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Re: [Devel] 2.0.4 in preparation

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [Devel] 2.0.4 in preparation
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:36:52 +0200

Hello Werner,

> Two remarks:
>   . Is it really necessary to have the `debian' subdir at top-level?
>     Wouldn't be `builds/debian' a better place?  At least I think so.
It seems that the Debian package build system needs a "debian"
directory at the top of the source tree. That's a shame, and I'd
like to know if there's a solution to this..
>   . What about renaming the `memtest' program to `ftchkmem' (a similar
>     suggestion is in the Debian rules) to have a consistent `ft'
>     prefix?
Yep, no problem, it seems this names conflicts on some installations
too.. change commited..


- David

>     Werner

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