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[Getfem-commits] r4768 - in /trunk/getfem: interface/tests/matlab/ src/
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Yves . Renard |
Subject: |
[Getfem-commits] r4768 - in /trunk/getfem: interface/tests/matlab/ src/ |
Date: |
Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:46:03 -0000 |
Author: renard
Date: Thu Oct 2 16:46:03 2014
New Revision: 4768
URL: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/getfem?rev=4768&view=rev
Adding the projection on the plastic addmissible stresses for a Von Mises
criterium in the generic assembly language
- copied, changed from r4766,
Copied: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/demo_plasticity.m (from r4766,
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/test_plasticity_new_brick.m
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/demo_plasticity.m Thu Oct 2
16:46:03 2014
@@ -102,7 +102,28 @@
set(md, 'add fem data', 'sigma', mf_sigma);
% Add plasticity brick on u
-set(md, 'add elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'VM', 'u', 'lambda', 'mu',
'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
+% set(md, 'add elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'VM', 'u', 'lambda', 'mu',
'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
+new_test = 0;
+if (new_test)
+ % Remain to define: Previous_u, sigma
+ H = mu(CVtop)/2;
+ set(md, 'add initialized data', 'H', [H]);
+ coeff_long = 'lambda*H / (..)';
+ B_inv = strcat('(2*mu/(2*mu+H))*Reshape(Id(N*N),N,N,N,N) +
+ B = '(1+H/(2*mu))*Reshape(Id(N*N),N,N,N,N) +
+ ApH = '(2*mu+H)*Reshape(Id(N*N),N,N,N,N) + (lambda)*(Id(N)@Id(N))';
+ Enp1 = '((Grad_u+Grad_u'')/2)';
+ En = '((Grad_Previous_u+Grad_Previous_u'')/2)';
+ assline = strcat('(', B_inv, '*(Von_Mises_projection(H*', Epn1, '+', ApH,
'*(',Enp1,'+',En,') + ', B, '*sigma) + H*', Enp1, ')):Grad_Test_u');
+ gf_model_set(md, 'add nonlinear generic assembly brick', mim, assline);
+ set(md, 'add elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'VM', 'u', 'lambda', 'mu',
'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
% Add homogeneous Dirichlet condition to u on the left hand side of the domain
set(md, 'add Dirichlet condition with multipliers', mim, 'u', mf_u, 1);
Removed: trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/test_plasticity_new_brick.m
--- trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/test_plasticity_new_brick.m
+++ trunk/getfem/interface/tests/matlab/test_plasticity_new_brick.m
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Amandine Cottaz, Yves Renard.
-% This file is a part of GETFEM++
-% Getfem++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-% under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-% by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-% (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
-% Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
-% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-% or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
-% License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
-% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-% Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-clear all
-gf_workspace('clear all');
-% We try to compute a plasticity problem with a Von Mises crierion
-% For convenience we consider an homogenous Dirichlet condition on the left
-% of the domain and an easy computed Neumann Condition on the right
-% Initialize used data
-L = 100;
-H = 20;
-f = [0 -330]';
-t = [0 0.9032 1 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.74 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 1 0.9032 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1
-% Create the mesh
-m = gfMesh('triangles grid', [0:2:L], [0:1:H]);
-% Plotting
-% gf_plot_mesh(m, 'vertices', 'on', 'convexes', 'on');
-% Define used MeshIm
-mim=gfMeshIm(m); set(mim, 'integ', gfInteg('IM_TRIANGLE(6)')); % Gauss
methods on triangles
-% Define used MeshFem
-% mf_u=gfMeshFem(m,2); set(mf_u, 'fem',gfFem('FEM_PK(2,2)'));
-mf_u=gfMeshFem(m,2); set(mf_u, 'fem',gfFem('FEM_PK(2,1)'));
-mf_data=gfMeshFem(m); set(mf_data, 'fem', gfFem('FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(2,0)'));
-% mf_sigma=gfMeshFem(m,4); set(mf_sigma,
-mf_sigma=gfMeshFem(m,4); set(mf_sigma,
-mf_err=gfMeshFem(m); set(mf_err, 'fem',gfFem('FEM_PK(2,0)'));
-mf_vm = gfMeshFem(m); set(mf_vm, 'fem', gfFem('FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(2,1)'));
-mf_pl = gfMeshFem(m); set(mf_pl, 'fem', gfFem('FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(2,1)'));
-% Find the border of the domain
-P=get(m, 'pts');
-pidleft=find(abs(P(1,:))<1e-6); % Retrieve index of points which x near to 0
-pidright=find(abs(P(1,:) - L)<1e-6); % Retrieve index of points which x near
to L
-fleft =get(m,'faces from pid',pidleft);
-fright=get(m,'faces from pid',pidright);
-% Decomposed the mesh into 2 regions with different values of Lamé coeff
-CV = get(m, 'cvid');
-CVbottom = find(CV <= 250); % Retrieve index of convex located at the bottom
-CVtop = find(CV > 250); % Retrieve index of convex located at the top
-% Definition of Lame coeff
-lambda(CVbottom) = 121150; % Stell
-lambda(CVtop) = 84605; % Iron
-%lambda = 121150;
-mu(CVbottom) = 80769; %Stell
-mu(CVtop) = 77839; % Iron
-%mu = 80769;
-von_mises_threshold(CVbottom) = 7000;
-von_mises_threshold(CVtop) = 8000;
-% Assign boundary numbers
-set(m,'boundary',1,fleft); % for Dirichlet condition
-set(m,'boundary',2,fright); % for Neumann condition
-% Create the model
-md = gfModel('real');
-% Declare that u is the unknown of the system on mf_u
-% 2 is the number of version of the data stored, for the time integration
-set(md, 'add fem variable', 'u', mf_u, 2);
-% Declare that lambda is a data of the system on mf_data
-set(md, 'add initialized fem data', 'lambda', mf_data, lambda);
-% Declare that mu is a data of the system on mf_data
-set(md, 'add initialized fem data', 'mu', mf_data, mu);
-% Declare that von_mises_threshold is a data of the system on mf_data
-set(md, 'add initialized fem data', 'von_mises_threshold', mf_data,
-% Declare that sigma is a data of the system on mf_sigma
-% 2 is the number of version of the data stored, for the time integration
-set(md, 'add fem data', 'sigma', mf_sigma);
-% Add plasticity brick on u
-set(md, 'add elastoplasticity brick', mim, 'VM', 'u', 'lambda', 'mu',
'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
-% Add homogeneous Dirichlet condition to u on the left hand side of the domain
-set(md, 'add Dirichlet condition with multipliers', mim, 'u', mf_u, 1);
-% Add a source term to the system
-set(md,'add initialized fem data', 'VolumicData', mf_data, get(mf_data,
-set(md, 'add source term brick', mim, 'u', 'VolumicData', 2);
-VM=zeros(1,get(mf_vm, 'nbdof'));
-nbstep = size(t,2);
-dd = get(mf_err, 'basic dof from cvid');
-for step=1:nbstep,
- if step > 1
- set(md, 'variable', 'VolumicData', get(mf_data,
- end
- % Solve the system
- get(md, 'solve','lsolver', 'superlu', 'lsearch', 'simplest', 'alpha min',
0.8, 'very noisy', 'max_iter', 100, 'max_res', 1e-6);
- % Retrieve the solution U
- U = get(md, 'variable', 'u', 0);
- % Compute new plasticity constraints used to compute
- % the Von Mises or Tresca stress
- get(md, 'elastoplasticity next iter', mim, 'u', 'VM', 'lambda', 'mu',
'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
- plast = get(md, 'compute plastic part', mim, mf_pl, 'u', 'VM', 'lambda',
'mu', 'von_mises_threshold', 'sigma');
- % Compute Von Mises or Tresca stress
- VM = get(md, 'compute elastoplasticity Von Mises or Tresca', 'sigma',
mf_vm, 'Von Mises');
- max(abs(VM));
- figure(2)
- subplot(2,1,1);
- gf_plot(mf_vm,VM, 'deformation',U,'deformation_mf',mf_u,'refine', 4,
'deformation_scale',1); % 'deformed_mesh', 'on')
- colorbar;
- caxis([0 10000]);
- n = t(step);
- title(['Von Mises criterion for t = ', num2str(n)]);
- %ERR=gf_compute(mf_u,U,'error estimate', mim);
- %E=ERR; E(dd)=ERR;
- subplot(2,1,2);
- %gf_plot(mf_err, E, 'mesh','on', 'refine', 1);
- %colorbar;
- %title('Error estimate');
- %figure(3)
- gf_plot(mf_pl,plast, 'deformation',U,'deformation_mf',mf_u,'refine', 4,
'deformation_scale',1); % 'deformed_mesh', 'on')
- colorbar;
- caxis([0 10000]);
- n = t(step);
- title(['Plastification for t = ', num2str(n)]);
- % pause();
Modified: trunk/getfem/src/getfem_plasticity.cc
--- trunk/getfem/src/getfem_plasticity.cc (original)
+++ trunk/getfem/src/getfem_plasticity.cc Thu Oct 2 16:46:03 2014
@@ -689,13 +689,13 @@
- // static void ga_init_scalar(bgeot::multi_index &mi) { mi.resize(0); }
- static void ga_init_vector(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type N)
- { mi.resize(1); mi[0] = N; }
+ static void ga_init_scalar(bgeot::multi_index &mi) { mi.resize(0); }
+ // static void ga_init_vector(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type N)
+ // { mi.resize(1); mi[0] = N; }
static void ga_init_matrix(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type M, size_type N)
{ mi.resize(2); mi[0] = M; mi[1] = N; }
static void ga_init_square_matrix(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type N)
- { mi.resize(2); mi[0] = mi[1] = N; }
+ { mi.resize(2); mi[0] = mi[1] = N; }
bool expm(const base_matrix &a_, base_matrix &aexp, scalar_type tol=1e-15) {
@@ -863,6 +863,98 @@
+ //=================================================================
+ // Von Mises projection
+ //=================================================================
+ struct Von_Mises_projection_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
+ bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
+ if (args.size() != 2 || args[0]->sizes().size() <= 2
+ || args[1]->size() != 1) return false;
+ size_type N = (args[0]->sizes().size() == 2) ? args[0]->sizes()[0] : 1;
+ if (args[0]->sizes().size() == 2 && args[0]->sizes()[1] != N) return
+ if (args[0]->sizes().size() != 2 && args[0]->size() != 1) return false;
+ if (N > 1) ga_init_square_matrix(sizes, N); else ga_init_scalar(sizes);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Value:
+ void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const {
+ size_type N = (args[0]->sizes().size() == 2) ? args[0]->sizes()[0] : 1;
+ base_matrix tau(N, N), tau_D(N, N);
+ gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), tau.as_vector());
+ scalar_type s = (*(args[1]))[0];
+ scalar_type tau_m = gmm::mat_trace(tau) / scalar_type(N);
+ gmm::copy(tau, tau_D);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) tau_D(i,i) -= tau_m;
+ scalar_type norm_tau_D = gmm::mat_euclidean_norm(tau_D);
+ if (norm_tau_D != scalar_type(0))
+ gmm::scale(tau_D, std::min(norm_tau_D, s) / norm_tau_D);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) tau_D(i,i) += tau_m;
+ gmm::copy(tau_D.as_vector(), result.as_vector());
+ }
+ // Derivative:
+ void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type nder,
+ base_tensor &result) const {
+ size_type N = (args[0]->sizes().size() == 2) ? args[0]->sizes()[0] : 1;
+ base_matrix tau(N, N), tau_D(N, N);
+ gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), tau.as_vector());
+ scalar_type s = (*(args[1]))[0];
+ scalar_type tau_m = gmm::mat_trace(tau) / scalar_type(N);
+ gmm::copy(tau, tau_D);
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) tau_D(i,i) -= tau_m;
+ scalar_type norm_tau_D = gmm::mat_euclidean_norm(tau_D);
+ if (norm_tau_D != scalar_type(0))
+ gmm::scale(tau_D, scalar_type(1)/norm_tau_D);
+ switch(nder) {
+ case 1:
+ if (norm_tau_D < s) {
+ gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j)
+ result(i,j,i,j) = scalar_type(1);
+ } else {
+ if (norm_tau_D != scalar_type(0)) {
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j)
+ for (size_type m = 0; m < N; ++m)
+ for (size_type n = 0; n < N; ++n)
+ result(i,j,m,n)
+ = s * (-tau_D(i,j) * tau_D(m,n)
+ + (i == m && j == n) ? scalar_type(1) :
+ - (i == j && m == n) ?
+ : scalar_type(0)) /
+ } else gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j)
+ result(i,i,j,j) += scalar_type(1)/scalar_type(N);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (norm_tau_D < s)
+ gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+ else
+ gmm::copy(tau_D.as_vector(), result.as_vector());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Second derivative : not implemented
+ void second_derivative(const arg_list &, size_type, size_type,
+ base_tensor &) const {
+ GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, second derivative not implemented");
+ }
+ };
static bool init_predef_operators(void) {
@@ -871,6 +963,8 @@
new matrix_exponential_operator());
+ PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Von_Mises_projection",
+ new Von_Mises_projection_operator());
return true;
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- [Getfem-commits] r4768 - in /trunk/getfem: interface/tests/matlab/ src/,
Yves . Renard <=