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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 10:43:11 -0500 (EST)

branch: devel-yves-dyn-contact
commit c27b401764182c12bb439cff6a697813b5fa53c1
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Wed Nov 8 16:42:16 2017 +0100

    some corrections
 interface/tests/matlab/demo_dynamic_contact.m |  26 +-
 src/   | 575 +-------------------------
 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 579 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/tests/matlab/demo_dynamic_contact.m 
index a0dd634..90c4025 100644
--- a/interface/tests/matlab/demo_dynamic_contact.m
+++ b/interface/tests/matlab/demo_dynamic_contact.m
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ if (d == 1)
   cmu = 0;                 % Lame coefficient
   vertical_force = 0.0;    % Volumic load in the vertical direction
   r = 10;                  % Augmentation parameter
-  % gamma0_N = 0.05;       % Parameter gamma0 for Nitsche's method
-  gamma0_N = 1e-4;         % Parameter gamma0 for Nitsche's method
-  dt = 0.0001;             % Time step
+  gamma0_N = 0.1;          % Parameter gamma0 for Nitsche's method
+  % gamma0_N = 1e-4;       % Parameter gamma0 for Nitsche's method
+  dt = 0.002;              % Time step
   T = 3;                   % Simulation time
   dt_plot = 0.01;          % Drawing step;
   dirichlet = 1;           % Dirichlet condition or not
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ gamma = 0.5;               % Newmark scheme coefficient
 theta = 0.5;               % Theta-method scheme coefficient
 Nitsche = 1;               % Use Nitsche's method or not
-theta_N = -1;              % Parameter theta for Nitsche's method
+theta_N = 1;               % Parameter theta for Nitsche's method
 singular_mass = 0;         % 0 = standard method
                            % 1 = Mass elimination on boundary
@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ c0 = sqrt((clambda+2*cmu)); % rho = 1 ...
 courantN = c0 * dt * NX; % h = 1/NX; 
 disp(sprintf('Wave speed c0 = %g', c0));
 disp(sprintf('Courant number nuC = %g', courantN));
- hold off;
 % Signed distance representing the obstacle
 if (d == 1) obstacle = 'x'; elseif (d == 2) obstacle = 'y'; else obstacle = 
'z'; end;
@@ -145,7 +144,6 @@ dirichlet_boundary=border(:, find(normals(d, :) > 0.01));
 gf_mesh_set(m, 'region', GAMMAD, dirichlet_boundary);
 % Finite element methods
 mfu=gf_mesh_fem(m, d);
 gf_mesh_fem_set(mfu, 'classical fem', u_degree);
 mfv=gf_mesh_fem(m, d);
@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ end
 if (dirichlet == 1 && scheme == 3) % penalisation of homogeneous Dirichlet 
condition for explicit scheme
     GD = gf_asm('mass matrix', mim, mfu, mfu, GAMMAD);
-    M = M + 1e12*GD'*GD;
+    M = M + 1e13*GD'*GD;
 % Plot the mesh
@@ -259,6 +257,7 @@ gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized fem data', 'obstacle', 
mfd, OBS);
 if (Nitsche)
   gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'gamma0', [gamma0_N]);
+  gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'theta_N', [theta_N]);
   expr_Neumann = gf_model_get(md, 'Neumann term', 'u', GAMMAC);
   if (scheme == 4)
       if (friction ~= 0)
@@ -317,8 +316,17 @@ end
 MV0 = zeros(nbdofu, 1);
 V1 = zeros(nbdofu, 1);
 FF = gf_asm('volumic source', mim, mfu, mfd, F);
-K = gf_asm('linear elasticity', mim, mfu, mfd, ones(nbdofd,1)*clambda, 
-MA0 = FF-K*U0;
+% K = gf_asm('linear elasticity', mim, mfu, mfd, ones(nbdofd,1)*clambda, 
+K = gf_asm('generic', mim, 2, 
'(clambda*Div_u*Id(meshdim)+2*cmu*Sym(Grad_u)):Grad_Test_u', -1, md);
+I = gf_model_get(md, 'interval of variable', 'u'); I = I(1):(I(1)+I(2)-1);
+K = K(I, I); K2 = K;
+if (Nitsche)
+  KK = gf_asm('generic', mim, 2, 
 GAMMAC, md);
+  K2 = K + KK(I,I);
+MA0 = FF-K2*U0
 if (singular_mass == 1)
   if (d == 1)
     MA0(1) = 0;
diff --git a/src/ 
index bd480de..3a88a96 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -2614,13 +2614,14 @@ namespace getfem {
     std::string contact_normal = "(-Normalized(Grad_"+obs+"))";
     std::string gap = "("+obs+"-"+varname_u+"."+contact_normal+")";
     std::string gap_wt = "("+obs+"-"+dataname_wt+"."+contact_normal+")";
-    std::string Vs = "("+varname_u+")";
-    std::string Vs_wt = "("+dataname_wt+")";
+    std::string Vs = "("+varname_u +
+      (dataname_wt.size() ? "-("+dataname_wt+"))" : ")");
+    std::string Vs_wt = Vs; // To be adapted ...
     if (dataname_friction_coeff.size() == 0)
       dataname_friction_coeff = std::string("0");
-    std::string Pg_wt = "("+gamma+"*("+Neumannterm_wt+")."+contact_normal+
-      " + "+gap_wt+")";
+    std::string Pg_wt = "(-"+gamma+"*("+Neumannterm_wt+")."+contact_normal+
+      " - "+gap_wt+")";
     std::string expr
@@ -2650,570 +2651,4 @@ namespace getfem {
-  //=========================================================================
-  //
-  //  Fictitious domain contact condition (HPP) : generic Nitsche's method
-  //
-  //=========================================================================
-#if (0) // Deprecated brick : uses the old Neumann terms
-  struct Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick : public virtual_brick {
-    scalar_type theta;
-    bool contact_only;
-    virtual void asm_real_tangent_terms(const model &md, size_type /* ib */,
-                                        const model::varnamelist &vl,
-                                        const model::varnamelist &dl,
-                                        const model::mimlist &mims,
-                                        model::real_matlist &matl,
-                                        model::real_veclist &vecl,
-                                        model::real_veclist &,
-                                        size_type /* region */,
-                                        build_version version) const {
-      // cout << "begining assembly" << endl;
-      // Integration method
-      GMM_ASSERT1(mims.size() == 1, "Nitsche fictitious domain contact "
-                  "bricks need a single mesh_im");
-      const mesh_im &mim = *mims[0];
-      const mesh &m = mim.linked_mesh();
-      size_type N = m.dim();
-      GMM_ASSERT1(vl.size() <= 2, "Auxilliary variable not taken into "
-                  "account for the moment");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(vl.size() >= 2, "Nitsche fictitious domain contact "
-                  "bricks need two variables");
-      const model_real_plain_vector &UU1 = md.real_variable(vl[0]);
-      const mesh_fem &mf_u1 = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(vl[0]);
-      const model_real_plain_vector &UU2 = md.real_variable(vl[1]);
-      const mesh_fem &mf_u2 = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(vl[1]);
-      model_real_plain_vector U1(mf_u1.nb_basic_dof()), 
-      mf_u1.extend_vector(UU1, U1); mf_u2.extend_vector(UU2, U2);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(dl.size() > 2, "Nitsche fictitious domain contact "
-                  "bricks need at least 2 data");
-      const model_real_plain_vector &DD1 = md.real_variable(dl[0]);
-      const mesh_fem &mf_d1 = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dl[0]);
-      const model_real_plain_vector &DD2 = md.real_variable(dl[1]);
-      const mesh_fem &mf_d2 = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dl[1]);
-      model_real_plain_vector D1(mf_d1.nb_basic_dof()), 
-      mf_d1.extend_vector(DD1, D1); mf_d2.extend_vector(DD2, D2);
-      const model_real_plain_vector &GAMMA0 = md.real_variable(dl[2]);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(GAMMA0.size() == 1, "Gamma0 should be a scalar parameter");
-      scalar_type gamma0 = GAMMA0[0];
-      scalar_type f_coeff(0), alpha(1);
-      const model_real_plain_vector *WWT1 = 0, *WWT2 = 0;
-      model_real_plain_vector WT1(mf_u1.nb_basic_dof()), 
-      if (dl.size() > 3) {
-        const model_real_plain_vector &FRICT = md.real_variable(dl[3]);
-        GMM_ASSERT1(FRICT.size() == 1, "The friction coefficient should "
-                    "be a scalar parameter");
-        f_coeff = FRICT[0];
-        if (dl.size() > 4) {
-          const model_real_plain_vector &ALPHA = md.real_variable(dl[4]);
-          GMM_ASSERT1(ALPHA.size() == 1, "Alpha should be a scalar parameter");
-          alpha = ALPHA[0];
-          if (dl.size() > 6) {
-            WWT1 = &(md.real_variable(dl[5]));
-            GMM_ASSERT1(&mf_u1 == &(md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dl[5])),
-                        "wt1 should be described on the same fem than u1");
-            WWT2 = &(md.real_variable(dl[6]));
-            GMM_ASSERT1(&mf_u2 == &(md.mesh_fem_of_variable(dl[6])),
-                        "wt2 should be described on the same fem than u2");
-            mf_u1.extend_vector(*WWT1, WT1); mf_u2.extend_vector(*WWT2, WT2);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      GMM_ASSERT1(&(mf_u1.linked_mesh()) == &m && &(mf_u2.linked_mesh()) == &m
-                  && &(mf_d1.linked_mesh()) == &m
-                  && &(mf_d2.linked_mesh()) == &m,
-                  "All data and variables should be defined on the same mesh");
-      // cout << "Computing projection ..." << endl;
-      bgeot::rtree tree;
-      for (dal::bv_visitor cv(mf_d2.convex_index()); !cv.finished(); ++cv) {
-       base_node min,max;
-//      base_node min = m.points_of_convex(cv)[0], max = min;
-//      for (size_type i = 1; i <  m.nb_points_of_convex(cv); // pourquoi ça?
-//          ++i) {
-//       cout << " cv = " << cv << ", min = " << min << ", max = " << max << 
-//       for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-//            const base_node &x = m.points_of_convex(cv)[k];
-//           min[k] = std::min(min[k], x[k]);
-//           max[k] = std::max(max[k], x[k]);
-//         }
-//       cout << " cv = " << cv << ", min = " << min << ", max = " << max << 
-//               }
-//       for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-//         min[k] -= (max[k] - min[k]) / 5.;
-//         max[k] += (max[k] - min[k]) / 5.;
-//          }
-       scalar_type EPS = 1E-13;
-       bounding_box(min, max, mf_d2.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv),
-                    mf_d2.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv));
-       for (unsigned k=0; k < min.size(); ++k) { min[k]-=EPS; max[k]+=EPS; }
-        tree.add_box(min, max, cv);
-      }
-      // cout << "Projection computed." << endl;
-      if (version & model::BUILD_MATRIX) {
-        gmm::clear(matl[0]);
-        gmm::clear(matl[1]);
-        gmm::clear(matl[2]);
-        gmm::clear(matl[3]);
-      }
-      if (version & model::BUILD_RHS) {
-        gmm::clear(vecl[0]);
-        gmm::clear(vecl[1]);
-        gmm::clear(vecl[2]);
-        gmm::clear(vecl[3]);
-      }
-      base_matrix G1, G2, GPr(N,N);
-      base_vector coeff, Velem, wt1(N), wt2(N), tv1n, tv2n;
-      base_matrix Melem, grad_d2(1, N), grad_d1(1, N), tv1, tv2;
-      base_small_vector d2(1), n1(N), n2(N), Pr(N), zeta(N), u1(N), u2(N);
-      base_tensor tG1, tGdu1, tGddu1, tbv1, tbv2;
-      scalar_type gap, u1n, u2n;
-      size_type cv2(-1),qdim1,qdim2;
-      bgeot::multi_index sizes_tGdu1(1), sizes_tGddu1(3);
-      sizes_tGdu1[0] = N;
-      tG1.adjust_sizes(sizes_tGdu1);
-      sizes_tGdu1.push_back(N);
-      sizes_tGddu1[2] = N;
-      // cout << "begining gauss points loop" << endl;
-      for (dal::bv_visitor cv(mim.convex_index()); !cv.finished(); ++cv) {
-        // cout << "element " << cv << endl;
-        pintegration_method pim = mim.int_method_of_element(cv);
-        if (pim->type() != IM_APPROX) continue; 
-        // cout << "pim = " << int(pim->type()) << endl;
-        // cout << "pim = " << pim->approx_method() << endl;
-        bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G1, m.points_of_convex(cv));
-        bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = m.trans_of_convex(cv);
-        pfem pf_u1 = mf_u1.fem_of_element(cv);
-        pfem pf_d1 = mf_d1.fem_of_element(cv);
-        size_type nbdof1 = mf_u1.nb_basic_dof_of_element(cv);
-        sizes_tGddu1[0] = sizes_tGddu1[1] = sizes_tGdu1[0]= nbdof1;
-        tGdu1.adjust_sizes(sizes_tGdu1);
-        tGddu1.adjust_sizes(sizes_tGddu1);
-        scalar_type gamma(0); 
-        size_type nbpt = pim->approx_method()->nb_points();
-        for (size_type ipt = 0; ipt < nbpt; ++ipt) {
-          const base_node xref = 
-          fem_interpolation_context ctx_u1(pgt, pf_u1, xref, G1, cv);
-          base_node x0 = ctx_u1.xreal();
-          scalar_type weight = pim->approx_method()->coeff(ipt) * ctx_u1.J();
-          // computation of h for gamma = gamma0*h
-          if (ipt == 0) {
-            scalar_type emax, emin;
-            gmm::condition_number(ctx_u1.K(),emax,emin);
-            gamma = gamma0 * emax * sqrt(scalar_type(N));
-          }
-          // computation of u1, w1, f_friction
-          slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_u1, U1, cv, coeff);
->interpolation(ctx_u1, coeff, u1, bgeot::dim_type(N));
-          if (WWT1) {
-            slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_u1, WT1, cv, coeff);
-  >interpolation(ctx_u1, coeff, wt1, bgeot::dim_type(N));
-          }
-          // Computation of n1
-          fem_interpolation_context ctx_d1(pgt, pf_d1, xref, G1, cv);
-          slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_d1, D1, cv, coeff);
->interpolation_grad(ctx_d1, coeff, grad_d1, 1);
-          gmm::copy(grad_d1.as_vector(), n1);
-          gmm::scale(n1, 1./gmm::vect_norm2(n1));
-          // cout << " Element " << cv << " point " << ipt << " elt ref : " <<
-          // (*(pim->approx_method()->pintegration_points()))[ipt] << " elt 
reel : " << x0 << endl; // Attention cv+1 pour matlab
-           //Definition de la projection et computation of n2
-          pfem pf_d2 = mf_d2.fem_of_element(cv);
-          fem_interpolation_context ctx_d2(pgt, pf_d2, xref, G1, cv);
-          slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_d2, D2, cv, coeff);
->interpolation(ctx_d2, coeff, d2, 1);
->interpolation_grad(ctx_d2, coeff, grad_d2, 1);
-          gmm::copy(grad_d2.as_vector(), n2);
-          gmm::scale(n2, 1./gmm::vect_norm2(n2));
-          base_node y0 = x0, yref(N);
-          gmm::add(gmm::scaled(gmm::mat_row(grad_d2, 0),
-                   -d2[0] / gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(gmm::mat_row(grad_d2, 0))),
-                   y0);
-          bgeot::rtree::pbox_set pbs;
-          tree.find_boxes_at_point(y0, pbs);
-          bgeot::rtree::pbox_set::const_iterator it = pbs.begin();
-          bool found = false;
-          size_type nbdof2(0);
-         for (; it != pbs.end(); ++it) {
-           cv2 = (*it)->id;
-            bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgty =  m.trans_of_convex(cv2);
-            nbdof2 = mf_u2.nb_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-            bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G2, m.points_of_convex(cv2));
-            bgeot::geotrans_inv_convex gic;
-            gic.init(m.points_of_convex(cv2), pgty);
-            gic.invert(y0, yref);
-            if (pgty->convex_ref()->is_in(yref) < 1E-10)
-              { found = true; break; }
-          }
-          GMM_ASSERT1(found && (cv2 != size_type(-1)),
-                      "Projection not found ...");
-        //  cout << "Found element : " << cv2 << " yref = " << yref << "y0 = " 
<< y0 << endl; // Attention cv2+1 pour matlab
-         // Computation of gap
-         gap = 0;
-          for( size_type i=0; i<N; ++i)
-            gap += (x0[i]-y0[i])*n2[i];                  
-          pfem pf_u2 = mf_u2.fem_of_element(cv2);
-          fem_interpolation_context ctx_u2(pgt, pf_u2, yref, G2, cv2);
-          // computation of u2
-          slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_u2, U2, cv2, coeff);
->interpolation(ctx_u2, coeff, u2, bgeot::dim_type(N));
-          if (WWT2) {
-            slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_u2, WT2, cv2, coeff);
-  >interpolation(ctx_u2, coeff, wt2, bgeot::dim_type(N));
-          }
-          u1n = gmm::vect_sp(u1, n2); u2n = gmm::vect_sp(u2, n2);
-          md.compute_Neumann_terms(1, vl[0], mf_u1, U1, ctx_u1, n1, tG1);
-          md.compute_Neumann_terms(2, vl[0], mf_u1, U1, ctx_u1, n1, tGdu1);
-          md.compute_Neumann_terms(3, vl[0], mf_u1, U1, ctx_u1, n1, tGddu1);
-          // gmm::clear(tG1.as_vector()); gmm::clear(tGdu1.as_vector()); 
gmm::clear(tGddu1.as_vector()); // A supprimer
->real_base_value(ctx_u1, tbv1);
->real_base_value(ctx_u2, tbv2);
-         qdim1=>target_dim();
-         qdim2=>target_dim();
-         vectorize_base_tensor(tbv1, tv1, nbdof1, qdim1, N);
-         vectorize_base_tensor(tbv2, tv2, nbdof2, qdim2, N);
-          for(size_type i=0; i<N; ++i)
-            zeta[i] = tG1[i] +
-              ( (gap - (alpha-1.)*u1n+(alpha-1.)*u2n)*n2[i]
-                + alpha*(wt1[i]-wt2[i]) + alpha*u1[i] - alpha*u2[i]) / gamma;  
-          coupled_projection(zeta, n2, f_coeff, Pr);
-         coupled_projection_grad(zeta, n2, f_coeff, GPr);
-          gmm::resize(tv1n, nbdof1); gmm::clear(tv1n);
-          gmm::resize(tv2n, nbdof2); gmm::clear(tv2n);
-         for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof1; ++k)
-           for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
-              tv1n[k] += n2[l] * tv1(k,l);
-         for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof2; ++k)
-           for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
-              tv2n[k] += n2[l] * tv2(k,l);
-          // Matrice tangente 
-          if (version & model::BUILD_MATRIX){         
-           // Matrice en u1,u1
-            gmm::resize(Melem, nbdof1, nbdof1); gmm::clear(Melem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof1; ++j)
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof1; ++k){
-               scalar_type res(0);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-                  if (theta != scalar_type(0)) { 
-                    res -= theta*gamma*tGdu1(k, i) * tGdu1(j, i); // l'inverse 
était écrit
-                    res += theta*gamma*(Pr[i]-tG1[i])*(tGddu1(j,k,i));
-                    for (size_type l =0; l<N; ++l){
-                      res += theta*GPr(i,l)*(gamma*tGdu1(k,l)
-                   }
-                  }
-                 for (size_type l =0; l<N;++l)
-                    res += 
 // bien n2 ou n1 ici   
-                }
-                Melem(j, k)=res;
-             }
-            gmm::scale(Melem,weight);
-           // cout << "Melem final 1" << Melem << endl;
-            mat_elem_assembly(matl[0], Melem, mf_u1, cv, mf_u1, cv);
-            // Matrice en u1,u2
-            gmm::resize(Melem, nbdof1, nbdof2); gmm::clear(Melem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof2; ++j)
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof1; ++k){
-               scalar_type res(0);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-                  if (theta != scalar_type(0)) {
-                    for (size_type l =0; l<N;++l)
-                      res -= 
-                                               }
-                 for (size_type l =0; l<N;++l)
-                    res -= 
-                } 
-               Melem(k, j)=res;                                   
-             }
-            gmm::scale(Melem,weight);
-            // cout << "Melem final 2" << Melem << endl;
-            mat_elem_assembly(matl[1], Melem, mf_u1, cv, mf_u2, cv2);  
-            // Matrice en fonction de u2,u1
-            gmm::resize(Melem, nbdof2, nbdof1); gmm::clear(Melem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof1; ++j)
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof2; ++k){
-               scalar_type res(0);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) 
-                 for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
-                    res -= 
-               Melem(k, j)=res;
-             }
-            gmm::scale(Melem,weight);
-            // cout << "Melem final 3" << Melem << endl;
-            mat_elem_assembly(matl[2], Melem, mf_u2, cv2, mf_u1, cv);    
-           // Matrice en u2,u2
-            gmm::resize(Melem, nbdof2, nbdof2); gmm::clear(Melem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof2; ++j)
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof2; ++k){
-               scalar_type res(0);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-                  for (size_type l =0; l<N;++l)
-                    res += 
-                } 
-               Melem(j, k)=res;                                   
-             }
-            gmm::scale(Melem,weight);
-            // cout << "Melem final 4" << Melem << endl;
-            mat_elem_assembly(matl[3], Melem, mf_u2, cv2, mf_u2, cv2); 
-          }
-          // Matrice du second Membre                       
-          if (version & model::BUILD_RHS){
-           // Second membre en u1
-           gmm::resize(Velem, nbdof1); gmm::clear(Velem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof1; ++j){
-             scalar_type res(0);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i){
-                if (theta != scalar_type(0)){
-                  res += theta*gamma*tG1[i] * tGdu1(j, i); 
-                  res -= theta*gamma*Pr[i] * tGdu1(j, i);
-                }
-                res -=Pr[i]*tv1(j,i);
-              }
-              Velem[j]=res;
-           }
-            gmm::scale(Velem, weight);
-           // cout << "Velem final 1" << Velem << endl;
-            vec_elem_assembly(vecl[0], Velem, mf_u1, cv);
-           // Second membre en u2          
-            gmm::resize(Velem, nbdof2);gmm::clear(Velem);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof2; ++j){
-             scalar_type res(0);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-                res += Pr[i]*tv2(j,i);
-             Velem[j]=res;
-           }           
-           gmm::scale(Velem, weight);
-           // cout << "Velem final 2" << Velem << endl;
-            vec_elem_assembly(vecl[3], Velem, mf_u2, cv2);
-          }
-//           size_type nit = 0;
-//           while (gmm::abs(d0) > 1E-10 && ++nit < 1000) {
-//             for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-//               pt_eval[k] += EPS;
-//               d1 = scalar_type(obstacles_parsers[irigid_obstacle].Eval());
-//               n[k] = (d1 - d0) / EPS;
-//               pt_eval[k] -= EPS;
-//             }
-//             gmm::add(gmm::scaled(n, -d0 / gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(n)), pt_eval);
-//             // A simple line search could be added
-//             d0 = scalar_type(obstacles_parsers[irigid_obstacle].Eval());
-//           }
-//           GMM_ASSERT1(nit < 1000, "Projection on rigid obstacle did not 
-//           ct.master_point.resize(N);
-//           gmm::copy(pt_eval, ct.master_point);
-        }
-      }
-      // cout << "end assembly" << endl;
-    }
-    Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick(scalar_type theta_,
-                                            bool nofriction) {
-      theta = theta_;
-      contact_only = nofriction;
-      set_flags("Integral Nitsche contact and friction with rigid "
-                "obstacle brick",
-                false /* is linear*/, false /* is symmetric */,
-                false /* is coercive */, true /* is real */,
-                false /* is complex */, false /* compute each time */,
-                false /* has a Neumann term */);
-    }
-  };
-  size_type add_Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick
-  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const std::string &varname_u1,
-   const std::string &varname_u2, const std::string &dataname_d1,
-   const std::string &dataname_d2, const std::string &dataname_gamma0,
-   scalar_type theta,
-   const std::string &dataname_friction_coeff,
-   const std::string &dataname_alpha,
-   const std::string &dataname_wt1, const std::string &dataname_wt2) {
-    bool nofriction = (dataname_friction_coeff.size() == 0);
-    pbrick pbr = std::make_shared<Nitsche_fictitious_domain_contact_brick>
-      (theta, nofriction);
-    model::termlist tl;
-    tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u1, varname_u1, false));
-    tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u1, varname_u2, false));
-    tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u2, varname_u1, false));
-    tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u2, varname_u2, false));
-    model::varnamelist dl(1, dataname_d1);
-    dl.push_back(dataname_d2);
-    dl.push_back(dataname_gamma0);
-    if (!nofriction) dl.push_back(dataname_friction_coeff);
-    if (dataname_alpha.size() > 0) {
-      dl.push_back(dataname_alpha);
-      if (dataname_wt1.size() > 0)
-        { dl.push_back(dataname_wt1); dl.push_back(dataname_wt2); }
-    }
-    model::varnamelist vl(1, varname_u1);
-    vl.push_back(varname_u2);
-    std::vector<std::string> aux_vars;
-    md.auxilliary_variables_of_Neumann_terms(varname_u1, aux_vars);
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < aux_vars.size(); ++i) {
-      vl.push_back(aux_vars[i]);
-      tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u1, aux_vars[i], false));
-    }
-//     aux_vars.resize(0);
-//     md.auxilliary_variables_of_Neumann_terms(varname_u2, aux_vars);
-//     for (size_type i = 0; i < aux_vars.size(); ++i) {
-//       vl.push_back(aux_vars[i]);
-//       tl.push_back(model::term_description(varname_u2, aux_vars[i], false));
-//     }
-    return md.add_brick(pbr, vl, dl, tl, model::mimlist(1, &mim),
-                        size_type(-1));
-  }
 }  /* end of namespace getfem.                                             */

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