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Re: [Geiser-users] Error, default-load-handler

From: Chris Poole
Subject: Re: [Geiser-users] Error, default-load-handler
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 16:05:27 +0000

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <address@hidden> wrote:
> From the error message, it looks like you did a plain 'make' (not 'make
> install').  If that's the case, you shouldn't be requiring geiser, but
> loading it via:
>  (load "~/lisp/geiser/build/elisp/geiser-load")
> (see
> Could that be the problem?

Yes, that was the problem. I quickly read the installation instructions and went
for the (require) statement, as that tends to be what I usually type.

In geiser-load.el, I notice that a variable is set:

    (setq geiser-scheme-dir "/Users/Chris/Documents/Inbox/geiser-0.1.2/scheme")

I'm not storing the geiser stuff there; is it ok to set this variable after the
(load "geiser-load") statement, or should I change it in geiser-load.el?


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