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[Getfem-commits] r5484 - in /trunk/getfem/src: getfem_interpolation_on_d

From: andriy . andreykiv
Subject: [Getfem-commits] r5484 - in /trunk/getfem/src: getfem_interpolation_on_deformed_domains.cpp
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 13:54:43 -0000

Author: andrico
Date: Thu Nov 17 14:54:43 2016
New Revision: 5484

renaming a file to comply with Getfem conventions

      - copied unchanged from r5482, 

Removed: trunk/getfem/src/getfem_interpolation_on_deformed_domains.cpp
--- trunk/getfem/src/getfem_interpolation_on_deformed_domains.cpp       
+++ trunk/getfem/src/getfem_interpolation_on_deformed_domains.cpp       
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Yves Renard, Konstantinos Poulios and Andriy 
- This file is a part of GetFEM++
- GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
- under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
- by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
- (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
- Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
- This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
- License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
- You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h"
-#include "getfem/getfem_models.h"
-namespace getfem {
-// Structure describing a contact boundary (or contact body)
-struct contact_boundary {
-  size_type region;            // boundary region for the slave (source)
-                               // and volume region for the master (target)
-  const getfem::mesh_fem *mfu; // F.e.m. for the displacement.
-  std::string dispname;        // Variable name for the displacement
-  mutable const model_real_plain_vector *U;// Displacement
-  mutable model_real_plain_vector U_unred; // Unreduced displacement
-  contact_boundary(size_type r, const mesh_fem *mf, const std::string &dn)
-    : region(r), mfu(mf), dispname(dn)
-  {}
-//extract element displacements from a contact boundary object
-base_small_vector element_U(const contact_boundary &cb, size_type cv)
-  auto U_elm = base_small_vector{};
-  slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(*(cb.mfu), *cb.U, cv, U_elm);
-  return U_elm;
-//Returns an iterator of a box which centre is closest to the given point
-auto most_central_box(const bgeot::rtree::pbox_set &bset,
-                      const bgeot::base_node       &pt) -> 
-  using namespace std;
-  auto itmax = begin(bset);
-  auto it = itmax;
-  if (bset.size() > 1) {
-    auto rate_max = scalar_type{-1};
-    for (; it != end(bset); ++it) {
-      auto rate_box = scalar_type{1};
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pt.size(); ++i) {
-        auto h = (*it)->max[i] - (*it)->min[i];
-        if (h > 0.) {
-          auto rate = min((*it)->max[i] - pt[i], pt[i] - (*it)->min[i]) / h;
-          rate_box = min(rate, rate_box);
-        }
-      }
-      if (rate_box > rate_max) {
-        itmax = it;
-        rate_max = rate_box;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return itmax;
-//Transformation that creates identity mapping between two contact boundaries,
-//deformed with provided displacement fields
-class  interpolate_transformation_on_deformed_domains
-  : public virtual_interpolate_transformation {
-  contact_boundary master;//also marked with a target or Y prefix/suffix
-  contact_boundary slave; //also marked with a source or X prefix/suffix
-  mutable bgeot::rtree element_boxes;
-  mutable std::vector<size_type> box_to_convex; //index to obtain
-                                                //a convex number from a box 
-  mutable bgeot::geotrans_inv_convex gic;
-  mutable fem_precomp_pool fppool;
-  //Create a box tree based on the deformed elements of the master (target)
-  void compute_element_boxes() const { // called by init
-    base_matrix G;
-    model_real_plain_vector Uelm; //element displacement
-    element_boxes.clear();
-    auto bnum = master.region;
-    auto &mfu = *(master.mfu);
-    auto &U   = *(master.U);
-    auto &m   = mfu.linked_mesh();
-    auto N    = m.dim();
-    base_node Xdeformed(N), bmin(N), bmax(N);
-    auto region = m.region(bnum);
-    //the box tree creation and subsequent transformation inversion
-    //should be done for all elements of the master, while integration
-    //will be performed only on a thread partition of the slave
-    region.prohibit_partitioning();
-    GMM_ASSERT1(mfu.get_qdim() == N, "Wrong mesh_fem qdim");
-    dal::bit_vector points_already_interpolated;
-    std::vector<base_node> transformed_points(m.nb_max_points());
-    box_to_convex.clear();
-    box_to_convex.reserve(region.size());
-    for (getfem::mr_visitor v(region, m); !v.finished(); ++v) {
-      auto cv   =;
-      auto pgt  = m.trans_of_convex(cv);
-      auto pf_s = mfu.fem_of_element(cv);
-      auto pfp  = fppool(pf_s, pgt->pgeometric_nodes());
-      slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mfu, U, cv, Uelm);
-      mfu.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv, G);
-      auto ctx   = fem_interpolation_context{pgt, pfp, size_type(-1), G, cv};
-      auto nb_pt = pgt->structure()->nb_points();
-      for (size_type k = 0; k < nb_pt; ++k) {
-        auto ind = m.ind_points_of_convex(cv)[k];
-        // computation of a transformed vertex
-        ctx.set_ii(k);
-        if (points_already_interpolated.is_in(ind)) {
-          Xdeformed = transformed_points[ind];
-        } else {
-          pf_s->interpolation(ctx, Uelm, Xdeformed, dim_type{N});
-          Xdeformed += ctx.xreal(); //Xdeformed = U + Xo
-          transformed_points[ind] = Xdeformed;
-          points_already_interpolated.add(ind);
-        }
-        if (k == 0) // computation of bounding box
-          bmin = bmax = Xdeformed;
-        else {
-          for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
-            bmin[l] = std::min(bmin[l], Xdeformed[l]);
-            bmax[l] = std::max(bmax[l], Xdeformed[l]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // Safety coefficient of 1.3 (for nonlinear transformations)
-      // Expanding the box by 15% of the largest edge in every direction
-      auto h = bmax[0] - bmin[0];
-      for (size_type k = 1; k < N; ++k) h = std::max(h, bmax[k] - bmin[k]);
-      for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {bmin[k] -= h * 0.15; bmax[k] += h * 
-      // Store the bounding box and additional information.
-      element_boxes.add_box(bmin, bmax, box_to_convex.size());
-      box_to_convex.push_back(cv);
-    }
-  }
-  fem_interpolation_context deformed_master_context(size_type cv) const
-  {
-    auto &mfu  = *(master.mfu);
-    auto G     = base_matrix{};
-    auto pfu   = mfu.fem_of_element(cv);
-    auto pgt   = master.mfu->linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
-    auto pfp   = fppool(pfu, pgt->pgeometric_nodes());
-    master.mfu->linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv, G);
-    return {pgt, pfp, size_type(-1), G, cv};
-  }
-  std::vector<bgeot::base_node> deformed_master_nodes(size_type cv) const {
-    using namespace bgeot;
-    using namespace std;
-    auto nodes = vector<base_node>{};
-    auto U_elm = element_U(master, cv);
-    auto &mfu  = *(master.mfu);
-    auto G     = base_matrix{};
-    auto pfu   = mfu.fem_of_element(cv);
-    auto pgt   = master.mfu->linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
-    auto pfp   = fppool(pfu, pgt->pgeometric_nodes());
-    auto N     = mfu.linked_mesh().dim();
-    auto pt    = base_node(N);
-    auto U     = base_small_vector(N);
-    master.mfu->linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv, G);
-    auto ctx = fem_interpolation_context{pgt, pfp, size_type(-1), G, cv};
-    auto nb_pt = pgt->structure()->nb_points();
-    nodes.reserve(nb_pt);
-    for (size_type k = 0; k < nb_pt; ++k) {
-      ctx.set_ii(k);
-      pfu->interpolation(ctx, U_elm, U, dim_type{N});
-      gmm::add(ctx.xreal(), U, pt);
-      nodes.push_back(pt);
-    }
-    return nodes;
-  }
-  interpolate_transformation_on_deformed_domains(
-    size_type              source_region,
-    const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_source,
-    const std::string      &source_displacements,
-    size_type              target_region,
-    const getfem::mesh_fem &mf_target,
-    const std::string      &target_displacements)
-    :
-      slave{source_region, &mf_source, source_displacements},
-      master{target_region, &mf_target, target_displacements}
-  void extract_variables(const ga_workspace           &workspace,
-                         std::set<var_trans_pair>     &vars,
-                         bool                         ignore_data,
-                         const mesh                   &m_x,
-                         const std::string            &interpolate_name) const 
override {
-    if (!ignore_data || !(workspace.is_constant(master.dispname))){
-      vars.emplace(master.dispname, interpolate_name);
-      vars.emplace(slave.dispname, "");
-    }
-  }
-  void init(const ga_workspace &workspace) const override {
-    for (auto pcb : std::list<const contact_boundary*>{&master, &slave}) {
-      auto &mfu = *(pcb->mfu);
-      if (mfu.is_reduced()) {
-        gmm::resize(pcb->U_unred, mfu.nb_basic_dof());
-        mfu.extend_vector(workspace.value(pcb->dispname), pcb->U_unred);
-        pcb->U = &(pcb->U_unred);
-      } else {
-        pcb->U = &(workspace.value(pcb->dispname));
-      }
-    }
-    compute_element_boxes();
-  };
-  void finalize() const override {
-    element_boxes.clear();
-    box_to_convex.clear();
-    master.U_unred.clear();
-    slave.U_unred.clear();
-    fppool.clear();
-  }
-  int transform(const ga_workspace                    &workspace,
-                const mesh                            &m_x,
-                fem_interpolation_context             &ctx_x,
-                const base_small_vector               &/*Normal*/,
-                const mesh                            **m_t,
-                size_type                             &cv,
-                short_type                            &face_num,
-                base_node                             &P_ref,
-                base_small_vector                     &N_y,
-                std::map<var_trans_pair, base_tensor> &derivatives,
-                bool                                  compute_derivatives) 
const override {
-    auto &target_mesh = master.mfu->linked_mesh();
-    *m_t = &target_mesh;
-    auto transformation_success = false;
-    using namespace gmm;
-    using namespace bgeot;
-    using namespace std;
-    //compute a deformed point of the slave
-    auto cv_x    = ctx_x.convex_num();
-    auto U_elm_x = element_U(slave, cv_x);
-    auto &mfu_x  = *(slave.mfu);
-    auto pfu_x   = mfu_x.fem_of_element(cv_x);
-    auto N       = mfu_x.linked_mesh().dim();
-    auto U_x     = base_small_vector(N);
-    auto G_x     = base_matrix{}; //coordinates of the source element nodes
-    m_x.points_of_convex(cv_x, G_x);
-    ctx_x.set_pf(pfu_x);
-    pfu_x->interpolation(ctx_x, U_elm_x, U_x, dim_type{N});
-    auto pt_x = base_small_vector(N); //deformed point of the slave
-    add(ctx_x.xreal(), U_x, pt_x);
-    //Find the best box from the master (target) that
-    //corresponds to this point (The box which centre is the closest to the 
-    //Obtain the corresponding element number using the box id and 
-    //indices. Compute deformed nodes of the target element. Invert the 
-    //transformation of the target element with deformed nodes, obtaining this 
-    //reference coordinates of the target element
-    auto bset = rtree::pbox_set{};
-    element_boxes.find_boxes_at_point(pt_x, bset);
-    while (!bset.empty())
-    {
-      auto itmax = most_central_box(bset, pt_x);
-      cv = box_to_convex[(*itmax)->id];
-      auto deformed_nodes_y = deformed_master_nodes(cv);
-      gic.init(deformed_nodes_y, target_mesh.trans_of_convex(cv));
-      auto converged = true;
-      auto is_in = gic.invert(pt_x, P_ref, converged, 1E-4);
-      if (is_in && converged) {
-        face_num = static_cast<short_type>(-1);
-        transformation_success = true;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (bset.size() == 1) break;
-      bset.erase(itmax);
-    }
-    //Since this transformation can be seen as Xsource + Usource - Utarget,
-    //the corresponding stiffnesses are identity matrix for Usource and
-    //minus identity for Utarget. The required answer in this function is
-    //stiffness X shape function. Hence, returning shape function for Usource
-    //and min shape function for Utarget
-    if (compute_derivatives && transformation_success) {
-      GMM_ASSERT2(derivatives.size() == 2,
-                  "Expecting to return derivatives only for Umaster and 
-      for (auto &pair : derivatives)
-      {
-        if (pair.first.varname == slave.dispname)
-        {
-          auto base_ux = base_tensor{};
-          auto vbase_ux = base_matrix{} ;
-          ctx_x.base_value(base_ux);
-          auto qdim_ux = pfu_x->target_dim();
-          auto ndof_ux = pfu_x->nb_dof(cv_x) * N / qdim_ux;
-          vectorize_base_tensor(base_ux, vbase_ux, ndof_ux, qdim_ux, N);
-          pair.second.adjust_sizes(ndof_ux, N);
-          copy(vbase_ux.as_vector(), pair.second.as_vector());
-        }
-        else
-        if (pair.first.varname == master.dispname)
-        {
-          auto ctx_y = deformed_master_context(cv);
-          ctx_y.set_xref(P_ref);
-          auto base_uy = base_tensor{};
-          auto vbase_uy = base_matrix{} ;
-          ctx_y.base_value(base_uy);
-          auto pfu_y   = master.mfu->fem_of_element(cv);
-          auto dim_y = master.mfu->linked_mesh().dim();
-          auto qdim_uy = pfu_y->target_dim();
-          auto ndof_uy = pfu_y->nb_dof(cv) * dim_y / qdim_uy;
-          vectorize_base_tensor(base_uy, vbase_uy, ndof_uy, qdim_uy, dim_y);
-          pair.second.adjust_sizes(ndof_uy, dim_y);
-          copy(vbase_uy.as_vector(), pair.second.as_vector());
-          scale(pair.second.as_vector(), -1.);
-        }
-        else GMM_ASSERT2(false, "unexpected derivative variable");
-      }
-    }
-    return transformation_success ? 1 : 0;
-  }
-  void add_interpolate_transformation_on_deformed_domains
-  (ga_workspace &workspace, const std::string &transname,
-   const mesh &source_mesh, const std::string &source_displacements,
-   const mesh_region &source_region, const mesh &target_mesh,
-   const std::string &target_displacements, const mesh_region &target_region)
-  {
-    auto pmf_source = workspace.associated_mf(source_displacements);
-    auto pmf_target = workspace.associated_mf(target_displacements);
-    auto p_transformation
-      = 
-                                                                ,
-    workspace.add_interpolate_transformation(transname, p_transformation);
-  }
-  void add_interpolate_transformation_on_deformed_domains
-  (model &md, const std::string &transname,
-   const mesh &source_mesh, const std::string &source_displacements,
-   const mesh_region &source_region, const mesh &target_mesh,
-   const std::string &target_displacements, const mesh_region &target_region)
-  {
-    auto &mf_source = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(source_displacements);
-    auto mf_target = md.mesh_fem_of_variable(target_displacements);
-    auto p_transformation
-      = 
-                                                                ,
-    md.add_interpolate_transformation(transname, p_transformation);
-  }
-}  /* end of namespace getfem.                                             */

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