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[Gchemutils-main] The Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.3.0 have been released.

From: Jean Bréfort
Subject: [Gchemutils-main] The Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.3.0 have been released.
Date: 13 Jun 2004 14:24:47 +0200


This is the first release in the 0.3.x development series. It is not
stable and should not be used with stable applications. It can be
installed along with a 0.2.x version with only minor interferences.

New features are:
- The libraries have been merged into one.
- A new Document class.
- The Object class has been enriched with a hierarchical rules api (for
example a molecule must contain at leat one atom and an atom cannot
contain a molecule).
- Several bugs fixed.
- Default colors for some elements have changed to be compatible with a
new coloring scheme common to several open source projects.

Best regards,


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