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[Gene-bugs] New System Message

From: Alfred Boone
Subject: [Gene-bugs] New System Message
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:48:55 -0300

I`crease Your S''exual Desire and S''perm volume by 500%
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Experience three times longer o''rgasms
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Geoffrey had been sitting by Ian, who was remembering in a broken, scarcely 
coherent way how he and Ian had rescued Misery from the palace dungeons of the 
mad French viscount Leroux, how they had escaped in a wagonload of hay, and how 
Misery distracted one of the viscounts guards at a critics moment by slipping 
one gorgeously unclad leg out of the hay and waving it delicately.
If it means bringing Misery back for an encore, you'll do it.
He had half-expected another period of deep depression or rage to follow, but 
none had.

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