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Re: Status report on FreeType 2

From: Stefan Seefeld
Subject: Re: Status report on FreeType 2
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 07:59:56 -0400

David Turner wrote:
> Hello,
>   As usual, I'm sorry for having been silent these last weeks, I've
>   been busy hacking many things related to FreeType 2, even if most
>   of them will not appear immediately in the CVS repository.
>   Anyway, here's a short status report. I maintain a release date
>   around the end of May, by the way.. :o)

Nice ! So there is a real chance that we can integrate FT2 support
into berlin *before* the 0.2 release we plan for June. I'll present
the berlin project at the LinuxTag in Stuttgart, which is at the end
of June so we will definitely release before that. Our font renderer
currently uses Unifont (a default fallback if nothing else is available)
so we are indeed very keen on getting FT2 hooked up with our DrawingKits.
(Graydon has managed to transform the unifont glyphs with libArt, look at
to see what that means :)

Regards,        Stefan
Stefan Seefeld
Departement de Physique
Universite de Montreal
email: address@hidden


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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