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Re: [Gap-dev-discuss] Cynthiune: open files

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: [Gap-dev-discuss] Cynthiune: open files
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 19:07:36 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.0.4

On Sunday, January 27, 2013 00:39 CET, Riccardo Mottola <address@hidden> wrote: 
> Hi developers,
> Sebastian noticed and I was able to reproduce that on Mac too, that 
> Cynthiune opens just too many file descriptors, until it exhausts them: 
> apparently one for each file added.
> This is a showstopper for the upcoming release (Nad I remember noticing 
> that back then, but just on OpenBSD while it is a general problem).
> Suggestions welcome, I hope I'll be able to look at it tomorrow or soon 
> enough.

I found one leaked filedescriptor in Bundles/VorbisTags/VorbisTags.m, which 
I just fixed, but that did not helped with the main issue :(

What I noticed is that:
When you add a song, and Cynthiune is playing, then only one FD is leaked,
when it is not playing, then two two seem to be leaked.

I found when I comment out the line:
[self _updatePlayerSong: notifiedFirstSong];

in PlaylistController.m
- (void) _oPanelDidEnd: (NSOpenPanel *) oPanel
            returnCode: (int) result
           contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo

then its always only one leak left. So far, I haven't seen any problem 
with that, but may have overlooked something.
Maybe this helps someone to get onto the right track.


> Riccardo

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