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[Getfem-commits] r4687 - in /trunk/getfem: interface/tests/matlab/ src/

From: Yves . Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] r4687 - in /trunk/getfem: interface/tests/matlab/ src/
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 15:57:08 -0000

Author: renard
Date: Wed Jun 18 17:57:08 2014
New Revision: 4687

two nitsche : work in progress


    Wed Jun 18 17:57:08 2014
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
 disp('Resolution of a contact problem in 2D or 3D with two elastics bodies');
 disp('with a fictitious domain method and Nitsche s method');
 clear all;
+draw_mesh = false;
 % gf_workspace('clear all');
 ref_sol = 0;% 0 Reference solution
@@ -31,13 +32,13 @@
 N = 2 ;% 2 ou 3 dimensions
 dirichlet_val = 0;
-  f_coeff=0.001;  
+  f_coeff=0.1;  
 if (ref_sol == 0)
     method = [-1];%théta
     gamma = [1/200]; %1/200
-    nxy = [20]; % 2D ->400 and 3D -> 30
+    nxy = [40]; % 2D ->400 and 3D -> 30
     ls_degree = 2;
-    penalty_parameter = 10E-5;
+    penalty_parameter = 10E-8;
     vertical_force = -0.1;
 if (ref_sol == 1)
@@ -76,6 +77,10 @@
     m=gf_mesh('regular simplices', -.5:(1/NX):.5, -.5:(1/NX):.5, 
+% gf_plot_mesh(m, 'convexes', 'on');
+% pause;
 ls1=gf_levelset(m, ls_degree);
 ls2=gf_levelset(m, ls_degree);
 mf_ls1=gfObject(gf_levelset_get(ls1, 'mf'));
@@ -126,8 +131,6 @@
 gf_levelset_set(ls2, 'values', ULS2); 
 set(mls1, 'add', ls1);
 set(mls1, 'adapt');
@@ -153,20 +156,22 @@
-if (N==2)
+if (draw_mesh)
+  figure(1);  
+  if (N==2)
     gf_plot_mesh(get(mls1,'cut mesh')); % ,'curved', 'on'
-   hold on; gf_plot_mesh(get(mls2,'cut mesh')); hold off;
-   hold on; gf_plot_mesh(m, 'regions', GAMMAD, 'convexes', 'on'); %plot de 
bord avec condition de type Dirichlet
-   title('boundary with Dirichlet condition in red');hold off;
- else
+    hold on; gf_plot_mesh(get(mls2,'cut mesh')); hold off;
+    hold on; gf_plot_mesh(m, 'regions', GAMMAD, 'convexes', 'on'); %plot de 
bord avec condition de type Dirichlet
+    title('boundary with Dirichlet condition in red');hold off;
+  else
-    gf_plot_mesh(get(mls1,'cut mesh')); % ,'curved', 'on'
+   gf_plot_mesh(get(mls1,'cut mesh')); % ,'curved', 'on'
     hold on; gf_plot_mesh(get(mls2,'cut mesh')); hold off;
    hold on; gf_plot_mesh(m, 'regions', GAMMAD, 'convexes', 'on'); %plot de 
bord avec condition de type Dirichlet
    title('boundary with Dirichlet condition in red');hold off;
     xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z');
-   title('Displasment solution'); 
+   title('Displacement solution'); 
+  end
@@ -235,8 +240,8 @@
 gf_model_set(md, 'add Dirichlet condition with simplification', 'u2', GAMMAD, 
 if (N==2)
-    cpoints = [0, 0,   0.1,0.1,  0.1, 0.1]; % constrained points for 2d
-    cunitv  = [1, 0,  0,1,   1, 0];   % corresponding constrained directions 
for 2d, mieux avec [0, 0.1]
+    cpoints = [0, 0,   0, 0.1]; % constrained points for 2d
+    cunitv  = [1, 0,  1, 0];   % corresponding constrained directions for 2d, 
mieux avec [0, 0.1]
     cpoints = [0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0,   0, 0, 0.1]; % constrained points for 3d
     cunitv  = [1, 0, 0,   0, 1, 0,   0, 1, 0];   % corresponding constrained 
directions for 3d, mieux avec [0, 0.1]
@@ -244,12 +249,16 @@
 gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'cpoints', cpoints);
 gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'cunitv', cunitv);
+gf_model_set(md, 'add pointwise constraints with multipliers', 'u1', 
'cpoints', 'cunitv');
 gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'penalty_param1', 
 indmass = gf_model_set(md, 'add mass brick', mim1, 'u1', 'penalty_param1');
 % gf_model_set(md, 'add initialized data', 'penalty_param2', 
 % indmass = gf_model_set(md, 'add mass brick', mim2, 'u2', 'penalty_param2');
-gf_model_set(md,'add Nitsche fictitious domain contact brick', mim_bound, 
'u1', 'u2', 'd1', 'd2', 'gamma0', theta, 'friction_coeff'); 
+gf_model_set(md,'add Nitsche fictitious domain contact brick twopass', 
mim_bound, 'u1', 'u2', 'd1', 'd2', 'gamma0', theta, 'friction_coeff'); 
@@ -257,7 +266,7 @@
 %gf_model_get(md, 'test tangent matrix term', 'u1', 'u2', 1e-6, niter, 10.0);
 %gf_model_get(md, 'test tangent matrix', 1e-6, niter, 10);
-%gf_model_get(md, 'test tangent matrix', 1e-6, 20, 10);
+% gf_model_get(md, 'test tangent matrix', 1e-6, 20, 10);
 niter= 100;%100 d'habitude
 gf_model_get(md, 'solve', 'max_res', 1E-9, 'max_iter', niter, 'noisy');

Modified: trunk/getfem/src/
--- trunk/getfem/src/    (original)
+++ trunk/getfem/src/    Wed Jun 18 
17:57:08 2014
@@ -3724,7 +3724,7 @@
       GMM_ASSERT1(GAMMA0.size() == 1, "Gamma0 should be a scalar parameter");
       scalar_type gamma0 = GAMMA0[0];
-      scalar_type f_coeff(0), alpha(0);
+      scalar_type f_coeff(0), alpha(1);
       const model_real_plain_vector *WWT1 = 0, *WWT2 = 0;
       model_real_plain_vector WT1(mf_u1.nb_basic_dof()), 
       if (dl.size() > 3) {
@@ -4283,7 +4283,7 @@
       GMM_ASSERT1(GAMMA0.size() == 1, "Gamma0 should be a scalar parameter");
       scalar_type gamma0 = GAMMA0[0];
-      scalar_type f_coeff(0),alpha(0);
+      scalar_type f_coeff(0), alpha(1);
       const model_real_plain_vector *WWT1 = 0, *WWT2 = 0;
       model_real_plain_vector WT1(mf_u1.nb_basic_dof()), 
       if (dl.size() > 3) {
@@ -4365,7 +4365,7 @@
+      //*******************************
       base_matrix G1, G2, GPr1(N,N), GPr2(N,N);
       base_vector coeff, Velem, wt1(N), wt2(N), tv1n, tv2n;
       base_matrix Melem, grad_d2(1, N), grad_d1(1, N), tv1, tv2;
@@ -4467,7 +4467,7 @@
           base_node y0 = x0, yref(N);
           gmm::add(gmm::scaled(gmm::mat_row(grad_d2, 0),
-                   -d2[0] / gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(gmm::mat_row(grad_d2, 0))),
+                               -d2[0] / 
gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(gmm::mat_row(grad_d2, 0))),
@@ -4480,27 +4480,31 @@
           bool found = false;
           size_type nbdof2(0);
+          cv2 = size_type(-1);
          for (; it != pbs.end(); ++it) {
-           cv2 = (*it)->id;
-            bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgty =  m.trans_of_convex(cv2);
-            nbdof2 = mf_u2.nb_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-            bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G2, m.points_of_convex(cv2));
+           size_type cv2l = (*it)->id;
+            base_node yrefl(N);
+            bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgty =  m.trans_of_convex(cv2l);
+            nbdof2 = mf_u2.nb_basic_dof_of_element(cv2l);
             bgeot::geotrans_inv_convex gic;
-            gic.init(m.points_of_convex(cv2), pgty);
-            gic.invert(y0, yref);
-            if (pgty->convex_ref()->is_in(yref) < 1E-10)
-              { found = true; break; }
+            gic.init(m.points_of_convex(cv2l), pgty);
+            gic.invert(y0, yrefl);
+            if (pgty->convex_ref()->is_in(yrefl) < 1E-10) {
+              found = true;
+              if (cv2 > cv2l) { cv2 = cv2l; yref = yrefl; }
+            }
           GMM_ASSERT1(found && (cv2 != size_type(-1)),
                       "Projection not found ...");
-        //  cout << "Found element : " << cv2 << " yref = " << yref << "y0 = " 
<< y0 << endl; // Attention cv2+1 pour matlab
+          // cout << "Found element : " << cv2 << " yref = " << yref << "y0 = 
" << y0 << endl; // Attention cv2+1 pour matlab
         // *****************Computation of n2***********************
           pf_d2 = mf_d2.fem_of_element(cv2);
+          nbdof2 = mf_u2.nb_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+          bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G2, m.points_of_convex(cv2));
          bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgty =  m.trans_of_convex(cv2);
          ctx_d2 = fem_interpolation_context(pgty, pf_d2, yref, G2, cv2);
           slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf_d2, D2, cv2, coeff);
@@ -4517,6 +4521,8 @@
           pfem pf_u2 = mf_u2.fem_of_element(cv2);
           fem_interpolation_context ctx_u2(pgt, pf_u2, yref, G2, cv2);
+          // cout << "cv12 = " << cv2 << endl;
  sizes_tGddu2[0] = sizes_tGddu2[1] = sizes_tGdu2[0]= nbdof2;
@@ -4538,10 +4544,15 @@
           // gmm::clear(tG1.as_vector()); gmm::clear(tGdu1.as_vector()); 
gmm::clear(tGddu1.as_vector()); // A supprimer
          md.compute_Neumann_terms(1, vl[1], mf_u2, U2, ctx_u2, n2, tG2);
+          // cout << "tG2 = " << tG2 << endl;
+          // cout << "u2 = " << u2 << endl;
+          // gmm::fill_random(tGddu2.as_vector());
           md.compute_Neumann_terms(2, vl[1], mf_u2, U2, ctx_u2, n2, tGdu2);
+          // gmm::clear(tGddu2.as_vector());
           md.compute_Neumann_terms(3, vl[1], mf_u2, U2, ctx_u2, n2, tGddu2);
+          // gmm::clear(tGddu2.as_vector());
-       >real_base_value(ctx_u1, tbv1);
+>real_base_value(ctx_u1, tbv1);
 >real_base_value(ctx_u2, tbv2);
@@ -4566,7 +4577,8 @@
               for(size_type i=0; i<N; ++i)
             zeta2[i] = tG2[i] +
               ( (gap - (alpha-1.)*(u2n+u1n))*np2[i]
-                + alpha*(wt2[i]-wt1[i]) + alpha*u2[i] - alpha*u1[i]) / gamma;  
+                + alpha*(wt2[i]-wt1[i]) + alpha*u2[i] - alpha*u1[i]) / gamma;
+          // cout << "zeta2 = " << zeta2 << endl;
@@ -4578,7 +4590,11 @@
          // cout << "pt2 = " <<ctx_u2.xreal() << endl;
           coupled_projection(zeta2, np2, f_coeff, Pr2);
-         coupled_projection_grad(zeta2, np2, f_coeff, GPr2);     
+         coupled_projection_grad(zeta2, np2, f_coeff, GPr2);
+          // cout << "Pr2 = " << Pr2 << endl;
+          // cout << "GPr2 = " << GPr2 << endl;
           gmm::resize(tv1n, nbdof1); gmm::clear(tv1n);
           gmm::resize(tv2n, nbdof2); gmm::clear(tv2n);
          for (size_type k = 0; k < nbdof1; ++k)
@@ -4666,8 +4682,7 @@
             // cout << "Melem final 3" << Melem << endl;
             mat_elem_assembly(matl[2], Melem, mf_u2, cv2, mf_u1, cv);    
            // Matrice en u2,u2
             gmm::resize(Melem, nbdof2, nbdof2); gmm::clear(Melem);
             for (size_type j = 0; j < nbdof2; ++j)

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