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[Getfem-commits] please merge branch devel-tetsuo-model_lumped_mass_matr

From: Tetsuo Koyama
Subject: [Getfem-commits] please merge branch devel-tetsuo-model_lumped_mass_matrix
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:55:13 +0900

Dear Yves, Konstantinos and GetFEM++ Project

Please merge branch devel-tetsuo-model_lumped_mass_matrix.
I finally finished the test of add_lumped_mass_brick_for_first_order function.

I checked this function by using ./tests/ and see the
L2 error H1 error (I didn't commit this). The order of error is same
as using the consistent mass matrix.
So I would commit it.

It takes a lot of time to understand the model object framework, but I
did it :-)
This development has improved my knowledge. Thank you for supporting me.

Best Regard Tetsuo.

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