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Re: [ft] subset fonts

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: Re: [ft] subset fonts
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 01:19:15 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080406)

FreeType has its own "object" to unify the access to
file I/O, memory mapped/copied font, font in a compressed
data. It is a structure including the function pointers
to read and close. Maybe you know that ANSI C defines
fundamental file I/O, but many systems have non-standard
faster file access (like mmap() of POSIX). For detail,
please check ftsystem.h and ftsystem.c.

BTW, stream in FT_FaceRec is not for public, please don't
access from the external client of FreeType2 library.


Marko Vranić wrote:
One more question.What stream in FT_FaceRec stands for?


Marko V

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 3:34 PM, suzuki toshiya

A source code which is most widely used would be the font
subsetting feature of Cairo.  Although there might be some
complains about its output, checking the source code of
Cairo would be useful to utilize existing softwares.
Please check cairo-truetype-subset.c, cairo-cff-subset.c
and cairo-type1-subset.c.

Either FoFi library included in poppler might be informative
to see how C program can convert TrueType font to Type42
resource, although it has no feature to subset.


Marko Vranić wrote:

I'm interested in subsetting fonts for PDF

Marko V

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 9:19 PM, suzuki toshiya

 FreeType is a font rendering library and not for font production.
The font subsetting method is quite varied for the purposes
(e.g. subsetting for PDF, for OOXML, for WOFF are quite different),
so please post the detail of what you want to do.

Marko Vranić wrote:

I'm new with Free Type, and I was wondering if  Free Type allows to
fonts - remove the information of the specified glyphs in order to
the font file size.If so, how can I do that.


Marko V


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