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[Getfem-commits] r4992 - in /trunk/getfem/interface/tests: matlab/ pytho
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Yves . Renard |
Subject: |
[Getfem-commits] r4992 - in /trunk/getfem/interface/tests: matlab/ python/ |
Date: |
Wed, 13 May 2015 15:40:55 -0000 |
Author: renard
Date: Wed May 13 17:40:54 2015
New Revision: 4992
URL: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/getfem?rev=4992&view=rev
Demo_Mindlin_Reissner in Python
Modified: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.m
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.m
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.m Wed May
13 17:40:54 2015
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-% Copyright (C) 20015-2015 FABRE Mathieu, SECK Mamadou, DALLERIT Valentin,
Yves Renard
+% Copyright (C) 2015-2015 FABRE Mathieu, SECK Mamadou, DALLERIT Valentin,
+% Yves Renard
% This file is a part of GETFEM++
@@ -24,12 +25,14 @@
kappa = 5/6; % Shear correction factor
f = -5*epsilon^3; % Prescribed force on the top of the plate
-variant = 2; % 0 : not reduced, 1 : with reduced integration, 2 :
MITC reduction
+variant = 2; % 0 : not reduced, 1 : with reduced integration,
+ % 2 : MITC reduction
quadrangles = true; % Locking free only on quadrangle for the moment
K = 1; % Degree of the finite element method
with_Mindlin_brick = true; % Uses the Reissner-Mindlin predefined brick or not
-dirichlet_version = 1; % 0 = simplification, 1 = with multipliers, 2 =
+dirichlet_version = 1; % 0 = simplification, 1 = with multipliers
+ % 2 = penalization
+r = 1E8; % Penalization parameter.
plot_mesh = false;
draw_solution = true;
@@ -42,11 +45,9 @@
NX, NX));
-% Create a mesh_fem of for a 2 dimension vector field
+% Create a mesh_fem for a 2D vector field
mftheta = gf_mesh_fem(m,2);
mfu = gf_mesh_fem(m,1);
-% Assign the QK or PK fem to all convexes of the mesh_fem, and define an
-% integration method
if (quadrangles)
gf_mesh_fem_set(mftheta,'fem',gf_fem(sprintf('FEM_QK(2,%d)', K)));
gf_mesh_fem_set(mfu,'fem',gf_fem(sprintf('FEM_QK(2,%d)', K)));
@@ -59,15 +60,15 @@
mim_reduced = gf_mesh_im(m, gf_integ('IM_TRIANGLE(1)'));
-% detect the border of the mesh
+% Detect the border of the mesh and assign it the boundary number 1
border = gf_mesh_get(m,'outer faces');
-% mark it as boundary #1
gf_mesh_set(m, 'boundary', 1, border);
if (plot_mesh)
gf_plot_mesh(m, 'regions', [1]); % the boundary edges appears in red
+% Build the model
gf_model_set(md, 'add fem variable', 'u', mfu);
gf_model_set(md, 'add fem variable', 'theta', mftheta);
Modified: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/Makefile.am
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/Makefile.am (original)
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/Makefile.am Wed May 13 17:40:54 2015
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
demo_plasticity.py \
demo_plate.py \
demo_static_contact.py \
+ demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.py \
demo_step_by_step.py \
demo_stokes_3D_tank.py \
demo_stokes_3D_tank_draw.py \
Added: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.py
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.py (added)
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_Mindlin_Reissner_plate.py Wed May
13 17:40:54 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: UTF8 -*-
+# Python GetFEM++ interface
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2015 FABRE Mathieu, SECK Mamadou, DALLERIT Valentin,
+# Yves Renard.
+# This file is a part of GetFEM++
+# GetFEM++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+""" Simple supported Mindlin-Reissner plate demonstration.
+ This program is used to check that python-getfem is working. This is
+ also a good example of use of GetFEM++.
+import numpy as np
+import getfem as gf
+import os
+## Parameters
+Emodulus = 1 # Young Modulus
+nu = 0.5 # Poisson Coefficient
+epsilon = 0.001 # Plate thickness
+kappa = 5/6 # Shear correction factor
+f = -5*pow(epsilon,3.) # Prescribed force on the top of the plate
+variant = 0 # 0 : not reduced, 1 : with reduced integration,
+ # 2 : MITC reduction
+quadrangles = True # Locking free only on quadrangle for the moment
+K = 1 # Degree of the finite element method
+dirichlet_version = 1 # 0 = simplification, 1 = with multipliers,
+ # 2 = penalization
+r = 1E8 # Penalization parameter.
+NX = 80 # Number of element per direction
+if (quadrangles):
+ m = gf.Mesh('cartesian', np.arange(0., 1., 1./NX),np.arange(0., 1., 1./NX))
+ m = gf.Mesh('import','structured',
+ 'GT="GT_PK(2,1)";SIZES=[1,1];NOISED=0;NSUBDIV=[%d,%d];'
+ % (NX, NX))
+## Create a mesh_fem for a 2D vector field
+mftheta = gf.MeshFem(m, 2)
+mfu = gf.MeshFem(m, 1);
+mim = gf.MeshIm(m, 6)
+mim_reduced = gf.MeshIm(m, 1)
+## Detect the border of the mesh and assign it the boundary number 1
+border = m.outer_faces()
+m.set_region(1, border)
+## Build the model
+md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu)
+md.add_fem_variable('theta', mftheta)
+md.add_initialized_data('E', Emodulus)
+md.add_initialized_data('nu', nu)
+md.add_initialized_data('epsilon', epsilon)
+md.add_initialized_data('kappa', kappa)
+md.add_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick(mim, mim_reduced, 'u', 'theta', 'E', 'nu',
'epsilon', 'kappa', variant)
+md.add_initialized_data('VolumicData', f)
+md.add_source_term_brick(mim, 'u', 'VolumicData');
+md.add_initialized_data('DirichletData', 0);
+if (dirichlet_version == 0):
+ md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification('u', 1, 'DirichletData');
+elif (dirichlet_version == 1):
+ md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfu, 1,
+elif (dirichlet_version == 2):
+ md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization(mim, 'u', r, 1,
+print ('Number of Dof: %d' % md.nbdof())
+U = md.variable('u');
+mfu.export_to_vtk('Deflection.vtk', U)
+print ('You can view solutions with for instance:\nmayavi2 -d Deflection.vtk
-f WarpScalar -m Surface')
+## Parameters
+PK=3; k = 1.;
+## Mesh and MeshFems
+mfu.set_fem(Fem('FEM_PK(2,%d)' % (PK,)));
+mfd.set_fem(Fem('FEM_PK(2,%d)' % (PK,)));
+mim=MeshIm(m, Integ('IM_TRIANGLE(13)'));
+## Boundary selection
+P=m.pts(); # get list of mesh points coordinates
+Psqr=sum(P*P, 0);
+cobj=(Psqr < 1*1+1e-6);
+cout=(Psqr > 10*10-1e-2);
+pidobj=compress(cobj, range(0, m.nbpts()))
+pidout=compress(cout, range(0, m.nbpts()))
+## Interpolate the exact solution on mfd (assuming it is a Lagrange fem)
+wave_expr = ('cos(%f*y+.2)+complex(0.,1.)*sin(%f*y+.2)' % (k,k));
+## Model Bricks
+md = Model('complex')
+md.add_fem_variable('u', mfu)
+md.add_initialized_data('k', [k]);
+md.add_Helmholtz_brick(mim, 'u', 'k');
+md.add_initialized_data('Q', [complex(0.,1.)*k]);
+md.add_Fourier_Robin_brick(mim, 'u', 'Q', ROBIN_BOUNDARY);
+md.add_initialized_fem_data('DirichletData', mfd, Uinc);
+md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, 'u', mfu, DIRICHLET_BOUNDARY,
+ 'DirichletData');
+#md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_penalization(mim, 'u', 1e12,
+# 'DirichletData');
+## Solving the problem
+U = md.variable('u');
+if (not(make_check)):
+ sl=Slice(('none',), mfu, 8)
+ sl.export_to_vtk('wave.vtk', mfu, real(U), 'rWave',
+ mfu, imag(U), 'iWave')
+ print 'You can view the solution with (for instance):'
+ print 'mayavi2 -d wave.vtk -f WarpScalar -m Surface'
Modified: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_crack.py
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_crack.py (original)
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/python/demo_crack.py Wed May 13 17:40:54 2015
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
-Lambda = 1.25E10 # Lamé coefficient #
-Mu = 1.875E10 # Lamé coefficient #
+Lambda = 1.25E10 # Lame coefficient #
+Mu = 1.875E10 # Lame coefficient #
# Global Functions: ###############################
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- [Getfem-commits] r4992 - in /trunk/getfem/interface/tests: matlab/ python/,
Yves . Renard <=