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Re: [Devel] Fwd: Bug#179450: libfreetype6: Misaligned font spacing/sizin

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [Devel] Fwd: Bug#179450: libfreetype6: Misaligned font spacing/sizing
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 21:44:35 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210

Hi again,

Anthony Fok wrote:
Hello David,

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 12:24:23AM +0100, David Turner wrote:

Just fixed this in the CVS, please test before RC2 :-)

I just tested it.  Please see:

        - from

The code in the latest CVS has improved, but still not as good as before.
The "holes" in certain letters (u, n, o, u, d, etc.) are squashed
in the bold headings.  I wonder why...  Anyhow, the pictures correspond to
the following versions:

  freetype (2.1.3-10) unstable; urgency=low

    * FreeType 2.1.4rc1 with CVS update as of 2003-02-18.

   -- Anthony Fok <address@hidden>  Fri, 21 Feb 2003 02:59:12 +0800

  freetype (2.1.3-9) unstable; urgency=low

    * Backed out David Turner's modified bluescale implementation (2.1.3-8)
      and put back David Chester's original patch (2.1.3-7) until rendering
      with bytecode interpreter turned on is improved.  (See Bug#179450)

   -- Anthony Fok <address@hidden>  Mon,  3 Feb 2003 03:44:56 +0800

Fixed, this was a rounding error when computing the scale factors in
Set_Char_Sizes of src/truetype/ttdriver.c.


- David Turner
- The FreeType Project  (

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