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[ft-devel] rendering space character in 2.2.1

From: Yuliana . Zigangirova
Subject: [ft-devel] rendering space character in 2.2.1
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:00:30 +0200

I have updated to Freetype 2.2.1 and now I get
an error when I try to render space character
(charcode 32) with a method
            face->glyph,      //glyph slot
The error code is 6 (invalid argument).
I am using Freetypt to convert fonts to PCL bitmap fonts
and with the previous versions I could also get a bitmap
for space (of the correct size)
- together with all the necessary metrics
(bitmap_left, bitmap_top, bitmap.rows etc).
Could you tell me - whether it is an intentional
change?  I have no idea how do I have to proceed now
with the space...
Thank you very much in advance,

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