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Re: [ft] Optimizer problem? (FT2.3.7 + GCC4.2.3)

From: mpsuzuki
Subject: Re: [ft] Optimizer problem? (FT2.3.7 + GCC4.2.3)
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:25:16 +0900


On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:33:19 -0300
Ian Britten <address@hidden> wrote:
>  1) Mandriva 2008.1, 32-bit
>  2) Mandriva 2008.1, 64-bit

>When I run our unit tests on box #1, they crash, down inside

Interesting. I wish if I could reproduce the problem.
Do you think the problem can be reproduced on usual
i386 platforms? Or, the problem occurs in special case:
when i386 system is installed on amd64 platforms?
If usual i386 platform is sufficient, there might be
more bug reports...?

>On these boxes, I'm using the system-installed version of FT2.3.7,
>which is obviously built optimized.  If I build a debug version of
>FT, and relink my unit-test program against it, all problems go
>away - No crash, no Valgrind errors.

Oh, please don't compare the prebuilt binaries of pc-unix
distributions (Linux, FreeBSD, etc) with the vanilla binaries
built by yourself. Usually pc-unix distributors apply the
patches and use special configurations (not only the optimization,
often patented hinter is selected). In the case of Mandriva,
you can find their source package (src.rpm) from somewhere.
If you want to compare, I recommend you to build 2 vanilla
FreeType2 libaries by yourself - with-optimization-and-without-debug,
and with-debug-and-without-optimization. 

Anyway I'm interested in the bug you reported. When I had
a sparetime in August, I will try to reproduce.


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