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[ft] porting: Where should i start debugging

From: duhuanpeng
Subject: [ft] porting: Where should i start debugging
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2018 14:48:20 +0800

Dear all,

I am porting freetype to a "bare or rtos" system. 
This system supports fat file system and has "malloc" family routines.

Here is build log for this target:

Here is build log on my pc, Ubuntu GNU/Linux:

Here is my test program:

My Makefile on PC:

dump1: dump1.c
        gcc $<  -D__PC__ -L/home/du/source/freetype2/objs
-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lfreetype -lz
-I/home/du/source/freetype2/include -I/usr/include/freetype2 -lm -o $@

But I can't get the correct font. This is the output 
when I use *Gb16st.pcf* , Google driver:

face sizeds: 1
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(more and more....)
FT_Load_Char: error=6
FT_Load_Char: error=6
FT_Load_Char: error=6
FT_Load_Char: error=6
FT_Load_Char: error=6
FT_Load_Char: error=6

Where should I start debugging?

Du Huanpeng

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