Although concrete examples in my hand are only 3: DFHSGothic-W5,
DFHSMincho-W3, DFHSMincho-W7, I guess all of
DFHS{Gothic,Mincho}-W{3,5,7,9} in same version would have once been
tricky. Should we add all of them into tricky font list?
Good question. Probably yes.
I think the checksums should be listed, but I'm questionable whether
the family names should be listed, because DynaLab's implementations
are not tricky since 1996.
Considering that DynaLab might have changed their policy around
1995-1996 for most products shipped by themselves, it could be an
option that search "DynaLab" plus "1992-1995" as the indicator of
tricky fonts.
Hmm, probably overkill IMHO.
Such vendor & time checking is too complicated to reduce the
step-by-step improvement of the tricky font name list?
Yes, I agree, it's probably not worth the effort. The number of
tricky fonts is very small; we can essentially catch all of them. In
case the list gets too large we might try to hash them.