> I've downloaded the working Lohit Devanagari font from
https://releases.pagure.org/lohit/lohit-devanagari-ttf-2.95.4.tar.gz ;
> it has
> <modified value="Wed Apr 26 10:34:57 2017"/>
> in the `head' table.
Okay, mine says 14 Feb 2018. Then I went to fedora's build farm to see how/what exactly have they done to it... Apparently the ttf fedora shipped is built from sfd and fea with fontforge, then hinted with ttfautohint. So they like to build the ttf from source sfd/fea - that's fine - then run ttfautohint, which happens to be buggy .
I see the current version of ttfautohint is 1.8.2, and 1.8.1 is only 10 months old . 1.8.1 is what fedora ships and likely the one which built lohit-devanagari :-(