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[freetype2] GSoC-2020-anuj e883c6d 3/3: [bsdf] Added function to approxi

From: Anuj Verma
Subject: [freetype2] GSoC-2020-anuj e883c6d 3/3: [bsdf] Added function to approximate edge distances.
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 00:01:57 -0400 (EDT)

branch: GSoC-2020-anuj
commit e883c6dc5067a360dd0b7ed53f76f32317be8f13
Author: Anuj Verma <>
Commit: Anuj Verma <>

    [bsdf] Added function to approximate edge distances.
    * src/sdf/ftbsdf.c (compute_edge_distance): Added function to approximate 
      given only the array of alpha values representing pixel coverage. This 
function uses
      the Gustavson's algorithm for approximating.
    * src/sdf/ftbsdf.c (bsdf_approximate_edge): This function loops through the 
      bitmap and for edge pixel (found using `bsdf_is_edge') compute 
approximate edge
      distances (using `compute_edge_distance').
 src/sdf/ftbsdf.c | 245 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 245 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/sdf/ftbsdf.c b/src/sdf/ftbsdf.c
index 1a33331..ef932f6 100644
--- a/src/sdf/ftbsdf.c
+++ b/src/sdf/ftbsdf.c
@@ -234,5 +234,250 @@
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @Function:
+   *   compute_edge_distance
+   *
+   * @Description:
+   *   Approximate the outline and compute the distance from `current'
+   *   to the approximated outline.
+   *
+   * @Input:
+   *   current ::
+   *     Array of distances. This parameter is an array of Euclidean
+   *     distances. The `current' must point to the position for which
+   *     the distance is to be caculated. We treat this array as a 2D
+   *     array mapped to a 1D array.
+   *
+   *   x ::
+   *     The x coordinate of the `current' parameter in the array.
+   *
+   *   y ::
+   *     The y coordinate of the `current' parameter in the array.
+   *
+   *   w ::
+   *     The width of the distances array.
+   *
+   *   r ::
+   *     Number of rows in the distances array.
+   *
+   * @Return:
+   *   FT_16D16_Vec ::
+   *     A vector pointing to the approximate edge distance.
+   *
+   * @Note:
+   *   This is a computationally expensive function. Try to reduce the
+   *   number of calls to this function. Moreover this must only be used
+   *   for edge pixel positions.
+   *
+   */
+  static FT_16D16_Vec
+  compute_edge_distance( ED*     current,
+                         FT_Int  x,
+                         FT_Int  y,
+                         FT_Int  w,
+                         FT_Int  r )
+  {
+    /* This is the function which is based on the paper presented */
+    /* by Stefan Gustavson and Robin Strand which is used to app- */
+    /* roximate edge distance from anti-aliased bitmaps.          */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* The algorithm is as follows:                               */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* * In anti-aliased images, the pixel's alpha value is the   */
+    /*   coverage of the pixel by the outline. For example if the */
+    /*   alpha value is 0.5f then we can assume the the outline   */
+    /*   passes through the center of the pixel.                  */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* * So, we can use that alpha value to approximate the real  */
+    /*   distance of the pixel to edge pretty accurately. A real  */
+    /*   simple approximation is ( 0.5f - alpha ), assuming that  */
+    /*   the outline is parallel to the x or y axis. But in this  */
+    /*   algorithm we use a different approximation which is qui- */
+    /*   te accurate even for non axis aligned edges.             */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* * The only remaining piece of information that we cannot   */
+    /*   approximate directly from the alpha is the direction of  */
+    /*   the edge. This is where we use the Sobel's operator to   */
+    /*   compute the gradient of the pixel. The gradient give us  */
+    /*   a pretty good approximation of the edge direction.       */
+    /*   We use a 3x3 kernel filter to compute the gradient.      */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* * After the above two steps we have both the direction and */
+    /*   the distance to the edge which is used to generate the   */
+    /*   Signed Distance Field.                                   */
+    /*                                                            */
+    /* References:                                                */
+    /* * Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform:               */
+    /* */
+    /* * Sobel Operator:                                          */
+    /*             */
+    /*                                                            */
+    FT_16D16_Vec  g = { 0, 0 };
+    FT_16D16      dist, current_alpha;
+    FT_16D16      a1, temp;
+    FT_16D16      gx, gy;
+    FT_16D16      alphas[9];
+    /* Since our spread cannot be 0, this condition */
+    /* can never be true.                           */
+    if ( x <= 0 || x >= w - 1 ||
+         y <= 0 || y >= r - 1 )
+      return g;
+    /* initialize the alphas */
+    alphas[0] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[-w - 1].alpha;
+    alphas[1] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[  -w  ].alpha;
+    alphas[2] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[-w + 1].alpha;
+    alphas[3] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[  -1  ].alpha;
+    alphas[4] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[   0  ].alpha;
+    alphas[5] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[   1  ].alpha;
+    alphas[6] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[ w - 1].alpha;
+    alphas[7] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[   w  ].alpha;
+    alphas[8] = 256 * (FT_16D16)current[ w + 1].alpha;
+    current_alpha = alphas[4];
+    /* Compute the gradient using the Sobel operator. */
+    /* In this case we use the following 3x3 filters: */
+    /*                                                */
+    /* For x: |   -1     0   -1    |                  */
+    /*        | -root(2) 0 root(2) |                  */
+    /*        |    -1    0    1    |                  */
+    /*                                                */
+    /* For y: |   -1 -root(2) -1   |                  */
+    /*        |    0    0      0   |                  */
+    /*        |    1  root(2)  1   |                  */
+    /*                                                */
+    /* [Note]: 92681 is nothing but root(2) in 16.16  */
+    g.x = -alphas[0] -
+           FT_MulFix( alphas[3], 92681 ) -
+           alphas[6] +
+           alphas[2] +
+           FT_MulFix( alphas[5], 92681 ) +
+           alphas[8];
+    g.y = -alphas[0] -
+           FT_MulFix( alphas[1], 92681 ) -
+           alphas[2] +
+           alphas[6] +
+           FT_MulFix( alphas[7], 92681 ) +
+           alphas[8];
+    FT_Vector_NormLen( &g );
+    /* The gradient gives us the direction of the   */
+    /* edge for the current pixel. Once we have the */
+    /* approximate direction of the edge, we can    */
+    /* approximate the edge distance much better.   */
+    if ( g.x == 0 || g.y == 0 )
+      dist = ONE / 2 - alphas[4];
+    else
+    {
+      gx = g.x;
+      gy = g.y;
+      gx = FT_ABS( gx );
+      gy = FT_ABS( gy );
+      if ( gx < gy )
+      {
+        temp = gx;
+        gx = gy;
+        gy = temp;
+      }
+      a1 = FT_DivFix( gy, gx ) / 2;
+      if ( current_alpha < a1 )
+        dist = (( gx + gy ) / 2) -
+               square_root( 2 * FT_MulFix( gx, 
+               FT_MulFix( gy, current_alpha ) ) );
+      else if ( current_alpha < ( ONE - a1 ) )
+        dist = FT_MulFix( ONE / 2 - current_alpha, gx );
+      else
+        dist = -(( gx + gy ) / 2) +
+               square_root( 2 * FT_MulFix( gx,
+               FT_MulFix( gy, ONE - current_alpha ) ) );
+    }
+    g.x = FT_MulFix( g.x, dist );
+    g.y = FT_MulFix( g.y, dist );
+    return g;
+  }
+  /**************************************************************************
+   *
+   * @Function:
+   *   bsdf_approximate_edge
+   *
+   * @Description:
+   *   This is a handy function which loops through all the pixels, and
+   *   calls `compute_edge_distance' function only for edge pixels. This
+   *   maked the process a lot faster since `compute_edge_distance' uses
+   *   some functions such as `FT_Vector_NormLen' which are quite slow.
+   *
+   * @Input:
+   *   worker ::
+   *     Contains the distance map as well as all the relevant parameters
+   *     required by the function.
+   *
+   * @Return:
+   *   FT_Error ::
+   *     FreeType error, 0 means success.
+   *
+   * @Note:
+   *   The function dosen't have any actual output, it do computation on
+   *   the `distance_map' parameter of the `worker' and put the data in
+   *   that distance map itself.
+   *   
+   */
+  static FT_Error
+  bsdf_approximate_edge( BSDF_Worker*  worker )
+  {
+    FT_Error  error = FT_Err_Ok;
+    FT_Int    i, j;
+    FT_Int    index;
+    ED*       ed;
+    if ( !worker || !worker->distance_map )
+    {
+      error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Argument );
+      goto Exit;
+    }
+    ed = worker->distance_map;
+    for ( j = 0; j < worker->rows; j++ )
+    {
+      for ( i = 0; i < worker->width; i++ )
+      {
+        index = j * worker->width + i;
+        if ( bsdf_is_edge( worker->distance_map + index,
+             i, j, worker->width, worker->rows  ) )
+        {
+          /* for edge pixels approximate the edge distance */
+          ed[index].near = compute_edge_distance( ed + index, i, j,
+                             worker->width, worker->rows );
+          ed[index].dist = VECTOR_LENGTH_16D16( ed[index].near );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* for non edge pixels assign far away distances */
+          ed[index].dist   = 400 * ONE;
+          ed[index].near.x = 200 * ONE;
+          ed[index].near.y = 200 * ONE;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  Exit:
+    return error;
+  }
 /* END */

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