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[ft-devel] Re: git problem solved

From: Johannes Schindelin
Subject: [ft-devel] Re: git problem solved
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 2009 12:43:30 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: Alpine 1.00 (DEB 882 2007-12-20)


On Sun, 8 Mar 2009, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

> I was able to solve the problem with modifying git commit messages.

This is great!

A few comments on the shell scripts:

- what is the TRASH_OFF variable for?

- you are probably on a Unix-like operating system without braindamaged 
  directory names that contain spaces.  Otherwise you have to quote the $1 
  in your cd commands.

- instead of `echo $filename | sed 's/^.* //'` it is probably nicer to 
  write ${filename##* }.  All shells (with the exception of the Solaris 
  default /bin/sh that is not even POSIX compatible) understand that 

- you do not need the env-filter, as you only define FILENAME there, and 
  only use that variable in the msg-filter.  So you can define (and not 
  even export it) in msg-filter.

- instead of cat ... | sed "/--- snip here ---/,\$d" it is slightly more 
  efficient to say sed '/--- snip here ---/q' < ...

Other than that, it really looks like contrib/ material for Git itself.

Great job,

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