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Re: [Devel] address@hidden: freetype.h]

From: Anthony Fok
Subject: Re: [Devel] address@hidden: freetype.h]
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 05:17:51 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 09:18:14AM -0500, Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> At 1:10 AM -0700 2/6/01, Anthony Fok wrote:
> >I have received a message from a fellow Debian developer about compiling
> >Abiword with FreeType 1.3.1.
>       AbiWord doesn't use FreeType - so I'm pretty confused 
> here...In fact, we were just having the discussion (AbiWord 
> developers) about finally adding FT support in order to do a better 
> job with using TTF fonts and printing.

No, AbiWord doesn't use FreeType, but I guess the gdwmf or libwv library
that Abiword uses does.  I have no idea what they are because I haven't
looked at the AbiWord source yet.  Here is what Debian developer
James Van Zandt said:

> I tried to configure and build AbiWord, which uses freetype.  Its
> configure script displays the message "configure: warning: Could not
> find gdwmf library or some of its components: libwv *will* build but
> will not have wmf to png support: see README".  It looks to me like
> the configuration problem is due to a bug in freetype.  Here's the
> relevant part of config.log:
> [etc.]

(His whole message was included in my earlier post.  :-)



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
address@hidden, address@hidden    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project --
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp --

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