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Re: [ft] FT_New_Memory_Face and .ttc

From: Michael Day
Subject: Re: [ft] FT_New_Memory_Face and .ttc
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 14:35:52 +1100 (EST)

> Adjusting the offsets might work if done on the TTF that is returned by
> GetFontData. This relies on three things, though:

I would be interested in testing this approach for loading TTC files that
are returned by GetFontData, and I think that it sounds like a reasonable
method that should cope with the (few) fonts that use TTC format.

>  - The first table starts immediately after the TTF table directories.
> This is necessary to determine the new offset, and thus the amount to
> change all the offsets.

What is the best way to test this?

>  - The TTF format isn't about to undergo lots of changes. I don't fancy
> re-hacking this problem over and over again.

This seems unlikely; handling the existing TTC fonts should do the job.

>  - The shared tables are placed at the end of the file, or at least
> after all the faces that use them. If they are not, then Windows will
> simply not be giving me enough information to create the face with
> freetype!

And how to test this? :)

Are the TrueType table functions in FreeType helpful for this, or does it
require more knowledge of the TrueType specification and some manual
grubbing around with byte offsets and table identifiers?

Best regards,


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