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Re: [FSF] 2022 December FSS for [es] translation

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [FSF] 2022 December FSS for [es] translation
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 12:23:09 +0100

El 21/12/22 a las 0:33, Alirio escribió:
Hi Devin, thanks for the comments.


the URL finding is super interesting, I guess one of the people, who helped with the translation, translated the URL too, thinking that there is a Spanish counterpart. Another theory is that somebody used a automatic translator (😮)

The good thing is that the Base URL is the same, indicating that it was done without any objective to harm or redirect to another webpage. It was just basically a mistake.

I usually do not check for those types of changes (URLs, Links, etc) within the translation document (however I will start doing that from now on)


* Is it really tí, not ti?

It is "ti" without the accent mark.


* Also, should it be último?

yes, it is "último" with the accent mark.

* clic instead of click?

it is click

Nope, in spanish is "clic"


* aquí instead of aqui?

yes, is "aquí" with the accent mark.

I will pay more attention to those kind of mistakes!!  they are really difficult to check in a long text.



I would add:

> 230,658 activistas

The , should be replaced by . So, should be 230.658

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