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Re: [gdsl-general] Re: spec file for gdsl

From: Nicolas Darnis
Subject: Re: [gdsl-general] Re: spec file for gdsl
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 18:11:41 +0100
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Le 21.02.2003 12:33, Torsten Luettgert a écrit :
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 10:58, Nicolas Darnis wrote:


But I don't have time now to learn how this file must be used. For what
usage is it for? To create a RPM package (it could be great)? Please tell me because I don't have time to learn this...

Yes, it's exactly for this - making RPM files. You can just add it to
the source tarball (doesn't really matter where inside - most people
just put it on the top level, i.e. gdsl-1.0/gdsl.spec), and then a

rpmbuild -ta gdsl-1.0.tar.bz2

will create gdsl-1.0-1.src.rpm, gdsl-1.0-1.i386.rpm and
gdsl-devel-1.0-1.i386.rpm (assuming you're running on i386 platform).

The gdsl RPM contains just the shared lib (and links to it), the
gdsl-devel has headers, manpages and static lib.

Super! I've puted your file into GDSL CVS source tree on savannah
and added your name to the THANKS file.


PS: please consider sending your mails about GDSL to the gdsl-general
mailing list. By this way everybody could learn more about it.

Will do, starting with this reply (that's why I left all that stuff in).

Thank you.


Nicolas Darnis                                 CVF
Tel: (+33) 556 019 834                         22-26 Quai de Bacalan
Fax: (+33) 556 019 840                         33300 Bordeaux
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