Throughout this week I have integrated dlg with FreeType and I was able to achieve the following goals:
1. Use dlg APIs to handle FreeType logs
2. Added functions to set/reset the trace levels of components of FreeType.
3. Added Callback functions to set/unset the external function to handle FreeType logs.
Changes could be seen in my branch named: priyesh_LogLibrary
Therefore, after the above additions, a user should be able to:
1. See trace/error logs in a file named freetype2.log after enabling a macro FT_LOGGING at configure time.
2. Set desired trace levels and reset to default trace levels (passed via FT2_DEBUG env) at run-time.
3. Set a custom logging function to handle trace/error logs outside FreeType and reset it back to the default procedure.
The functionalities mentioned in point 2 and 3 could be achieved by using the functions provided in header file
freetype/ftlogging.h (User needs to #include this header file)
But, I am facing a problem with printing FT_COMPONENT and Time-Stamp along with log messages part...
The problem is that this extra information is printed every time there is a call to dlg's API to handle trace/error logs.
I have attached a log file related to this problem.
I am working on this but in the meantime, if I could get some suggestions it would be very helpful...
Please guide me.