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Re: [ft-devel] details

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] details
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 01:22:11 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080406)

The next comment might be something like "our target is not Android nor iOS"
or "our application does not eat PDF nor web documents".
I guess the background would not be by the characteristic of the system
running in the target devices, it would be by the culture of the engineers.


Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> On 04/14/12 06:48 AM, Vinnie wrote:
>>> From: Alan Coopersmith <address@hidden>
>>> A pretty convenient way to make your software full of security holes
>>> and other bugs if you don't spend the time to update it for every upstream
>>> patch, at which point you'll find that it's not all that convenient 
>>> compared to just using a shared library.
>> *sigh* people assume FreeType is only used for operating systems. How many 
>> times do I have to repeat the use-case for embedding both FreeType, and a 
>> font, within a desktop or smartphone application? For cases where the user 
>> cannot choose the font, there is no security hole.
> Do you know where most of the FreeType security issues in the past few years
> has been found?   By people trying to hack smartphones via downloads of
> malicious PDF's or opening webpages with bad webfonts.    Quite a few of the
> jailbreaks for Apple's iOS have resulted in FreeType security patches coming
> out - you can see credits to both Apple & Google for providing fixes in the
> various advisories.
> Of course, those smartphone OS'es are providing system font rendering using
> FreeType so you don't have to shove in another copy there.

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