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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Konstantinos Poulios
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 09:50:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: devel-logari81
commit 537a96f6ddf58d655045681abcb822f1c593b085
Author: Konstantinos Poulios <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Jun 20 15:50:09 2018 +0200

    Minor improvements in finite strain plasticity brick and new demos
 .../tests/python/  | 318 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../python/     | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/                           |  17 +-
 3 files changed, 642 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/tests/python/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8bdb37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Konstantinos Poulios.
+# This file is a part of GetFEM++
+# GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+# under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+# by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+# (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+# Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+# You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+import getfem as gf
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import shutil
+# Input data
+UL = 1.             # unit length
+UF = 1.             # unit force
+L = 2*26.667*UL     # block length
+H = 2*6.413*UL      # block height
+dH = 0.018*H        # height reduction at the center of the block
+N_L = 20        # number of elements in block length direction
+N_H = 10        # number of elements in block height direction
+E = 206.9e3           # Elastic Young's modulus
+nu = 0.29             # Poisson's ratio
+sigma_0 = 0.45e3      # Initial yield stress
+sigma_inf = 0.715e3
+h1 = 16.93
+h2 = -0.012924e3      # Hardening/softening tangent modulus
+r_aug = 1e4       # augmentation parameter
+steps = 200
+#dirichlet_str = '[0,0]'
+#dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*y,{0}*{1}*x]'.format('{0}',0.4/steps)  #  pure 
shearing with 0.4 the shearing angle
+#dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*x*y,0]'.format('{0}',0.4/L/steps)  # symmetric xy 
shearing with 0.2 the shearing angle
+#dirichlet_str = '[0,{0}*{1}*x*y]'.format('{0}',0.4/L/steps)  # symmetric yx 
shearing with 0.2 the shearing angle
+#dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*y,0]'.format('{0}',0.4/steps)  #  simple xy 
shearing with 0.4 the shearing angle
+#dirichlet_str = '[0,{0}*{1}*x]'.format('{0}',0.4/steps)  #  simple yx 
shearing with 0.4 the shearing angle
+dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*x,0]'.format('{0}',10./L/steps)      # x stretching 
with 0.2 the stretching ratio
+#dirichlet_str = '[0,{0}*{1}*y]'.format('{0}',0.1/steps)      # y stretching 
with 0.8 the stretching ratio
+#dirichlet_str = '[np.cos({0}*{1})*x-np.sin({0}*{1})*y-x,'\
'np.sin({0}*{1})*x+np.cos({0}*{1})*y-y]'.format('{0}',np.pi/4/steps)   # 
rotation by pi/4
+#dirichlet_str = '[np.cos({0}*{1})*(1+{0}*{2})*x-np.sin({0}*{1})*y-x,'\
   # rotation by pi/4 and stretching (0.2)
+#dirichlet_str = '[np.cos({0}*{1})*(x+{0}*{2}*y)-np.sin({0}*{1})*y-x,'\
   # rotation by pi/4 and shearing xy
+#dirichlet_str = '[np.cos({0}*{1})*x-np.sin({0}*{1})*(y+{0}*{2}*x)-x,'\
   # rotation by pi/4 and shearing yx
+#dirichlet_str = 
   # rotation by pi/4 and pure shearing
+#dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*x,-{0}*{1}/(1+{0}*{1})*y]'.format('{0}',0.1/steps)  
    # isochoric stretching
+geotrans = 'GT_QK(2,2)'  # geometric transformation
+#geotrans = 'GT_Q2_INCOMPLETE(2)'
+disp_fem_order = 2   # displacements finite element order
+press_fem_order = 1  # pressure finite element order
+mult_fem_order = 2   # plastic multiplier finite element order
+#integration_degree = 3 # 4 gauss points per quad
+integration_degree = 5 # 9 gauss points per quad
+#integration_degree = 7 # 16 gauss points per quad
+#integration_degree = 9 # 25 gauss points per quad
+integration_degree_press = 5
+symmetric = True
+rigid_grip = False
+resultspath = './results_finite_strain_plasticity_deSouzaNeto'
+if not os.path.exists(resultspath):
+    os.makedirs(resultspath)
+# auxiliary parameters
+K = E/(3.*(1.-2.*nu))  # Bulk modulus
+mu = E/(2.*(1.+nu))    # Shear modulus
+# auxiliary constants
+xmin = -L/2
+ymin = -H/2
+dx = L
+dy = H
+if symmetric:
+   xmin = 0.
+   ymin = 0.
+   dx = L/2
+   dy = H/2
+mesh = gf.Mesh('import', 'structured',
+               'GT="%s";ORG=[%f,%f];SIZES=[%f,%f];NSUBDIV=[%i,%i]'
+               % (geotrans, xmin, ymin, dx, dy, N_L, N_H))
+N = mesh.dim()
+outer_faces = mesh.outer_faces()
+outer_normals = mesh.normal_of_faces(outer_faces)
+left_boundary   = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[0] < -0.95)[0]]
+right_boundary  = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[0] >  0.95)[0]]
+bottom_boundary = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[1] < -0.95)[0]]
+top_boundary    = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[1] >  0.95)[0]]
+mesh.set_region(L_BOUNDARY, left_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(R_BOUNDARY, right_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(B_BOUNDARY, bottom_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(T_BOUNDARY, top_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(DIR_BOUNDARY, left_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(DIR_BOUNDARY, right_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(OUT_BOUNDARY, outer_faces)
+if dH > 0:
+   pts = mesh.pts()
+   dy = 0.2   # fine element size ratio w.r.t. uniform mesh size
+   y0 = 0.04  # ratio of the finer meshed area w.r.t. the total length
+   x0 = y0/dy
+   b2 = (1-dy)/(x0-1)**2
+   b1 = dy - 2*b2*x0
+   b0 = 1 - b1 -b2
+   for i in range(pts.shape[1]):
+      x = pts[0,i]
+      y = pts[1,i]
+      t = 2*abs(x)/L
+      if t < x0:
+        x *= dy;
+      else:
+        x = (b0 + b1*t + b2*t**2) * np.sign(x)*L/2
+      pts[0,i] = x
+      pts[1,i] -= (y*dH)/(2*H) * (1 + np.cos(2.*np.pi*x/L))
+   mesh.set_pts(pts)
+mesh.export_to_vtk('%s/mesh.vtk' % resultspath)
+# FEM
+mf1 = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfN = gf.MeshFem(mesh, N)
+#if disp_fem_order == 2:
+#   mf1.set_fem(gf.Fem('FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(2)'))
+#   mfN.set_fem(gf.Fem('FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(2)'))
+if symmetric:
+   xdofsL = mfN.basic_dof_on_region(L_BOUNDARY)[0::N]
+   ydofsB = mfN.basic_dof_on_region(B_BOUNDARY)[1::N]
+   kept_dofs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(mfN.nb_basic_dof()),
+                            np.union1d(xdofsL,ydofsB))
+   mfu = gf.MeshFem('partial', mfN, kept_dofs)
+   mfu = mfN
+mfp = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfksi = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfout = gf.MeshFem(mesh)
+mim = gf.MeshIm(mesh, integration_degree)
+mimd1 = gf.MeshImData(mim, -1, [1])
+mimd4 = gf.MeshImData(mim, -1, [4])
+mimpress = gf.MeshIm(mesh, integration_degree_press)
+# Model
+md = gf.Model('real')
+md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu)        # displacements
+md.add_fem_variable('p', mfp)        # pressure
+md.add_fem_variable("ksi", mfksi)    # plastic multiplier for the current step
+md.add_im_data("gamma0", mimd1)      # accumulated plastic strain at previous 
time step
+md.add_im_data('invCp0', mimd4)      # Components 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23 of 
the plastic part
+md.set_variable('invCp0',            # of the inverse right Cauchy Green 
tensor at the
+                np.tile([1,1,1,0],   # previous step.
+                mimd4.nbpts()))      #
+if symmetric:
+   if rigid_grip:
+      md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mfN);
+      ibdir = md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfN, 
R_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+   else:
+      dirichlet_str = 
+      md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mf1);
+      ibdir = md.add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', 
mf1, R_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+   if not rigid_grip:
+      print('Not rigid grip option is ignored in non-symmetric model')
+   md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mfN);
+   ibdir = md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfN, 
DIR_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+gf.asm_define_function("hardening_law", 1,
+                       "({sigma0}+{dsigma}*(1-exp(-{delta}*t))+{H}*t)"\
+                       .format(sigma0=np.sqrt(2./3.)*sigma_0,
+                               dsigma=np.sqrt(2./3.)*(sigma_inf-sigma_0),
+                               delta=np.sqrt(2./3.)*h1,
+                               H=2./3.*h2));
+_K_ = "{0:.17g}".format(K)  # Bulk modulus
+_mu_ = "{0:.17g}".format(mu)             # Shear modulus
+ibplast = \
+  (mim, "Simo_Miehe", "displacement_and_plastic_multiplier_and_pressure",
+   "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0",
+   _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+print('Displacement dofs: %i' % mfu.nbdof())
+print('Total model dofs: %i' % md.nbdof())
+dirichlet_multname = md.mult_varname_Dirichlet(ibdir)
+mf_dirichlet_mult = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dirichlet_multname)
+mass_mat = gf.asm_mass_matrix(mim, mfout)
+starttime_overall = time.clock()
+with open('%s/finite_strain_plasticity_forces.dat' % resultspath, 'w') as f:
+   for step in range(0,steps+1):
+      print('Solving step: %i' % step)
+      backup = md.from_variables()
+      dirichlet_data = 
+      md.set_variable('dirichlet_data', dirichlet_data)
+      starttime = time.clock()
+      iters = 41
+      nit = \
+      md.solve('noisy', 'lsolver', 'mumps', 'max_iter', iters, 'max_res', 
1e-10, #)[0]
+               'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha max ratio', 1.5, 'alpha min', 
0.05, 'alpha mult', 0.6)[0]
+      if nit > 40:
+        print('STEP %i HAS NOT CONVERGED, TRYING SUBSTEPPING' % (step))
+        md.to_variables(backup)
+        for substep in range(1,5):
+          dirichlet_data = 
+          md.set_variable('dirichlet_data', dirichlet_data)
+          md.solve('noisy', 'lsolver', 'mumps', 'max_iter', iters, 'max_res', 
1e-10, #)[0]
+                   'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha max ratio', 1.5, 'alpha min', 
0.05, 'alpha mult', 0.6)[0]
+      print('STEP %i COMPLETED IN %f SEC' % (step, time.clock()-starttime))
+      VM = md.compute_finite_strain_elastoplasticity_Von_Mises\
+         (mim, mfout, "Simo_Miehe", 
+          "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0", _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+      RHS = md.rhs()
+      IU = md.interval_of_variable('u')
+      IP = md.interval_of_variable('p')
+      IKSI = md.interval_of_variable('ksi')
+      output = (mfu, md.variable('u'), 'Displacements',
+                mfp, md.variable('p'), 'Pressure',
+                mfksi, md.variable('ksi'), 'dksi',
+                mf_dirichlet_mult, -md.variable(dirichlet_multname), "Reaction 
+                mfout, VM, 'Von Mises Stress',
+                mfu, RHS[IU[0]:IU[0]+IU[1]], 'residual u',
+                mfp, RHS[IP[0]:IP[0]+IP[1]], 'residual p',
+                mfksi, RHS[IKSI[0]:IKSI[0]+IKSI[1]], 'residual ksi')
+      md.finite_strain_elastoplasticity_next_iter\
+         (mim, "Simo_Miehe", 
+          "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0", _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+      GAMMA = gf.asm_generic(mim, 1, "gamma*Test_t", -1,
+                             "gamma", False, mimd1, md.variable("gamma0"),
+                             "t", True, mfout, np.zeros(mfout.nbdof()))
+      GAMMA = np.transpose(gf.linsolve_mumps(mass_mat, GAMMA))
+      output += (mfout, GAMMA, "plastic strain")
+      mf1.export_to_vtk('%s/finite_strain_plasticity_%i.vtk' % (resultspath, 
step), 'ascii', *output)
+      DIRMULT = -md.variable(dirichlet_multname)
+      DIRMULT = np.reshape(DIRMULT,[1,DIRMULT.size])
+      if symmetric and not rigid_grip:
+         dfR = gf.asm_boundary_source(R_BOUNDARY, mim, mf1, mf_dirichlet_mult, 
+         f.write(('step=%i fR=(%f,0) sR=(%f,0)\n') %
+                 (step, dfR.sum(), dfR.sum()/H))
+      else:
+         dfR = gf.asm_boundary_source(R_BOUNDARY, mim, mfN, mf_dirichlet_mult, 
+         f.write(('step=%i fR=(%f,%f) sR=(%f,%f)\n') %
+                 (step, dfR[0::N].sum(), dfR[1::N].sum(),
+                        dfR[0::N].sum()/H, dfR[1::N].sum()/H))
+      f.flush()
+print('OVERALL SOLUTION TIME IS %f SEC' % (time.clock()-starttime_overall))
diff --git a/interface/tests/python/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5febab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Konstantinos Poulios.
+# This file is a part of GetFEM++
+# GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+# under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+# by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+# (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+# Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+# You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+import getfem as gf
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import shutil
+# Input data
+UL = 1.             # unit length
+UF = 1.             # unit force
+L = 2*26.667*UL     # bar length
+H = 2*6.413*UL      # bar diameter
+dH = 0.018*H        # diameter reduction at the center of the bar
+N_L = 20        # number of elements in length direction
+N_R1 =  6       # number of elements in radial direction (core)
+N_R2 =  3       # number of elements in radial direction (peel)
+E = 206.9e3           # Elastic Young's modulus
+nu = 0.29             # Poisson's ratio
+sigma_0 = 0.45e3      # Initial yield stress
+sigma_inf = 0.715e3
+h1 = 16.93
+h2 = 0.12924e3        # Hardening/softening tangent modulus
+r_aug = 1e4       # augmentation parameter
+steps = 200
+dirichlet_str = '[{0}*{1}*x,0,0]'.format('{0}',14./L/steps)      # x 
stretching with 0.2 the stretching ratio
+geotrans2d = 'GT_QK(2,2)'  # geometric transformation
+#geotrans = 'GT_Q2_INCOMPLETE(3)'
+disp_fem_order = 2   # displacements finite element order
+press_fem_order = 1  # pressure finite element order
+mult_fem_order = 2   # plastic multiplier finite element order
+#integration_degree = 3 # 4 gauss points per quad
+integration_degree = 5 # 9 gauss points per quad
+#integration_degree = 7 # 16 gauss points per quad
+#integration_degree = 9 # 25 gauss points per quad
+integration_degree_press = 5
+symmetric = True
+rigid_grip = False
+resultspath = './results_finite_strain_plasticity_3D_deSouzaNeto'
+if not os.path.exists(resultspath):
+    os.makedirs(resultspath)
+# auxiliary parameters
+K = E/(3.*(1.-2.*nu))  # Bulk modulus
+mu = E/(2.*(1.+nu))    # Shear modulus
+# auxiliary constants
+symmetries = 0
+if symmetric:
+   symmetries = 2
+mesh2d = gf.Mesh('import', 'structured_ball',
+                 'GT="%s";ORG=[0,0];SIZES=[%f];NSUBDIV=[%i,%i];SYMMETRIES=%i'
+                 % (geotrans2d, H/2., N_R1, N_R2, symmetries))
+mesh = gf.Mesh('prismatic', mesh2d, N_L, disp_fem_order)
+trsf = np.zeros([3,3])
+if symmetric:
+   trsf[0,2] = L/2.
+   trsf[0,2] = L
+trsf[1,1] = 1
+trsf[2,0] = -1
+if not symmetric:
+  mesh.translate([-L/2.,0,0.])
+N = mesh.dim()
+outer_faces = mesh.outer_faces()
+outer_normals = mesh.normal_of_faces(outer_faces)
+left_boundary   = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[0] < -0.95)[0]]
+right_boundary  = outer_faces[:,np.nonzero(outer_normals[0] >  0.95)[0]]
+mesh.set_region(L_BOUNDARY, left_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(R_BOUNDARY, right_boundary)
+pids = mesh.pid_in_faces(outer_faces)
+pts = mesh.pts(pids)
+pids_symmetry_xy = pids[np.abs(pts[2,:]) < 1e-8]
+pids_symmetry_xz = pids[np.abs(pts[1,:]) < 1e-8]
+mesh.set_region(XY_SYMMETRY, mesh.faces_from_pid(pids_symmetry_xy))
+mesh.set_region(XZ_SYMMETRY, mesh.faces_from_pid(pids_symmetry_xz))
+mesh.set_region(DIR_BOUNDARY, left_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(DIR_BOUNDARY, right_boundary)
+mesh.set_region(OUT_BOUNDARY, outer_faces)
+if dH > 0:
+   pts = mesh.pts()
+   dr = 0.2   # fine element size ratio w.r.t. uniform mesh size
+   r0 = 0.04  # ratio of the finer meshed area w.r.t. the total length
+   x0 = r0/dr
+   b2 = (1-dr)/(x0-1)**2
+   b1 = dr - 2*b2*x0
+   b0 = 1 - b1 -b2
+   for i in range(pts.shape[1]):
+      x = pts[0,i]
+      y = pts[1,i]
+      z = pts[2,i]
+      r = np.sqrt(y**2+z**2)
+      t = 2*abs(x)/L
+      if t < x0:
+        x *= dr;
+      else:
+        x = (b0 + b1*t + b2*t**2) * np.sign(x)*L/2
+      pts[0,i] = x
+      pts[1,i] -= (y*dH)/(2*H) * (1 + np.cos(2.*np.pi*x/L))
+      pts[2,i] -= (z*dH)/(2*H) * (1 + np.cos(2.*np.pi*x/L))
+   mesh.set_pts(pts)
+mesh.export_to_vtk('%s/mesh.vtk' % resultspath)
+# FEM
+mf1 = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfN = gf.MeshFem(mesh, N)
+#if disp_fem_order == 2:
+#   mf1.set_fem(gf.Fem('FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(3)'))
+#   mfN.set_fem(gf.Fem('FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(3)'))
+if symmetric:
+   xdofsL = mfN.basic_dof_on_region(L_BOUNDARY)[0::N]
+   ydofsXZ = mfN.basic_dof_on_region(XZ_SYMMETRY)[1::N]
+   zdofsXY = mfN.basic_dof_on_region(XY_SYMMETRY)[2::N]
+   kept_dofs = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(mfN.nb_basic_dof()),
+                            np.union1d(xdofsL,
+                                       np.union1d(ydofsXZ,zdofsXY)))
+   mfu = gf.MeshFem('partial', mfN, kept_dofs)
+   mfu = mfN
+mfp = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfksi = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 1)
+mfout = gf.MeshFem(mesh)
+mim = gf.MeshIm(mesh, integration_degree)
+mimd1 = gf.MeshImData(mim, -1, [1])
+mimd6 = gf.MeshImData(mim, -1, [6])
+mimpress = gf.MeshIm(mesh, integration_degree_press)
+# Model
+md = gf.Model('real')
+md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu)        # displacements
+md.add_fem_variable('p', mfp)        # pressure
+md.add_fem_variable("ksi", mfksi)    # plastic multiplier for the current step
+md.add_im_data("gamma0", mimd1)        # accumulated plastic strain at 
previous time step
+md.add_im_data('invCp0', mimd6)        # Components 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23 of 
the plastic part
+md.set_variable('invCp0',              # of the inverse right Cauchy Green 
tensor at the
+                np.tile([1,1,1,0,0,0], # previous step.
+                mimd6.nbpts()))        #
+if symmetric:
+   if rigid_grip:
+      md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mfN);
+      ibdir = md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfN, 
R_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+   else:
+      dirichlet_str = 
+      md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mf1);
+      ibdir = md.add_normal_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', 
mf1, R_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+   if not rigid_grip:
+      print('Not rigid grip option is ignored in non-symmetric model')
+   md.add_fem_data('dirichlet_data', mfN);
+   ibdir = md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfN, 
DIR_BOUNDARY, 'dirichlet_data')
+gf.asm_define_function("hardening_law", 1,
+                       "({sigma0}+{dsigma}*(1-exp(-{delta}*t))+{H}*t)"\
+                       .format(sigma0=np.sqrt(2./3.)*sigma_0,
+                               dsigma=np.sqrt(2./3.)*(sigma_inf-sigma_0),
+                               delta=np.sqrt(2./3.)*h1,
+                               H=2./3.*h2));
+_K_ = "{0:.17g}".format(K)  # Bulk modulus
+_mu_ = "{0:.17g}".format(mu)             # Shear modulus
+ibplast = \
+  (mim, "Simo_Miehe", "displacement_and_plastic_multiplier_and_pressure",
+   "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0",
+   _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+print('Displacement dofs: %i' % mfu.nbdof())
+print('Total model dofs: %i' % md.nbdof())
+dirichlet_multname = md.mult_varname_Dirichlet(ibdir)
+mf_dirichlet_mult = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dirichlet_multname)
+mass_mat = gf.asm_mass_matrix(mim, mfout)
+starttime_overall = time.clock()
+with open('%s/finite_strain_plasticity_forces.dat' % resultspath, 'w') as f:
+   for step in range(0,steps+1):
+      print('Solving step: %i' % step)
+      backup = md.from_variables()
+      dirichlet_data = 
+      md.set_variable('dirichlet_data', dirichlet_data)
+      starttime = time.clock()
+      iters = 41
+      nit = \
+      md.solve('noisy', 'lsolver', 'mumps', 'max_iter', iters, 'max_res', 
1e-10, #)[0]
+               'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha max ratio', 1.5, 'alpha min', 
0.05, 'alpha mult', 0.6)[0]
+      if nit > 40:
+        print('STEP %i HAS NOT CONVERGED, TRYING SUBSTEPPING' % (step))
+        md.to_variables(backup)
+        for substep in range(1,5):
+          dirichlet_data = 
+          md.set_variable('dirichlet_data', dirichlet_data)
+          md.solve('noisy', 'lsolver', 'mumps', 'max_iter', iters, 'max_res', 
1e-10, #)[0]
+                   'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha max ratio', 1.5, 'alpha min', 
0.05, 'alpha mult', 0.6)[0]
+      print('STEP %i COMPLETED IN %f SEC' % (step, time.clock()-starttime))
+      VM = md.compute_finite_strain_elastoplasticity_Von_Mises\
+         (mim, mfout, "Simo_Miehe", 
+          "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0", _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+      RHS = md.rhs()
+      IU = md.interval_of_variable('u')
+      IP = md.interval_of_variable('p')
+      IKSI = md.interval_of_variable('ksi')
+      output = (mfu, md.variable('u'), 'Displacements',
+                mfp, md.variable('p'), 'Pressure',
+                mfksi, md.variable('ksi'), 'dksi',
+                mf_dirichlet_mult, -md.variable(dirichlet_multname), "Reaction 
+                mfout, VM, 'Von Mises Stress',
+                mfu, RHS[IU[0]:IU[0]+IU[1]], 'residual u',
+                mfp, RHS[IP[0]:IP[0]+IP[1]], 'residual p',
+                mfksi, RHS[IKSI[0]:IKSI[0]+IKSI[1]], 'residual ksi')
+      md.finite_strain_elastoplasticity_next_iter\
+         (mim, "Simo_Miehe", 
+          "u", "ksi", "p", "gamma0", "invCp0", _K_, _mu_, "hardening_law")
+      GAMMA = gf.asm_generic(mim, 1, "gamma*Test_t", -1,
+                             "gamma", False, mimd1, md.variable("gamma0"),
+                             "t", True, mfout, np.zeros(mfout.nbdof()))
+      GAMMA = np.transpose(gf.linsolve_mumps(mass_mat, GAMMA))
+      output += (mfout, GAMMA, "plastic strain")
+      mf1.export_to_vtk('%s/finite_strain_plasticity_%i.vtk' % (resultspath, 
step), 'ascii', *output)
+      DIRMULT = -md.variable(dirichlet_multname)
+      DIRMULT = np.reshape(DIRMULT,[1,DIRMULT.size])
+      if symmetric and not rigid_grip:
+         dfR = gf.asm_boundary_source(R_BOUNDARY, mim, mf1, mf_dirichlet_mult, 
+         f.write(('step=%i fR=(%f,0) sR=(%f,0)\n') %
+                 (step, dfR.sum(), dfR.sum()/H))
+      else:
+         dfR = gf.asm_boundary_source(R_BOUNDARY, mim, mfN, mf_dirichlet_mult, 
+         f.write(('step=%i fR=(%f,%f) sR=(%f,%f)\n') %
+                 (step, dfR[0::N].sum(), dfR[1::N].sum(),
+                        dfR[0::N].sum()/H, dfR[1::N].sum()/H))
+      f.flush()
+print('OVERALL SOLUTION TIME IS %f SEC' % (time.clock()-starttime_overall))
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7dd35b3..ee0688b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ namespace getfem {
       std::string dum1, dum2, dum3, dum4, dum7;
         (md, lawname, unknowns_type, varnames, params,
-         dum1, dum2, dum3, dum4, sigma_after, von_mises, dum7);      
+         dum1, dum2, dum3, dum4, sigma_after, von_mises, dum7);
     size_type n_ep = 2; // Index of the plastic strain variable
@@ -1546,22 +1546,21 @@ namespace getfem {
       _DEVLOGBETR_3D_ =
       _DEVLOGBETR_ = "(Deviator(Logm("+_F_+"*"+_INVCP0_+"*"+_F_+"')))";
-    const std::string _DEVLOGBE_("((1-2*"+_KSI_+")*"+_DEVLOGBETR_+")");
-    const std::string _DEVLOGBE_3D_("((1-2*"+_KSI_+")*"+_DEVLOGBETR_3D_+")");
-    const std::string 
+    const std::string _DEVTAUTR_("("+G+"*"+_DEVLOGBETR_+")");
+    const std::string _DEVTAUTR_3D_("("+G+"*"+_DEVLOGBETR_3D_+")");
+    const std::string _DEVTAU_("((1-2*"+_KSI_+")*"+_DEVTAUTR_+")");
+    const std::string _DEVTAU_3D_("((1-2*"+_KSI_+")*"+_DEVTAUTR_3D_+")");
     const std::string _TAU_("("+_P_+"*"+_I_+"+"+_DEVTAU_+")");
     const std::string 
     const std::string _SIGMA_Y_(sigma_y+"("+_PLASTSTRAIN_+")");
-    const std::string 
-    const std::string 
     // results
     expr = _TAU_+":(Grad_Test_"+_U_+"*Inv"+_F_+")";
     if (mixed)
       expr += "+("+pressname+"/("+K+")+log("+_J_+")/"+_J_+")*Test_"+pressname;
-    expr += "+(Norm"+_DEVSIGMA_+
+    expr += "+(Norm"+_DEVTAU_+
     plaststrain = _PLASTSTRAIN_;
@@ -1574,7 +1573,7 @@ namespace getfem {
     invCp += 
-    vm = _SQRTTHREEHALF_+"*Norm("+_DEVSIGMA_+")";
+    vm = _SQRTTHREEHALF_+"*Norm("+_DEVTAU_+")/"+_J_;
   size_type add_finite_strain_elastoplasticity_brick

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