From: "RSR - Dominioni Piero" <address@hidden>
Reply-To: address@hidden
To: <address@hidden>
Subject: [Devel] Freetype with microwindows/nano-X
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 15:38:41 +0100
Hi all.
We wonder if there is somebody that could help us to solve
this problem:
we are developing Linux software for a PowerPC MPC823
processor target on a i686 PC host; we use the X server on the
host and nano-X server from microwindows-0.89pre8 (sito)
on the target.
We successfully downloaded, installed and run the freetype-1.3.1
library on the host: we can see the texts written with truetype fonts.
It's not the same on the target: we always get
nxclient: bad readblock -1
nxclient 11: Corrupted packet
[1]+ Segmentation fault
Notice that we can run the nano-X server on the host too, from
command line, and the truetype fonts are correctly displayed.
We would really appreciate any kind of reply, even if it would
say: "You are on your own because nobody here ever experienced
microwindows or nano-X"...At least we would know to be alone!!!
Thank you very much.
Piero Dominioni
R.S.R. srl
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