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Re: [Devel] Bug Report TypeCIDCFF

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Devel] Bug Report TypeCIDCFF
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2003 18:27:05 +0200 (CEST)

> I have a a bug report related to latest freetype2-current.tar.gz
> build 5/7/2003 (the same problem occurs for 2.1.4 release build).
> FT_Error error = FT_New_Memory_Face( gl_ft_lib,
>         font_buf,
>         font_buf_sz,
>         0,
>         (FT_Face*) &m_font_face );
> returns error code 0x55 while attempting to load the attached font
> (same is for FT_New_Face(..)).
> When font_buf_sz is extended beyond the actual size of the font
> buffer the face is sometimes loaded and sometimes not.
> The font is a subsetted Type1 CID / CFF font.

I've investigated this now.  The result of FreeType is correct!  The
subsetted font T1CFF.cid is buggy (or truncated): It has a CIDcount
value of 94 in its top dictionary while providing just a single glyph.
If you look at the data starting at offset 0x28 (the beginning of the
object data of the top DICT INDEX) you get

  byte    value

   28  => 392

   29  => 393

  139  =>   0

   30  => ros   => registry = 392
                   ordering = 393
                   supplement = 0

  233  =>  94

   34  =>          CIDcount = 94

[see 5176.CFF.pdf for details]


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