      uses the high level generic assembly language, the parameter can
-      be regular expression of this language.
-      There are three variants.
-      `variant = 0` corresponds to the an
-      unreduced formulation and in that case only the integration
-      method `mim` is used. Practically this variant is not usable since
-      it is subject to a strong locking phenomenon.
-      `variant = 1` corresponds to a reduced integration where `mim` is
-      used for the rotation term and `mim_reduced` for the transverse
-      shear term. `variant = 2` (default) corresponds to the projection onto
-      a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term. For the moment, this
-      is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not sufficient to
-      remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
-      you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
-      of the approximation.
-      Returns the brick index in the model.
-      @*/
-     sub_command
-        ("add Mindlin Reissner plate brick", 7, 9, 0, 1,
-         getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-         getfem::mesh_im *mim_reduced = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-         std::string varname_U = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string varname_theta = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_E = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_nu = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_epsilon = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_kapa = in.pop().to_string();
-         size_type variant = size_type(2);
-         if (in.remaining()) variant = in.pop().to_integer();
-         size_type region = size_type(-1);
-         if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-         size_type ind = add_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick
-         (*md, *mim, *mim_reduced,
-          varname_U, varname_theta, param_E, param_nu, param_epsilon,
-          param_kapa, variant, region);
-         workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-         out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-         );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add enriched Mindlin Reissner plate brick', @tmim mim, 
@tmim mim_reduced1, @tmim mim_reduced2, @str varname_ua, @str 
varname_theta,@str varname_u3, @str varname_theta3 , @str param_E, @str 
param_nu, @str param_epsilon [,@int variant [, @int region]])
-    Add a term corresponding to the enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate
-    model for which `varname_ua` is the membrane displacements,
-    `varname_u3` is the transverse displacement,
-    `varname_theta` the rotation of
-    fibers normal to the midplane, 
-    `varname_theta3` the pinching,     
-    'param_E' the Young Modulus,
-    `param_nu` the poisson ratio,
-    `param_epsilon` the plate thickness. Note that since this brick
-    uses the high level generic assembly language, the parameter can
-    be regular expression of this language.
-    There are four variants.
-    `variant = 0` corresponds to the an
-    unreduced formulation and in that case only the integration
-    method `mim` is used. Practically this variant is not usable since
-    it is subject to a strong locking phenomenon.
-    `variant = 1` corresponds to a reduced integration where `mim` is
-    used for the rotation term and `mim_reduced1` for the transverse
-    shear term and `mim_reduced2` for the pinching term.
-    `variant = 2` (default) corresponds to the projection onto
-    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and a reduced 
integration for the pinching term.
-    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
-    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
-    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
-    of the approximation.
-    `variant = 3` corresponds to the projection onto
-    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and the projection onto 
P0 element of the pinching term.
-    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
-    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
-    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
-    of the approximation.   
-    Returns the brick index in the model.
-      @*/
-     sub_command
-        ("add enriched Mindlin Reissner plate brick", 10, 12, 0, 1,
-         getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-         getfem::mesh_im *mim_reduced1 = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-         getfem::mesh_im *mim_reduced2 = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-         std::string varname_Ua = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string varname_theta = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string varname_U3 = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string varname_theta3 = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_E = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_nu = in.pop().to_string();
-         std::string param_epsilon = in.pop().to_string();
-         size_type variant = size_type(3);//2
-         if (in.remaining()) variant = in.pop().to_integer();
-         size_type region = size_type(-1);
-         if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-         size_type ind = add_enriched_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick
-         (*md, *mim, *mim_reduced1,*mim_reduced2,
-          varname_Ua, varname_theta, varname_U3, varname_theta3,
-          param_E, param_nu, param_epsilon, variant, region);
-         workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-         out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-         );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add mass brick', @tmim mim, @str varname[, @str 
dataexpr_rho[, @int region]])
-      Add mass term to the model relatively to the variable `varname`.
-      If specified, the data `dataexpr_rho` is the
-      density (1 if omitted). `region` is an optional mesh region on
-      which the term is added. If it is not specified, it
-      is added on the whole mesh. Return the brick index in the model.@*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add mass brick", 2, 4, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_rho;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_rho = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = size_type(-1);
-       if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       size_type ind
-       = getfem::add_mass_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname, dataname_rho, region)
-       + config::base_index();
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ('shift variables for time integration')
-      Function used to shift the variables of a model to the data
-      corresponding of ther value on the previous time step for time
-      integration schemes. For each variable for which a time integration
-      scheme has been declared, the scheme is called to perform the shift.
-      This function has to be called between two time steps. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("shift variables for time integration", 0, 0, 0, 0,
-       md->shift_variables_for_time_integration();
-       );
-    /*@SET ('perform init time derivative', @scalar ddt)
-      By calling this function, indicates that the next solve will compute
-      the solution for a (very) small time step `ddt` in order to initalize
-      the data corresponding to the derivatives needed by time integration
-      schemes (mainly the initial time derivative for order one in time
-      problems  and the second order time derivative for second order in time
-      problems). The next solve will not change the value of the variables. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("perform init time derivative", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       double ddt = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       md->perform_init_time_derivative(ddt);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('set time step', @scalar dt)
-      Set the value of the time step to `dt`. This value can be change
-      from a step to another for all one-step schemes (i.e. for the moment
-      to all proposed time integration schemes). @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("set time step", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       double dt = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       md->set_time_step(dt);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('set time', @scalar t)
-      Set the value of the data `t` corresponding to the current time to `t`.
-      @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("set time", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       double t = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       md->set_time(t);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add theta method for first order', @str varname, @scalar theta)
-      Attach a theta method for the time discretization of the variable
-      `varname`. Valid only if there is at most first order time derivative
-      of the variable. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add theta method for first order", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double theta = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       getfem::add_theta_method_for_first_order(*md, varname, theta);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add theta method for second order', @str varname, @scalar theta)
-      Attach a theta method for the time discretization of the variable
-      `varname`. Valid only if there is at most second order time derivative
-      of the variable. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add theta method for second order", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double theta = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       getfem::add_theta_method_for_second_order(*md, varname, theta);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add Newmark scheme', @str varname, @scalar beta, @scalar gamma)
-      Attach a theta method for the time discretization of the variable
-      `varname`. Valid only if there is at most second order time derivative
-      of the variable. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Newmark scheme", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       double beta = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       double gamma = in.pop().to_scalar();
-       getfem::add_Newmark_scheme(*md, varname, beta, gamma);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add_Houbolt_scheme', @str varname)
-      Attach a Houbolt method for the time discretization of the variable
-      `varname`. Valid only if there is at most second order time derivative
-      of the variable  @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Houbolt scheme", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       getfem::add_Houbolt_scheme(*md, varname);
-       );
-     /*@SET ('disable bricks', @ivec bricks_indices)
-       Disable a brick (the brick will no longer participate to the
-       building of the tangent linear system).@*/
-     sub_command
-       ("disable bricks", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-        dal::bit_vector bv = in.pop().to_bit_vector();
-        for (dal::bv_visitor ii(bv); !ii.finished(); ++ii)
-          md->disable_brick(ii);
-        );
-     /*@SET ('enable bricks', @ivec bricks_indices)
-       Enable a disabled brick. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("enable bricks", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-        dal::bit_vector bv = in.pop().to_bit_vector();
-        for (dal::bv_visitor ii(bv); !ii.finished(); ++ii)
-          md->enable_brick(ii);
-        );
-     /*@SET ('disable variable', @str varname)
-       Disable a variable for a solve (and its attached multipliers).
-       The next solve will operate only on
-       the remaining variables. This allows to solve separately different
-       parts of a model. If there is a strong coupling of the variables,
-       a fixed point strategy can the be used. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("disable variable", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-        std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-        md->disable_variable(varname);
-        );
-     /*@SET ('enable variable', @str varname)
-       Enable a disabled variable (and its attached multipliers). @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("enable variable", 1, 1, 0, 0,
-        std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-        md->enable_variable(varname);
-        );
-     /*@SET ('first iter')
-       To be executed before the first iteration of a time integration
-       scheme. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("first iter", 0, 0, 0, 0,
-        md->first_iter();
-        );
-     /*@SET ('next iter')
-       To be executed at the end of each iteration of a time
-       integration scheme. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("next iter", 0, 0, 0, 0,
-        md->next_iter();
-        );
-     /*@SET ind = ('add basic contact brick', @str varname_u, @str 
multname_n[, @str multname_t], @str dataname_r, @tspmat BN[, @tspmat BT, @str 
dataname_friction_coeff][, @str dataname_gap[, @str dataname_alpha[, @int 
augmented_version[, @str dataname_gamma, @str dataname_wt]]])
-     Add a contact with or without friction brick to the model.
-     If U is the vector
-     of degrees of freedom on which the unilateral constraint is applied,
-     the matrix `BN` have to be such that this constraint is defined by
-     :math:`B_N U \le 0`. A friction condition can be considered by adding
-     the three parameters `multname_t`, `BT` and `dataname_friction_coeff`.
-     In this case, the tangential displacement is :math:`B_T U` and
-     the matrix `BT` should have as many rows as `BN` multiplied by
-     :math:`d-1` where :math:`d` is the domain dimension.
-     In this case also, `dataname_friction_coeff` is a data which represents
-     the coefficient of friction. It can be a scalar or a vector representing a
-     value on each contact condition.  The unilateral constraint is prescribed
-     thank to a multiplier
-     `multname_n` whose dimension should be equal to the number of rows of
-     `BN`. If a friction condition is added, it is prescribed with a
-     multiplier `multname_t` whose dimension should be equal to the number
-     of rows of `BT`. The augmentation parameter `r` should be chosen in
-     a range of
-     acceptabe values (see Getfem user documentation). `dataname_gap` is an
-     optional parameter representing the initial gap. It can be a single value
-     or a vector of value. `dataname_alpha` is an optional homogenization
-     parameter for the augmentation parameter
-     (see Getfem user documentation).  The parameter `augmented_version`
-     indicates the augmentation strategy : 1 for the non-symmetric
-     Alart-Curnier augmented Lagrangian, 2 for the symmetric one (except for
-     the coupling between contact and Coulomb friction), 3 for the
-     unsymmetric method with augmented multipliers, 4 for the unsymmetric
-     method with augmented multipliers and De Saxce projection. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add basic contact brick", 4, 12, 0, 1,
-        bool friction = false;
-        std::string varname_u = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_t; std::string friction_coeff;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_string()) {
-          friction = true;
-          multname_t = dataname_r;
-          dataname_r = argin.to_string();
-          argin = in.pop();
-        }
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> BN = argin.to_sparse();
-        if (BN->is_complex()) THROW_BADARG("Complex matrix not allowed");
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> BT;
-        if (friction) {
-          BT = in.pop().to_sparse();
-          if (BT->is_complex()) THROW_BADARG("Complex matrix not allowed");
-          friction_coeff = in.pop().to_string();
-        }
-        std::string dataname_gap;
-        dataname_gap = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_alpha;
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-        int augmented_version = 1;
-        if (in.remaining()) augmented_version = in.pop().to_integer(1,4);
-        std::string dataname_gamma;
-        std::string dataname_wt;
-        if (in.remaining()) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(friction,
-                      "gamma and wt parameters are for the frictional brick 
-          dataname_gamma = in.pop().to_string();
-          dataname_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-        }
-        getfem::CONTACT_B_MATRIX BBN;
-        getfem::CONTACT_B_MATRIX BBT;
-        if (BN->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN, gmm::mat_nrows(BN->real_csc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN->real_csc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN->real_csc(), BBN);
-        }
-        else if (BN->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN, gmm::mat_nrows(BN->real_wsc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN->real_wsc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN->real_wsc(), BBN);
-        }
-        else THROW_BADARG("Matrix BN should be a sparse matrix");
-        if (friction) {
-          if (BT->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT) {
-            gmm::resize(BBT, gmm::mat_nrows(BT->real_csc()),
-                        gmm::mat_ncols(BT->real_csc()));
-            gmm::copy(BT->real_csc(), BBT);
-          }
-          else if (BT->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT) {
-            gmm::resize(BBT, gmm::mat_nrows(BT->real_wsc()),
-                        gmm::mat_ncols(BT->real_wsc()));
-            gmm::copy(BT->real_wsc(), BBT);
-          }
-          else THROW_BADARG("Matrix BT should be a sparse matrix");
-        }
-        size_type ind;
-        if (friction) {
-          ind = getfem::add_basic_contact_brick
-            (*md, varname_u, multname_n, multname_t, dataname_r, BBN, BBT,
-             friction_coeff, dataname_gap, dataname_alpha, augmented_version,
-             false, "", dataname_gamma, dataname_wt);
-        } else {
-          ind = getfem::add_basic_contact_brick
-            (*md, varname_u, multname_n, dataname_r, BBN, dataname_gap,
-             dataname_alpha, augmented_version);
-        }
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-     /*@SET ind = ('add basic contact brick two deformable bodies', @str 
varname_u1, @str varname_u2, @str multname_n, @str dataname_r, @tspmat BN1, 
@tspmat BN2[, @str dataname_gap[, @str dataname_alpha[, @int 
-     Add a frictionless contact condition to the model between two deformable
-      bodies. If U1, U2 are the vector
-      of degrees of freedom on which the unilateral constraint is applied,
-      the matrices `BN1` and `BN2` have to be such that this condition
-      is defined by
-      $B_{N1} U_1 B_{N2} U_2 + \le gap$. The constraint is prescribed thank
-      to a multiplier
-      `multname_n` whose dimension should be equal to the number of lines of
-      `BN`. The augmentation parameter `r` should be chosen in a range of
-      acceptabe values (see Getfem user documentation). `dataname_gap` is an
-      optional parameter representing the initial gap. It can be a single value
-      or a vector of value. `dataname_alpha` is an optional homogenization
-      parameter for the augmentation parameter
-      (see Getfem user documentation). The parameter `aug_version` indicates
-      the augmentation strategy : 1 for the non-symmetric Alart-Curnier
-      augmented Lagrangian, 2 for the symmetric one, 3 for the unsymmetric
-      method with augmented multiplier. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add basic contact brick two deformable bodies", 6, 9, 0, 1,
-        std::string varname_u1 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string varname_u2 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> BN1 = in.pop().to_sparse();
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> BN2 =  in.pop().to_sparse();
-        if (BN1->is_complex()) THROW_BADARG("Complex matrix not allowed");
-        if (BN2->is_complex()) THROW_BADARG("Complex matrix not allowed");
-        std::string dataname_gap;
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_gap = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_alpha;
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-        int augmented_version = 1;
-        if (in.remaining()) augmented_version = in.pop().to_integer(1,4);
-        getfem::CONTACT_B_MATRIX BBN1; getfem::CONTACT_B_MATRIX BBN2;
-        if (BN1->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN1, gmm::mat_nrows(BN1->real_csc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN1->real_csc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN1->real_csc(), BBN1);
-        }
-        else if (BN1->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN1, gmm::mat_nrows(BN1->real_wsc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN1->real_wsc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN1->real_wsc(), BBN1);
-        }
-        else THROW_BADARG("Matrix BN1 should be a sparse matrix");
-        if (BN2->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN2, gmm::mat_nrows(BN2->real_csc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN2->real_csc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN2->real_csc(), BBN2);
-        }
-        else if (BN2->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT) {
-          gmm::resize(BBN2, gmm::mat_nrows(BN2->real_wsc()),
-                      gmm::mat_ncols(BN2->real_wsc()));
-          gmm::copy(BN2->real_wsc(), BBN2);
-        }
-        else THROW_BADARG("Matrix BN2 should be a sparse matrix");
-        size_type ind;
-        ind = getfem::add_basic_contact_brick_two_deformable_bodies
-        (*md, varname_u1, varname_u2, multname_n, dataname_r, BBN1, BBN2,
-         dataname_gap, dataname_alpha, augmented_version);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-    /*@SET ('contact brick set BN', @int indbrick, @tspmat BN)
-    Can be used to set the BN matrix of a basic contact/friction brick. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("contact brick set BN", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-        size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-        if (B->is_complex())
-          THROW_BADARG("BN should be a real matrix");
-        if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-          gmm::copy(B->real_csc(),
-                    getfem::contact_brick_set_BN(*md, ind));
-        else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-          gmm::copy(B->real_wsc(),
-                    getfem::contact_brick_set_BN(*md, ind));
-        else
-          THROW_BADARG("BN should be a sparse matrix");
-        );
-    /*@SET ('contact brick set BT', @int indbrick, @tspmat BT)
-      Can be used to set the BT matrix of a basic contact with
-      friction brick. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("contact brick set BT", 2, 2, 0, 0,
-        size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-        std::shared_ptr<gsparse> B = in.pop().to_sparse();
-        if (B->is_complex())
-          THROW_BADARG("BT should be a real matrix");
-        if (B->storage()==gsparse::CSCMAT)
-          gmm::copy(B->real_csc(), getfem::contact_brick_set_BT(*md, ind));
-        else if (B->storage()==gsparse::WSCMAT)
-          gmm::copy(B->real_wsc(), getfem::contact_brick_set_BT(*md, ind));
-        else
-          THROW_BADARG("BT should be a sparse matrix");
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nodal contact with rigid obstacle brick',  @tmim mim, 
@str varname_u, @str multname_n[, @str multname_t], @str dataname_r[, @str 
dataname_friction_coeff], @int region, @str obstacle[,  @int augmented_version])
-    Add a contact with or without friction condition with a rigid obstacle
-    to the model. The condition is applied on the variable `varname_u`
-    on the boundary corresponding to `region`. The rigid obstacle should
-    be described with the string `obstacle` being a signed distance to
-    the obstacle. This string should be an expression where the coordinates
-    are 'x', 'y' in 2D and 'x', 'y', 'z' in 3D. For instance, if the rigid
-    obstacle correspond to :math:`z \le 0`, the corresponding signed distance
-    will be simply "z". `multname_n` should be a fixed size variable whose size
-    is the number of degrees of freedom on boundary `region`. It represents the
-    contact equivalent nodal forces. In order to add a friction condition
-    one has to add the `multname_t` and `dataname_friction_coeff` parameters.
-    `multname_t` should be a fixed size variable whose size is
-    the number of degrees of freedom on boundary `region` multiplied by
-    :math:`d-1` where :math:`d` is the domain dimension. It represents
-    the friction equivalent nodal forces.
-    The augmentation parameter `r` should be chosen in a
-    range of acceptabe values (close to the Young modulus of the elastic
-    body, see Getfem user documentation).  `dataname_friction_coeff` is
-    the friction coefficient. It could be a scalar or a vector of values
-    representing the friction coefficient on each contact node. 
-    The parameter `augmented_version`
-    indicates the augmentation strategy : 1 for the non-symmetric
-    Alart-Curnier augmented Lagrangian, 2 for the symmetric one (except for
-    the coupling between contact and Coulomb friction),
-    3 for the new unsymmetric method.
-    Basically, this brick compute the matrix BN
-    and the vectors gap and alpha and calls the basic contact brick. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add nodal contact with rigid obstacle brick", 6, 9, 0, 1,
-        bool friction = false;
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        std::string varname_u = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_t;  std::string dataname_fr;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_string()) {
-          friction = true;
-          multname_t = dataname_r;
-          dataname_r = argin.to_string();
-          dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-          argin = in.pop();
-        }
-        size_type region = argin.to_integer();
-        std::string obstacle = in.pop().to_string();
-        int augmented_version = 1;
-        if (in.remaining()) augmented_version = in.pop().to_integer(1,4);
-        size_type ind;
-        if (friction)
-          ind = getfem::add_nodal_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-            (*md, *mim, varname_u, multname_n,
-             multname_t, dataname_r, dataname_fr, region, obstacle,
-             augmented_version);
-        else
-          ind = getfem::add_nodal_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-            (*md, *mim, varname_u, multname_n,
-             dataname_r, region, obstacle, augmented_version);
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add contact with rigid obstacle brick',  @tmim mim, @str 
varname_u, @str multname_n[, @str multname_t], @str dataname_r[, @str 
dataname_friction_coeff], @int region, @str obstacle[,  @int augmented_version])
-    DEPRECATED FUNCTION. Use 'add nodal contact with rigid obstacle brick' 
-     sub_command
-       ("add contact with rigid obstacle brick", 6, 9, 0, 1,
-        infomsg() << "WARNING : gf_mesh_fem_get('add contact with rigid 
obstacle "
-        << "brick', ...) is a deprecated command.\n          Use 
-        << "'add nodal contact with rigid obstacle brick', ...) instead." << 
-        SUBC_TAB::iterator it = subc_tab.find("add nodal contact with rigid 
obstacle brick");
-        if (it != subc_tab.end())
-            it->second->run(in, out, md);
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add integral contact with rigid obstacle brick',  @tmim 
mim, @str varname_u, @str multname, @str dataname_obstacle, @str dataname_r [, 
@str dataname_friction_coeff], @int region [, @int option [, @str 
dataname_alpha [, @str dataname_wt [, @str dataname_gamma [, @str 
-    Add a contact with or without friction condition with a rigid obstacle
-    to the model. This brick adds a contact which is defined
-    in an integral way. It is the direct approximation of an augmented
-    Lagrangian formulation (see Getfem user documentation) defined at the
-    continuous level. The advantage is a better scalability: the number of
-    Newton iterations should be more or less independent of the mesh size.
-    The contact condition is applied on the variable `varname_u`
-    on the boundary corresponding to `region`. The rigid obstacle should
-    be described with the data `dataname_obstacle` being a signed distance to
-    the obstacle (interpolated on a finite element method).
-    `multname` should be a fem variable representing the contact stress.
-    An inf-sup condition beetween `multname` and `varname_u` is required.
-    The augmentation parameter `dataname_r` should be chosen in a
-    range of acceptabe values.
-    The optional parameter `dataname_friction_coeff` is the friction
-    coefficient which could be constant or defined on a finite element method.
-    Possible values for `option` is 1 for the non-symmetric Alart-Curnier
-    augmented Lagrangian method, 2 for the symmetric one, 3 for the
-    non-symmetric Alart-Curnier method with an additional augmentation
-    and 4 for a new unsymmetric method. The default value is 1.
-    In case of contact with friction, `dataname_alpha` and `dataname_wt`
-    are optional parameters to solve evolutionary friction problems.
-    `dataname_gamma` and `dataname_vt` represent optional data for adding
-    a parameter-dependent sliding velocity to the friction condition.
-    @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add integral contact with rigid obstacle brick", 6, 12, 0, 1,
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        std::string varname_u = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_obs = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        size_type ind;
-        int option = 1;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_integer()) { // without friction
-            size_type region = argin.to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            ind = getfem::add_integral_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u, multname,
-                     dataname_obs, dataname_r, region, option);
-        } else { // with friction
-            std::string dataname_coeff = argin.to_string();
-            size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_alpha = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_gamma = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_gamma = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_vt = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_vt = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = getfem::add_integral_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u, multname,
-                     dataname_obs, dataname_r, dataname_coeff, region, option,
-                     dataname_alpha, dataname_wt, dataname_gamma, dataname_vt);
-        }
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add penalized contact with rigid obstacle brick',  @tmim 
mim, @str varname_u, @str dataname_obstacle, @str dataname_r [, @str 
dataname_coeff], @int region [, @int option, @str dataname_lambda, [, @str 
dataname_alpha [, @str dataname_wt]]])
-    Add a penalized contact with or without friction condition with a
-    rigid obstacle to the model.
-    The condition is applied on the variable `varname_u`
-    on the boundary corresponding to `region`. The rigid obstacle should
-    be described with the data `dataname_obstacle` being a signed distance to
-    the obstacle (interpolated on a finite element method).
-    The penalization parameter `dataname_r` should be chosen
-    large enough to prescribe approximate non-penetration and friction
-    conditions but not too large not to deteriorate too much the
-    conditionning of the tangent system.
-    `dataname_lambda` is an optional parameter used if option
-    is 2. In that case, the penalization term is shifted by lambda (this
-    allows the use of an Uzawa algorithm on the corresponding augmented
-    Lagrangian formulation)
-    @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add penalized contact with rigid obstacle brick", 5, 10, 0, 1,
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        std::string varname_u = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_obs = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        size_type ind;
-        int option = 1;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_integer()) { // without friction
-            size_type region = argin.to_integer();
-            if  (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_n = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = getfem::add_penalized_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u,
-                     dataname_obs, dataname_r, region, option, dataname_n);
-        } else { // with friction
-            std::string dataname_coeff = argin.to_string();
-            size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_lambda = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_lambda = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_alpha = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = getfem::add_penalized_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u,
-                     dataname_obs, dataname_r, dataname_coeff, region, option,
-                     dataname_lambda, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt);
-        }
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-     /*@SET ind = ('add Nitsche contact with rigid obstacle brick', @tmim mim, 
@str varname, @str Neumannterm, @str dataname_obstacle, @str gamma0name,  @int 
region[, @scalar theta[, @str dataname_friction_coeff[, @str dataname_alpha, 
@str dataname_wt]]])
-      Adds a contact condition with or without Coulomb friction on the variable
-      `varname` and the mesh boundary `region`. The contact condition
-      is prescribed with Nitsche's method. The rigid obstacle should
-      be described with the data `dataname_obstacle` being a signed distance to
-      the obstacle (interpolated on a finite element method).
-      `gamma0name` is the Nitsche's method parameter.
-      `theta` is a scalar value which can be
-      positive or negative. `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric
-      method which is conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-      `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is
-      inconditionally coercive. `theta = 0` is the simplest method
-      for which the second derivative of the Neumann term is not necessary.
-      The optional parameter `dataname_friction_coeff` is the friction
-      coefficient which could be constant or defined on a finite element
-      method.
-      CAUTION: This brick has to be added in the model after all the bricks
-      corresponding to partial differential terms having a Neumann term.
-      Moreover, This brick can only be applied to bricks declaring their
-      Neumann terms. Returns the brick index in the model.
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Nitsche contact with rigid obstacle brick", 6, 10, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_obs = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(1);
-       std::string dataname_fr;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string())
-           dataname_fr = argin.to_string();
-         else
-           theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       }
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_alpha;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_wt;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_Nitsche_contact_with_rigid_obstacle_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname, Neumannterm, dataname_obs,
-        gamma0name, theta,
-        dataname_fr, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-     /*@SET ind = ('add Nitsche midpoint contact with rigid obstacle brick', 
@tmim mim, @str varname, @str Neumannterm, @str Neumannterm_wt, @str 
dataname_obstacle, @str gamma0name,  @int region, @scalar theta, @str 
dataname_friction_coeff, @str dataname_alpha, @str dataname_wt)
-      EXPERIMENTAL BRICK: for midpoint scheme only !!
-      Adds a contact condition with or without Coulomb friction on the variable
-      `varname` and the mesh boundary `region`. The contact condition
-      is prescribed with Nitsche's method. The rigid obstacle should
-      be described with the data `dataname_obstacle` being a signed distance to
-      the obstacle (interpolated on a finite element method).
-      `gamma0name` is the Nitsche's method parameter.
-      `theta` is a scalar value which can be
-      positive or negative. `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric
-      method which is conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-      `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is
-      inconditionally coercive. `theta = 0` is the simplest method
-      for which the second derivative of the Neumann term is not necessary.
-      The optional parameter `dataname_friction_coeff` is the friction
-      coefficient which could be constant or defined on a finite element
-      method.
-      Returns the brick index in the model.
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Nitsche midpoint contact with rigid obstacle brick", 11, 11, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string Neumannterm_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_obs = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(1);
-       std::string dataname_fr;
-       mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-       if (argin.is_string())
-         dataname_fr = argin.to_string();
-       else
-         theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_wt = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += 
-       (*md, *mim, varname, Neumannterm, Neumannterm_wt,
-        dataname_obs,
-        gamma0name, theta,
-        dataname_fr, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt, region);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-#if (0) // Deprecated brick : uses the old Neumann terms
-    /*@SET ind = ('add Nitsche fictitious domain contact brick', @tmim mim, 
@str varname1, @str varname2, @str dataname_d1, @str dataname_d2, @str 
gamma0name [, @scalar theta[, @str dataname_friction_coeff[, @str 
dataname_alpha, @str dataname_wt1,@str dataname_wt2]]])
-     Adds a contact condition with or without Coulomb friction between
-     two bodies in a fictitious domain. The contact condition is applied on 
-     the variable `varname_u1` corresponds with the first and slave body 
-     with Nitsche's method and on the variable `varname_u2` corresponds 
-     with the second and master body with Nitsche's method. 
-     The contact condition is evaluated on the fictitious slave boundary.
-     The first body should be described by the level-set `dataname_d1` 
-     and the second body should be described by the level-set `dataname_d2`.
-     `gamma0name` is the Nitsche's method parameter. 
-     `theta` is a scalar value which can be positive or negative. 
-     `theta = 1` corresponds to the standard symmetric method which is
-     conditionally coercive for  `gamma0` small.
-     `theta = -1` corresponds to the skew-symmetric method which is 
inconditionally coercive.
-     `theta = 0` is the simplest method for which the second derivative of
-     the Neumann term is not necessary. The optional parameter 
-     is the friction coefficient which could be constant or defined on a 
finite element method. 
-     CAUTION: This brick has to be added in the model after all the bricks
-     corresponding to partial differential terms having a Neumann term.
-     Moreover, This brick can only be applied to bricks declaring their
-     Neumann terms. Returns the brick index in the model. 
-    @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add Nitsche fictitious domain contact brick", 6, 11, 0, 1,
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       std::string varname1 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string varname2 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_d1 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_d2 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string gamma0name = in.pop().to_string();
-       scalar_type theta = scalar_type(1);
-       std::string dataname_fr;
-       if (in.remaining()) {
-         mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-         if (argin.is_string())
-           dataname_fr = argin.to_string();
-         else
-           theta = argin.to_scalar();
-       }
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_alpha;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_wt1;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt1 = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string dataname_wt2;
-       if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt2 = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type ind = config::base_index();
-       ind += getfem::add_Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick
-       (*md, *mim, varname1, varname2, dataname_d1,
-        dataname_d2, gamma0name, theta,
-        dataname_fr, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt1, dataname_wt2);
-       workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-       out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
-       );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nodal contact between nonmatching meshes brick',  @tmim 
mim1[, @tmim mim2], @str varname_u1[, @str varname_u2], @str multname_n[, @str 
multname_t], @str dataname_r[, @str dataname_fr], @int rg1, @int rg2[, @int 
slave1, @int slave2,  @int augmented_version])
-    Add a contact with or without friction condition between two faces of
-    one or two elastic bodies. The condition is applied on the variable
-    `varname_u1` or the variables `varname_u1` and `varname_u2` depending
-    if a single or two distinct displacement fields are given. Integers
-    `rg1` and `rg2` represent the regions expected to come in contact with
-    each other. In the single displacement variable case the regions defined
-    in both `rg1` and `rg2` refer to the variable `varname_u1`. In the case
-    of two displacement variables, `rg1` refers to `varname_u1` and `rg2`
-    refers to `varname_u2`. `multname_n` should be a fixed size variable
-    whose size is the number of degrees of freedom on those regions among
-    the ones defined in `rg1` and `rg2` which are characterized as "slaves".
-    It represents the contact equivalent nodal normal forces. `multname_t`
-    should be a fixed size variable whose size corresponds to the size of
-    `multname_n` multiplied by qdim - 1 . It represents the contact
-    equivalent nodal tangent (frictional) forces. The augmentation parameter
-    `r` should be chosen in a range of acceptabe values (close to the Young
-    modulus of the elastic body, see Getfem user documentation). The
-    friction coefficient stored in the parameter `fr` is either a single
-    value or a vector of the same size as `multname_n`. The optional
-    parameters `slave1` and `slave2` declare if the regions defined in `rg1`
-    and `rg2` are correspondingly considered as "slaves". By default
-    `slave1` is true and `slave2` is false, i.e. `rg1` contains the slave
-    surfaces, while 'rg2' the master surfaces. Preferrably only one of
-    `slave1` and `slave2` is set to true.  The parameter `augmented_version`
-    indicates the augmentation strategy : 1 for the non-symmetric
-    Alart-Curnier augmented Lagrangian, 2 for the symmetric one (except for
-    the coupling between contact and Coulomb friction),
-    3 for the new unsymmetric method.
-    Basically, this brick computes the matrices BN and BT and the vectors
-    gap and alpha and calls the basic contact brick. @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add nodal contact between nonmatching meshes brick", 6, 13, 0, 1,
-        bool two_variables = true;
-        bool friction = false;
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim1 = 0;
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim2 = 0;
-        std::string varname_u1;
-        std::string varname_u2;
-        bool slave1=true; bool slave2=false;
-        int augmented_version = 1;
-        mim1 = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_string()) {
-          two_variables = false;
-          mim2 = mim1;
-          varname_u1 = argin.to_string();
-          varname_u2 = varname_u1;
-        } else {
-          mim2 = to_meshim_object(argin);
-          varname_u1 = in.pop().to_string();
-          varname_u2 = in.pop().to_string();
-         cout << "ok here" << endl;
-        }
-        std::string multname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname_t;
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_fr;
-        argin = in.pop();
-        if (!argin.is_integer()) {
-          friction = true;
-          multname_t = dataname_r;
-          dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-          dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-          argin = in.pop();
-        }
-        std::vector<size_type> vrg1(1,argin.to_integer());
-        std::vector<size_type> vrg2(1,in.pop().to_integer());
-        if (in.remaining()) slave1 = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1)) != 0;
-        if (in.remaining()) slave2 = (in.pop().to_integer(0,1)) != 0;
-        if (in.remaining()) augmented_version = in.pop().to_integer(1,4);
-        size_type ind;
-        if (!friction)
-          ind = getfem::add_nodal_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick
-            (*md, *mim1, *mim2,
-             varname_u1, varname_u2, multname_n, dataname_r,
-             vrg1, vrg2, slave1, slave2, augmented_version);
-        else
-          ind = getfem::add_nodal_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick
-            (*md, *mim1, *mim2,
-             varname_u1, varname_u2, multname_n, multname_t,
-             dataname_r, dataname_fr,
-             vrg1, vrg2, slave1, slave2, augmented_version);
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim1);
-        // if (two_variables)
-        //   workspace().set_dependence(md, mim2);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add nonmatching meshes contact brick',  @tmim mim1[, @tmim 
mim2], @str varname_u1[, @str varname_u2], @str multname_n[, @str multname_t], 
@str dataname_r[, @str dataname_fr], @int rg1, @int rg2[, @int slave1, @int 
slave2,  @int augmented_version])
-    DEPRECATED FUNCTION. Use 'add nodal contact between nonmatching meshes 
brick' instead.@*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add nonmatching meshes contact brick", 6, 13, 0, 1,
-        infomsg() << "WARNING : gf_mesh_fem_get('add nonmatching meshes "
-        << "contact brick', ...) is a deprecated command.\n          Use "
-        << "gf_mesh_fem_get('add nodal contact between nonmatching meshes "
-        << "brick', ...) instead." << endl;
-        SUBC_TAB::iterator it = subc_tab.find("add nodal contact between 
nonmatching meshes brick");
-        if (it != subc_tab.end())
-            it->second->run(in, out, md);
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add integral contact between nonmatching meshes brick',  
@tmim mim, @str varname_u1, @str varname_u2, @str multname, @str dataname_r [, 
@str dataname_friction_coeff], @int region1, @int region2 [, @int option [, 
@str dataname_alpha [, @str dataname_wt1 , @str dataname_wt2]]])
-    Add a contact with or without friction condition between nonmatching
-    meshes to the model. This brick adds a contact which is defined
-    in an integral way. It is the direct approximation of an augmented
-    agrangian formulation (see Getfem user documentation) defined at the
-    continuous level. The advantage should be a better scalability:
-    the number of Newton iterations should be more or less independent
-    of the mesh size.
-    The condition is applied on the variables `varname_u1` and `varname_u2`
-    on the boundaries corresponding to `region1` and `region2`.
-    `multname` should be a fem variable representing the contact stress
-    for the frictionless case and the contact and friction stress for the
-    case with friction. An inf-sup condition between `multname` and
-    `varname_u1` and `varname_u2` is required.
-    The augmentation parameter `dataname_r` should be chosen in a
-    range of acceptable values.
-    The optional parameter `dataname_friction_coeff` is the friction
-    coefficient which could be constant or defined on a finite element
-    method on the same mesh as `varname_u1`.
-    Possible values for `option` is 1 for the non-symmetric Alart-Curnier
-    augmented Lagrangian method, 2 for the symmetric one, 3 for the
-    non-symmetric Alart-Curnier method with an additional augmentation
-    and 4 for a new unsymmetric method. The default value is 1.
-    In case of contact with friction, `dataname_alpha`, `dataname_wt1` and
-    `dataname_wt2` are optional parameters to solve evolutionary friction
-    problems.
-    @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add integral contact between nonmatching meshes brick", 7, 12, 0, 1,
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        std::string varname_u1 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string varname_u2 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string multname = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        size_type ind;
-        int option = 1;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_integer()) { // without friction
-            size_type region1 = argin.to_integer();
-            size_type region2 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            ind = getfem::add_integral_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u1, varname_u2,
-                     multname, dataname_r, region1, region2, option);
-        } else { // with friction
-            std::string dataname_coeff = argin.to_string();
-            size_type region1 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            size_type region2 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_alpha = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt1 = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt1 = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt2 = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt2 = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = getfem::add_integral_contact_between_nonmatching_meshes_brick
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u1, varname_u2,
-                     multname, dataname_r, dataname_coeff, region1, region2,
-                     option, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt1, dataname_wt2);
-        }
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-    /*@SET ind = ('add penalized contact between nonmatching meshes brick',  
@tmim mim, @str varname_u1, @str varname_u2, @str dataname_r [, @str 
dataname_coeff], @int region1, @int region2 [, @int option [, @str 
dataname_lambda, [, @str dataname_alpha [, @str dataname_wt1, @str 
-    Add a penalized contact condition with or without friction between
-    nonmatching meshes to the model.
-    The condition is applied on the variables `varname_u1` and  `varname_u2`
-    on the boundaries corresponding to `region1` and `region2`.
-    The penalization parameter `dataname_r` should be chosen
-    large enough to prescribe approximate non-penetration and friction
-    conditions but not too large not to deteriorate too much the
-    conditionning of the tangent system.
-    The optional parameter `dataname_friction_coeff` is the friction
-    coefficient which could be constant or defined on a finite element
-    method on the same mesh as `varname_u1`.
-    `dataname_lambda` is an optional parameter used if option
-    is 2. In that case, the penalization term is shifted by lambda (this
-    allows the use of an Uzawa algorithm on the corresponding augmented
-    Lagrangian formulation)
-    In case of contact with friction, `dataname_alpha`, `dataname_wt1` and
-    `dataname_wt2` are optional parameters to solve evolutionary friction
-    problems.
-    @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add penalized contact between nonmatching meshes brick", 6, 12, 0, 1,
-        getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-        std::string varname_u1 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string varname_u2 = in.pop().to_string();
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        size_type ind;
-        int option = 1;
-        mexarg_in argin = in.pop();
-        if (argin.is_integer()) { // without friction
-            size_type region1 = argin.to_integer();
-            size_type region2 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if  (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_n = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_n = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = 
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u1, varname_u2,
-                     dataname_r, region1, region2, option, dataname_n);
-        } else { // with friction
-            std::string dataname_coeff = argin.to_string();
-            size_type region1 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            size_type region2 = in.pop().to_integer();
-            if (in.remaining()) option = in.pop().to_integer();
-            std::string dataname_lambda = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_lambda = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_alpha = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt1 = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt1 = in.pop().to_string();
-            std::string dataname_wt2 = "";
-            if (in.remaining()) dataname_wt2 = in.pop().to_string();
-            ind = 
-                    (*md, *mim, varname_u1, varname_u2,
-                     dataname_r, dataname_coeff, region1, region2, option,
-                     dataname_lambda, dataname_alpha, dataname_wt1, 
-        }
-        workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-     /*@SET ind = ('add integral large sliding contact brick raytracing', @str 
dataname_r, @scalar release_distance, [, @str dataname_fr[, @str 
dataname_alpha[, @int version]]])
-      Adds a large sliding contact with friction brick to the model.
-      This brick is able to deal with self-contact, contact between
-      several deformable bodies and contact with rigid obstacles.
-      It uses the high-level generic assembly. It adds to the model
-      a raytracing_interpolate_transformation object.
-      For each slave boundary a multiplier variable should be defined.
-      The release distance should be determined with care
-      (generally a few times a mean element size, and less than the
-      thickness of the body). Initially, the brick is added with no contact
-      boundaries. The contact boundaries and rigid bodies are added with
-      special functions. `version` is 0 (the default value) for the
-      non-symmetric version and 1 for the more symmetric one
-      (not fully symmetric even without friction). @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add integral large sliding contact brick raytracing", 2, 6, 0, 1,
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        scalar_type d = in.pop().to_scalar();
-        std::string dataname_fr = "0";
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-        if (dataname_fr.size() == 0) dataname_fr = "0";
-        std::string dataname_alpha = "1";
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-        if (dataname_alpha.size() == 0) dataname_alpha = "1";
-        bool sym_v = false;
-        if (in.remaining()) sym_v = (in.pop().to_integer() != 0);
-        bool frame_indifferent = false;
-        if (in.remaining()) frame_indifferent = (in.pop().to_integer() != 0);
-        size_type  ind
-        = getfem::add_integral_large_sliding_contact_brick_raytracing
-        (*md, dataname_r, d, dataname_fr, dataname_alpha, sym_v,
-         frame_indifferent);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-     /*@SET ('add rigid obstacle to large sliding contact brick', @int 
indbrick, @str expr, @int N)
-      Adds a rigid obstacle to an existing large sliding contact
-      with friction brick. `expr` is an expression using the high-level
-      generic assembly language (where `x` is the current point n the mesh)
-      which should be a signed distance to the obstacle.
-      `N` is the mesh dimension. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add rigid obstacle to large sliding contact brick", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type N = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_rigid_obstacle_to_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, expr, N);
-       );
-     /*@SET ('add master contact boundary to large sliding contact brick', 
@int indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname[, @str wname])
-      Adds a master contact boundary to an existing large sliding contact
-      with friction brick. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add master contact boundary to large sliding contact brick", 4, 5, 0,0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, true, false,
-        dispname, "", wname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add slave contact boundary to large sliding contact brick', @int 
indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname, @str lambdaname[, @str wname])
-      Adds a slave contact boundary to an existing large sliding contact
-      with friction brick. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add slave contact boundary to large sliding contact brick", 5, 6, 0,0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string lambda = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, false, true,
-        dispname, lambda, wname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add master slave contact boundary to large sliding contact 
brick', @int indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname, @str lambdaname[, 
@str wname])
-      Adds a contact boundary to an existing large sliding contact
-      with friction brick which is both master and slave
-      (allowing the self-contact). @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add master slave contact boundary to large sliding contact brick",
-       5, 6, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string lambda = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, true, true,
-        dispname, lambda, wname);
-       );
-       /*@SET ind = ('add Nitsche large sliding contact brick raytracing', 
@bool unbiased_version, @str dataname_r, @scalar release_distance[, @str 
dataname_fr[, @str dataname_alpha[, @int version]]])
-      Adds a large sliding contact with friction brick to the model based on 
the Nitsche's method.
-      This brick is able to deal with self-contact, contact between
-      several deformable bodies and contact with rigid obstacles.
-      It uses the high-level generic assembly. It adds to the model
-      a raytracing_interpolate_transformation object. "unbiased_version" 
refers to the version of Nische's method to be used.
-      (unbiased or biased one).
-      For each slave boundary a  material law should be defined as a function 
of the dispacement variable on this boundary.
-      The release distance should be determined with care
-      (generally a few times a mean element size, and less than the
-      thickness of the body). Initially, the brick is added with no contact
-      boundaries. The contact boundaries and rigid bodies are added with
-      special functions. `version` is 0 (the default value) for the
-      non-symmetric version and 1 for the more symmetric one
-      (not fully symmetric even without friction). @*/
-     sub_command
-       ("add Nitsche large sliding contact brick raytracing", 2, 6, 0, 1,
-        bool unbiased=(in.pop().to_integer() != 0);
-        std::string dataname_r = in.pop().to_string();
-        scalar_type d = in.pop().to_scalar();
-        std::string dataname_fr = "0";
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_fr = in.pop().to_string();
-        if (dataname_fr.size() == 0) dataname_fr = "0";
-        std::string dataname_alpha = "1";
-        if (in.remaining()) dataname_alpha = in.pop().to_string();
-        if (dataname_alpha.size() == 0) dataname_alpha = "1";
-        bool sym_v = false;
-        if (in.remaining()) sym_v = (in.pop().to_integer() != 0);
-        bool frame_indifferent = false;
-        if (in.remaining()) frame_indifferent = (in.pop().to_integer() != 0);
-        size_type  ind
-        = getfem::add_Nitsche_large_sliding_contact_brick_raytracing
-        (*md, unbiased, dataname_r, d, dataname_fr, dataname_alpha, sym_v,
-         frame_indifferent);
-        out.pop().from_integer(int(ind + config::base_index()));
-        );
-     /*@SET ('add rigid obstacle to Nitsche large sliding contact brick', @int 
indbrick, @str expr, @int N)
-      Adds a rigid obstacle to an existing large sliding contact
-      with friction brick. `expr` is an expression using the high-level
-      generic assembly language (where `x` is the current point n the mesh)
-      which should be a signed distance to the obstacle.
-      `N` is the mesh dimension. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add rigid obstacle to Nitsche large sliding contact brick", 3, 3, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       std::string expr = in.pop().to_string();
-       size_type N = in.pop().to_integer();
-       add_rigid_obstacle_to_Nitsche_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, expr, N);
-       );
-     /*@SET ('add master contact boundary to biased Nitsche large sliding 
contact brick', @int indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname[, @str 
-      Adds a master contact boundary to an existing biased Nitsche's large 
sliding contact
-      with friction brick. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add master contact boundary to biased Nitsche large sliding contact 
brick", 4, 5, 0,0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_Nitsche_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, true, false, false,
-        dispname, "", wname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add slave contact boundary to biased Nitsche large sliding 
contact brick', @int indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname, @str 
lambdaname[, @str wname])
-      Adds a slave contact boundary to an existing biased Nitsche's large 
sliding contact
-      with friction brick. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add slave contact boundary to biased Nitsche large sliding contact 
brick", 5, 6, 0,0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string sigma = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_Nitsche_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, false, true, false,
-        dispname, sigma, wname);
-       );
-    /*@SET ('add contact boundary to unbiased Nitsche large sliding contact 
brick', @int indbrick, @tmim mim, @int region, @str dispname, @str lambdaname[, 
@str wname])
-      Adds a contact boundary to an existing unbiased Nitschelarge sliding 
-      with friction brick which is both master and slave. @*/
-    sub_command
-      ("add contact boundary to unbiased Nitsche large sliding contact brick",
-       5, 6, 0, 0,
-       size_type ind = in.pop().to_integer() - config::base_index();
-       getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
-       size_type region = in.pop().to_integer();
-       std::string dispname = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string sigma = in.pop().to_string();
-       std::string wname;
-       if (in.remaining()) wname = in.pop().to_string();
-       add_contact_boundary_to_Nitsche_large_sliding_contact_brick
-       (*md, ind, *mim, region, true, true, true,
-        dispname, sigma, wname);
-       );
-  }
-  if (m_in.narg() < 2)  THROW_BADARG( "Wrong number of input arguments");
-  getfem::model *md  = to_model_object(m_in.pop());
-  std::string init_cmd   = m_in.pop().to_string();
-  std::string cmd        = cmd_normalize(init_cmd);
-  SUBC_TAB::iterator it = subc_tab.find(cmd);
-  if (it != subc_tab.end()) {
-    check_cmd(cmd, it->first.c_str(), m_in, m_out, it->second->arg_in_min,
-              it->second->arg_in_max, it->second->arg_out_min,
-              it->second->arg_out_max);
-    it->second->run(m_in, m_out, md);
-  }
-  else bad_cmd(init_cmd);
diff --git a/interface/src/ b/interface/src/
deleted file mode 120000
index a3609df..0000000
--- a/interface/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/src/ b/interface/src/
index 91c2445..535f635 100644
--- a/interface/src/
+++ b/interface/src/
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ void gf_model_set(getfemint::mexargs_in& m_in,
       Define a new macro for the high generic assembly language.
       The name include the parameters. For instance name='sp(a,b)', expr='a.b'
       is a valid definition. Macro without parameter can also be defined.
-      For instance name='x1', expr='X[1]' is valid. Teh form name='grad(u)',
+      For instance name='x1', expr='X[1]' is valid. The form name='grad(u)',
       expr='Grad_u' is also allowed but in that case, the parameter 'u' will
       only be allowed to be a variable name when using the macro. Note that
       macros can be directly defined inside the assembly strings with the

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