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Re: [Freetype] MACOS X

From: Leonard Rosenthol
Subject: Re: [Freetype] MACOS X
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 10:50:45 -0500

At 04:17 PM 11/10/2001 -0800, Wenlin Institute wrote:
However, my first attempt at building from the command line failed. I downloaded this:

        That's not good.

I'll check into it later today when I get back to my Mac (on the road with my PC right now).

ld: -undefined error must be used when -twolevel_namespace is in effect
/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
make: *** [/freetype/objs/] Error 1

        What version of Mac OS X?  10.x?  10.1?  Desktop or server?

Have you applied any 3rd party patches for libtool, such as those from Fink or Gnu-Darwin?

What went wrong? Should I just wait for 2.0.6?

        Or for me to at least check things out...

Assuming this won't be hard to fix, is there something that needs to be done to include the mac-resource-fork support? As far as I can tell, a pure unix library is being made; near the beginning, there is a report

Correct. The current command-line build does NOT include the Mac OS stuff - I need to do something about that, but not sure what just yet. I'll also look into how to address this...


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