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Re: [Devel] Help me understand this... I'm loosing my sanity. Please.

From: Billy Biggs
Subject: Re: [Devel] Help me understand this... I'm loosing my sanity. Please.
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 12:28:35 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Vincent Caron (address@hidden):

> This is a Type1 font, so the TrueType byte code interpreter does not
> come in the way. It can be an hinting error in the font itself (is
> RedHat using an updated font file ? Here it is n021003l.pfb). It maybe
> an Xft configuration issue, RedHat can disable hinting for specific
> fonts at given sizes when it proves to improve rendering quality. Etc
> ...

  On my debian system the font exists as a pfb/afm in the
xfonts-scalable package, and as a ttf in the ttf-xfree86-nonfree
package.  I used the ftstring and ftview utilities from the
freetype2-demos package to reproduce the problem, as well as 'KWrite'.


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