outg = (FT_OutlineGlyph)glyph;
size = outg->outline.n_points *
( sizeof ( FT_Vector ) + sizeof ( FT_Byte ) ) +
outg->outline.n_contours * sizeof ( FT_Short ) +
sizeof ( *outg );
The code above seems to believe there are n_points FT_Vectors allocated. However,
.../base/ftoutln.c: FT_Outline_New_Internal()
if ( FT_NEW_ARRAY( anoutline->points, numPoints * 2L ) ||
FT_NEW_ARRAY( anoutline->tags, numPoints ) ||
FT_NEW_ARRAY( anoutline->contours, numContours ) )
goto Fail;
anoutline->n_points = (FT_UShort)numPoints;
This seems to be allocating 2*n_points FT_Vectors, so there's a difference between how much memory is actually being used and how much it believes is being used. Worse though, it looks to me like it's a case of overallocation instead of simply under-reporting, and ~half the outline's memory is unused? I'm not 100% sure about the latter as I see in some places outline->points[x] is being addressed with x >= outline->n_points, but perhaps this is just special-case four-"phantom"-point code in the TrueType loader.
-- Paul