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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)
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Yves Renard |
Subject: |
[Getfem-commits] (no subject) |
Date: |
Mon, 2 Dec 2019 14:17:55 -0500 (EST) |
branch: master
commit 3777764a2e6c247cd3fcf95f84bcb4f39f472ead
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 2 20:17:26 2019 +0100
adding a demo of 3D Curl problem solved with DG
.../tests/python/demo_Vector_Potential_Curl_DG.py | 337 +++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 337 insertions(+)
diff --git a/interface/tests/python/demo_Vector_Potential_Curl_DG.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ed722f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/tests/python/demo_Vector_Potential_Curl_DG.py
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Python GetFEM++ interface
+# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Egor Vtorushin.
+# This file is a part of GetFEM++
+# GetFEM++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+Curl based problem in 3d cube test, including DG.
+We solve equation for vector potential approach for the magnetostatic problem
as it described in(and many other papers)
+"Mixed formulations for finite element analysis of magnetostatic and
electrostatic problems"
+Fumio Kikuchi, Japan J. Appl. Math. (1989) 6: 209.
+For a Interior penalty terms understanding we refer to
+"Discontinuous galerkin approximation of the maxwell eigenproblem",
+A. Buffa AND I. Perugia, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 44, No. 5 :
pp. 2198-222, 2006.
+"Unified analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems",
+D.N. Arnold, F. Brezzi, B. Cockburn, L.D. Marini, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. vol.
39:5, pp 1749-1779, 2002.
+@author: Egor Vtorushin
+@mail: address@hidden
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+try: gf
+except NameError: gf = None
+if gf is None:
+ import getfem as gf
+import time
+import datetime
+from enum import Enum
+Exact = Enum('Exact', 'BdmExample DotNormalZero CrossNormalZero')
+# Parameters
+ALPHAF=1.e3/MESHSIZE #Interior penalty(alpha) factor
+DS_GA = True if INNER_FACES>0 else False
+# Parameters END
+# Exact functions
+V1 = np.pi/4.0 #for a case
+if (EXACT_TYPE==Exact.BdmExample):
+ Bexact_exp=f'[{V1}*(sin(pi*X(2)) - sin(pi*X(3))); {V1}*(-sin(pi*X(1)) +
sin(pi*X(3))); {V1}*(sin(pi*X(1)) - sin(pi*X(2)))]'
+ CurlBexact_exp=f'[{V1}*(-pi*cos(pi*X(2)) -
pi*cos(pi*X(3)));{V1}*(-pi*cos(pi*X(1)) - pi*cos(pi*X(3)));
{V1}*(-pi*cos(pi*X(1)) - pi*cos(pi*X(2)))]'
+ Bexact_exp=f'{V1}*[sin(pi*X(2)) * sin(pi*X(3)); -sin(pi*X(1)) *
sin(pi*X(3)); sin(pi*X(1)) * sin(pi*X(2))]'
+ CurlBexact_exp=f'{V1}*[pi*sin(pi*X(1))*cos(pi*X(2)) +
pi*sin(pi*X(1))*cos(pi*X(3)); -pi*sin(pi*X(2))*cos(pi*X(1)) +
pi*sin(pi*X(2))*cos(pi*X(3)); -pi*sin(pi*X(3))*cos(pi*X(1)) -
+ Bexact_exp=f'{V1}*[sin(pi*X(1))*cos(2*pi*X(2));
-sin(pi*X(2))*cos(2*pi*X(3)); sin(pi*X(3))*cos(2*pi*X(1)) ]'
+ CurlBexact_exp=f'{V1}*[-2*pi*sin(pi*X(2))*sin(2*pi*X(3));
2*pi*sin(2*pi*X(1))*sin(pi*X(3)); 2*pi*sin(pi*X(1))*sin(2*pi*X(2))]'
+# Exact functions END
+# Creation of a simple 3d simplex mesh
+xa = np.arange(0, CUBE_H, MESHSIZE)
+ya = np.arange(0, CUBE_H, MESHSIZE)
+za = np.arange(0, CUBE_H, MESHSIZE)
+m = gf.Mesh('regular simplices', xa, ya, za)
+#m.export_to_vtk('3dregular_simplices.vtk', 'ascii')
+# Creation of a simple 3d simplex mesh END
+# Create a MeshFem for b and la mult fields
+ALPHA=',0.5' if DS_GA else ""
+mfb = gf.MeshFem(m,3)
+mfdiv_mult = gf.MeshFem(m,1)
+mfdiv_mult.set_fem(gf.Fem(f'FEM_PK{DS}(3,1{ALPHA})')) # MeshFem FEM_PK
+# Create a MeshFem for b and la mult fields END
+# Integration method used
+mim = gf.MeshIm(m, gf.Integ('IM_TETRAHEDRON(2)'))
+# Make it boundary
+m.set_region(ALL_SIDES, m.outer_faces())
+ m.set_region(INNER_FACES,m.inner_faces())
+# Make it boundary END
+JUMP_VVAR_N_ = '({v}-Interpolate({v},neighbour_elt)).Normal'
+JUMP_SVAR_N_ = '({V}-Interpolate({V},neighbour_elt))*Normal'
+CURL_VAR_='[Grad_{var}(3,2)-Grad_{var}(2,3); Grad_{var}(1,3)-Grad_{var}(3,1);
neighbour_elt)(3,2)-Interpolate(Grad_{var}, neighbour_elt)(2,3);
Interpolate(Grad_{var}, neighbour_elt)(1,3)-Interpolate(Grad_{var},
neighbour_elt)(3,1); Interpolate(Grad_{var},
neighbour_elt)(2,1)-Interpolate(Grad_{var}, neighbour_elt)(1,2)]'
+mean_test_p = '((Test_p+Interpolate(Test_p,neighbour_elt))*0.5)'
+jump_p = JUMP_SVAR_N_.format(V='p')
+jump_test_p = JUMP_SVAR_N_.format(V='Test_p')
+jump_b = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='b')
+jump_test_b = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='Test_b')
+cross_jump_b = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='b')
+cross_jump_test_b = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='Test_b')
M=CURL_VAR_.format(var= 'b'))
+cross_jump_a = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='a')
+cross_jump_test_a = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='Test_a')
+jump_a = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='a')
+jump_test_a = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='Test_a')
+#magentec potential model
+#Interpolate and export exact fields
+intonme = mfb
+CurlBexact = mdmag.interpolation(CurlBexact_exp, intonme)
+intonme.export_to_vtk('curl_exact3d.vtk', 'ascii', CurlBexact)
+print('exact curl B norm l2', gf.compute_L2_norm(intonme, CurlBexact, mim))
+Bexact=mdmag.interpolation(Bexact_exp, intonme)
+intonme.export_to_vtk('field_exact3d.vtk', 'ascii', Bexact)
+print('exact B norm l2', gf.compute_L2_norm(intonme, Bexact, mim))
+#Interpolate and export exact fields END
+# Main potential unknown
+mdmag.add_fem_variable('b', mfb);
+# lagrange augmentation unknown for potential
+mdmag.add_fem_variable('p', mfdiv_mult)
+tm = time.time()
+# building (curl b, curl \tau) term
+CURL_B=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, curl_testb_curl_b_exp, -1, 'b', 1, mfb, 0)
+tm = time.time()-tm
+print("CURL.CURL elapsed time", tm)
+# (curl b, curl \tau) adding to the model
+magi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'b', CURL_B)
+# Interior penalty terms
+ J_CROSSTAU_DOT_M_CURLB = gf.asm('generic', mim, 2,
'({K}).{L}'.format(K=cross_jump_test_b, L=mean_curl_b), INNER_FACES, 'b', 1,
mfb, 0)
+ #J_CROSSB_DOT_M_CURLTAU=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2,
'({K}).{L}'.format(K=cross_jump_b, L=mean_curl_test_b), INNER_FACES, 'b', 1,
mfb, 0)
+ CROSS_CROSS_IP=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, CROSS_CROSS_IP_EXP, INNER_FACES,
'b', 1, mfb, 0)
+ bi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'b', CROSS_CROSS_IP)
+ bi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'b', -J_CROSSTAU_DOT_M_CURLB)
+ #bi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'b', -J_CROSSB_DOT_M_CURLTAU)
+# Interior penalty terms END
+# Lagrange multipliers for div B=0 condition
+DIV_B1=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, 'Grad_Test_p.Test2_b', -1, 'b', 1, mfb, 0,
'p', 1, mfdiv_mult, 0)
+DIV_B1 = gf.Spmat('copy', DIV_B1 ,range(mfb.nbdof(),
+magi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('p', 'b', DIV_B1)
+magi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'p', DIV_B1)
+if(DS_GA): # Interior penalty terms for div B=0 part
+ FLUX_IP=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, FLUX_IP_EXP, INNER_FACES, 'b', 1, mfb, 0)
+ bi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'b', FLUX_IP)
+ IP_ADD=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, jump_b+'.'+mean_test_p, INNER_FACES, 'b',
1, mfb, 0, 'p', 1, mfdiv_mult, 0)
+ IP_ADD = gf.Spmat('copy', IP_ADD ,range(mfb.nbdof(),
+ magi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('p', 'b', -IP_ADD)
+ IP_ADD.transpose()
+ magi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('b', 'p', -IP_ADD)
+ PDIV_IP=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, PDIV_IP_EXP, INNER_FACES, 'p', 1,
mfdiv_mult, 0)
+ bi=mdmag.add_explicit_matrix('p', 'p', PDIV_IP)
+# Lagrange multipliers for div B=0 condition END
+# building rhs with given curlB field and B x N BC
+B_RHS=gf.asm('generic', mim, 1, 'vec.Test_b', -1, 'vec', 0, intonme,
CurlBexact, 'b', 1, mfb, 0)
+print("B_RHS L2_norm", gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, B_RHS, mim))
+mdmag.add_explicit_rhs('b', B_RHS)
B_CROSS_N_RHS_EXP='vec.({S})'.format(S=VPRODUCT_VAR_N_.format(var='Test_b')) #
compute B x N
+ tm = time.time()
+ B_CROSS_N_RHS = gf.asm('generic', mim, 1, B_CROSS_N_RHS_EXP, ALL_SIDES,
'vec', 0, mfb, Bexact, 'b', 1, mfb, 0)
+ tm = time.time()-tm
+ print("B . (N x tau) term elapsed time", tm)
+ B_CROSS_N_RHS_NORM=gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, B_CROSS_N_RHS, mim)
+ print("B . (N x tau) L2_norm", B_CROSS_N_RHS_NORM)
+ print('B_CROSS_N_RHS added')
+ mdmag.add_explicit_rhs('b', B_CROSS_N_RHS)
+# building rhs with given curlB field and B x N BC END
+# Assembly of the linear system for potential and solve.
+ mdmag.assembly(option='build_matrix')
+ mdmag.assembly(option='build_rhs')
+ print("Something went wrong when building magnitic filed matrix")
+ print("vector potential started at", time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y
%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), 'total dof number', mdmag.rhs().size)
+ tm = time.time()
+ #mdmag.solve()
+ bb=gf.linsolve_superlu(mdmag.tangent_matrix(),mdmag.rhs())[0][:,0]
+ mdmag.set_variable('b', bb[:B_RHS.size])
+ mdmag.set_variable('p', bb[B_RHS.size:])
+ tm = time.time()-tm
+ print("vector potential elapsed time %s " % datetime.timedelta(seconds=tm))
+ print("vector potential L2_norm", gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb,
mdmag.variable('b'), mim))
+# Assembly of the linear system for potential and solve. END
+mfb.export_to_vtk('vector_potential3d.vtk', 'ascii', mdmag.variable('b')) #
esport magnetic potential
+# done vector potential part
+ m.set_region(42,m.inner_faces())
+ print ("jump A x N conv", np.linalg.norm(gf.asm('generic', mim, 1,
'({A}).({B})'.format(A=cross_jump_b, B=cross_jump_test_b), 42, mdmag)))
+ print ("jump A . N conv", np.linalg.norm(gf.asm('generic', mim, 1,
'({A}).({B})'.format(A=jump_b,B=jump_test_b), 42, mdmag)))
+ print ("jump p * N conv", np.linalg.norm(gf.asm('generic', mim, 1,
'({A}).({B})'.format(A=jump_p,B=jump_test_p), 42, mdmag)))
+# start restoring target field from the vector potential
+# Technically we solve equation
+# find b \in H_{curl}(\Omega) such as
+# (b,\tau) = (curl A, \tau), for any \tau\in H_{curl}(\Omega)
+# for given field A\in V, where space V can be H_{div} or H^1
+# To do it one should apply green formula for (curl A, \tau) term and
carefully account BC term (\tau x N).A
+# Model for restoration
+# Main unknown
+mdpot.add_fem_variable('a', mfb);
+# mass matrix create and add
+AA=gf.asm('mass matrix', mim, mfb, mfb, -1)
+poti=mdpot.add_explicit_matrix('a', 'a', AA)
+# Interior penalty terms
+ CROSSA_CROSSA_IP=gf.asm('generic', mim, 2, CROSSA_CROSSA_IP_EXP,
INNER_FACES, 'a', 1, mfb, 0)
+ poti=mdpot.add_explicit_matrix('a', 'a', CROSSA_CROSSA_IP)
+# Interior penalty terms END
+# building rhs with vector potential field found before
+# convolution of curl with test function and verse (curl(\tau), a) and
(curl(a), \tau)
+tm = time.time()
+A_RHS=gf.asm('generic', mim, 1, CURL_TAU_VEC_EXP if WITH_B_CROSS_N else
TAU_CURL_VEC_EXP, -1, 'vec', 0, mfb, mdmag.variable('b'), 'a', 1, mfb, 0)
+tm = time.time()-tm
+print("A . Curl(tau) term elapsed time", tm)
+mdpot.add_explicit_rhs('a', A_RHS)
+ tm = time.time()
+ A_CROSS_N_RHS = gf.asm('generic', mim, 1, A_CROSS_N_RHS_EXP, ALL_SIDES,
'vec', 0, mfb, mdmag.variable('b'), 'a', 1, mfb, 0)
+ tm = time.time()-tm
+ print("A . (N x tau) term elapsed time", tm)
+ A_CROSS_N_RHS_NORM=gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, A_CROSS_N_RHS, mim)
+ print("A . (N x tau) L2_norm", A_CROSS_N_RHS_NORM)
+ mdpot.add_explicit_rhs('a', -A_CROSS_N_RHS)
+# building rhs with vector potential field found before END
+# Assembly of the restoration linear system and solve.
+ mdpot.assembly(option='build_matrix')
+ mdpot.assembly(option='build_rhs')
+ print("Something went wrong when building matrix")
+ print("curl restoration started at", time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y
%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), 'total dof number', mdmag.rhs().size)
+ tm = time.time()
+ #mdmag.solve()
+ aa=gf.linsolve_superlu(mdpot.tangent_matrix(),mdpot.rhs())[0][:,0]
+ mdpot.set_variable('a', aa[:A_RHS.size])
+ tm = time.time()-tm
+ print("curl restoration elapsed time %s " % datetime.timedelta(seconds=tm))
+# Assembly of the restoration linear system and solve END
+#export final solution
+mfb.export_to_vtk('restored3d.vtk', 'ascii', mdpot.variable('a'))
+print("B L2_norm", gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, mdpot.variable('a'), mim))
+print("B L2_norm ratio", gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, mdpot.variable('a')-Bexact,
mim)/gf.compute_L2_norm(mfb, Bexact, mim))
+ m.set_region(42,m.inner_faces())
+ cross_n_conv=gf.asm('generic', mim, 1,
'({P}).({Q})'.format(P=cross_jump_a, Q=cross_jump_test_a), 42, mdpot)
+ print('(B+ x N+)-(B- x N-)',np.linalg.norm(cross_n_conv))
+ dot_n_conv=gf.asm('generic', mim, 1,
'({S}).({T})'.format(S=jump_a,T=jump_test_a), 42, mdpot)
+ print('(B+ . N+)-(B- . N-)',np.linalg.norm(dot_n_conv))
+# done with restoring target field from the vector potential
+input("Press Enter to continue...")