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Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC'19] ftinspect update

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC'19] ftinspect update
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2019 19:12:03 +0200 (CEST)

> Quick intro:

Thanks!  You are making progress, which is good :-)

However, there is a lot of things that don't work right now.  Here's
my list of things that I encountered while playing with the new

* The biggest problem is that glyphs in the `ftview' mode aren't
  displayed with correct vertical positions.  This is serious bug and
  must be fixed ASAP – I think I reported this already six weeks

* I don't like that there are tabs called `Ftview' or `Ftdiff'; a new
  user has no idea what this is for.  Instead, if you select one of
  the `modes' with the radio buttons, the tabs on the left side should
  change according to the mode (having functional names that helps the
  user in navigation), and/or features that don't fit should be greyed

  Another issue is that selecting stuff from the tab suddenly changes
  the mode; for example, if I select `Grid View', then `Ftview->Render
  Mode->Stroked', the display no longer is in grid mode (but the radio
  button still shows it).  This must not happen.  As mentioned above,
  options that do not fit a mode must be disabled (or not displayed).

* If a dark desktop theme gets used, the background of the main window
  becomes dark, too.  This is quite bad, since the various gray shades
  are no longer displayed correctly.  Please ensure that always a
  white background gets used.

* `Segment Drawing' doesn't work correctly.  Segment lines appear for
  half a second, then they disappear again.  Additionally, it seems
  that if both horizontal and vertical auto-hinting is selected, even
  the short appearance can't be triggered.

  By the way, the segment lines are too thick now.  If the grid line
  has a thickness of 1px, I suggest that segment lines are 2px thick
  (i.e., ½px + 1px + ½px).

* The `All Glyphs' mode is mostly dysfunctional.  For example, the
  display doesn't get updated if I select auto-hinting.  Similarly,
  pressing the `+10' button (and friends) only adjusts a single, red
  outlined glyph that is always positioned in the center – what is
  this good for?

* Another issue with the `All Glyphs' mode: If I select a large size
  (say, 100px), I can't move the image around with my mouse.  Ditto
  for `Comparator' mode.

* If I select a large size in `All Glyphs' mode, then select `Grid
  View' the size gets respected.  However, selecting `All Glyphs' mode
  again, the size jumps back to a default size of 20px.

* All modes except `Grid View' mode lag a lot if I change parameters,
  or if I move the panel with the mouse – this indicates a problem
  with the implementation.  Please fix that.  It must work as swift as
  the `Grid View' mode.

* Please display number values on the Gamma scale (i.e., using a
  different widget for the scale).

* The Gamma scale behaves strangely: selecting values at the very
  left, the image be brighter again!  This can't be correct.

* Gamma values should work in all modes, not only `Grid View'.


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